Courteous Canines

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Courteous Canines Courteous Canines offers dog training, dog walking, walk and train, enrichment visits, puppy preparation, and training classes.

I use only modern, science-based, ethical, and force-free training techniques. I service the south-east Perth metro area.

Best buds Hector and Loki had so much fun during yesterday's class. They got to play and explore together, and practiced...

Best buds Hector and Loki had so much fun during yesterday's class. They got to play and explore together, and practiced settling near each other and loose leash walking!

It's a Hoopers kinda day today! This morning's social class turned into a solo class for young Loki. He loved the Hooper...

It's a Hoopers kinda day today!

This morning's social class turned into a solo class for young Loki. He loved the Hoopers game, and it doubled as focus and off-leash reliability training!

Then Roxii was introduced to Hoopers in a cool, shady spot as part of her walk. She picked it up super fast, and was disappointed when we had to stop!

How cute are these two during last week's social walk group class!! 😍😍 Hector and Auggie were able to explore the enviro...

How cute are these two during last week's social walk group class!! 😍😍 Hector and Auggie were able to explore the environment separately and together, engage with their humans in some fun training activities, and enjoyed some lovely social interactions and play with each other!

Social walk group classes are now held Wednesday mornings in Noranda/Malaga. Reach out if you're interested in joining!

Roxii showed some impressive resilience today! A rude, entitled old lady with an off-leash poodle cross ruined our lovel...

Roxii showed some impressive resilience today! A rude, entitled old lady with an off-leash poodle cross ruined our lovely sniffy adventure. After they (finally) moved away, Rox was able to switch her focus to a treat scatter, had some reassurance pats, then was able to go back to wandering around and sniffing the environment!

PLEASE keep your dogs ON LEASH in ON LEASH areas. These places are usually safe havens for people and dogs with big feelings. Someone else's disrespect shouldn't ruin that. Leashes are also an important safety device for all dogs!

This dude needs to be celebrated today!! During his last two walk-and-train sessions we have gone to different parks, wh...

This dude needs to be celebrated today!! During his last two walk-and-train sessions we have gone to different parks, where he was able to sniff and explore the environment, engage with me, and take treats. He was able to disengage from lots of things he finds suuuuuper exciting, including birds, people running, bikes, construction workers, and (drum roll please) dogs!! 🤩🎉
Training is a journey, but it's important to celebrate the wins along the way!

How cute is Zeus while learning how to feel safe around other dogs 😍From the outside our training session might have see...

How cute is Zeus while learning how to feel safe around other dogs 😍

From the outside our training session might have seemed "boring" or "uneventful", but both ends of the leash learned so much about each other and the world!

We worked on Zeus's feelings around unknown dogs, helped him build new coping skills for when he feels uncomfortable, and grew his communication and trust with his person.

Zeus taught us humans lots about himself as well - the distance from another dog that he feels comfortable in, how he seeks comfort and care from his person, and his preferred activities for recovery and decompression.

Such a beautiful session, good boy Zeus, and well done Zeus's family! The compassion and support you all show each other is inspiring 💕

How cute is Cookie! 😍😍 He's the newest little dude to join my walk-and-train crew. We spent lots of time during our firs...

How cute is Cookie! 😍😍 He's the newest little dude to join my walk-and-train crew.

We spent lots of time during our first session learning about each other.

3 things I learned about Cookie:
• he loves sniffing, exploring and challenging his balance on obstacles.
• he finds sniffing for, or chasing and pouncing on treat more rewarding than just taking them from my hand.
• he's a fast learner and super smart (a smart Cookie, you might say).

3 things Cookie learned about me:
• new places are for sniffing, exploring and playing in together (amazing!)
• looking at the monkey in the red shirt (me) results in a click sound and treats (amazing!)
• when in the car, it rains treats (amazing!)

I look forward to helping him progress and build confidence so he can enjoy more of the world with his loving family. (I also look forward to lots of squishing his beautiful scruffy face.)


What IS a reward?

Positive reinforcement works by giving a reward when our dog does something desirable, and thus is more likely to do that behaviour again.

But what makes a reward a reward? It needs to be enjoyable to your dog in that moment, in that environment. This means anything our dog enjoys can be rewarding to them - treats, toys, play, pats, attention, greeting someone, chasing something, starting a game, sniffing, going outside, the list is endless! Although, we must keep in mind, different situations and environments will change the value of certain rewards. For example, a snuggle on the couch might be an enjoyable reward in the evening and the house is quiet, but might be the least enjoyable thing to do when out at the lake where there are ducks to chase, mud to roll in, and bugs to sniff!

The environment itself can provide plenty of rewards! We can use this to reward desirable behaviours like recall, loose leash walking, and engagement. But, the environment being highly rewarding can also work against us if we aren't careful - has your dog rewarded themselves for ignoring your recall and running away because they got to access the enjoyable thing they wanted?

This video is of beautiful Roxii, who looooooves splashing in puddles. I used sending her off to splash as a reward for some attention and engagement. She then chose to come back all on her own, so I gave her a treat, but then sent her back to splash as a jackpot reward! In this situation Roxii has gotten to do all the fun stuff she wants to, learned that access to it comes from checking with me first (an important safety need), and moving away from the puddle to come back to me doesn't mean I'm going to stop her from going back again! She finished her walk happy, enriched, and satisfied, and I finished my walk happy, enriched, and satisfied!

Training should be FUN for both you and your dog. We can achieve that through using training games and rewards (like the environment) that are specific to the individual dog's preferences.

Goofy boy Flexo loved his first walk and train!!

Goofy boy Flexo loved his first walk and train!!

Roxii says - a little rain and soggy shoes never hurt anyone, let's train!!

Roxii says - a little rain and soggy shoes never hurt anyone, let's train!!

What's that behind Henry? That's right, a fenced off-leash dog park!Henry absolutely smashed his session yesterday, and ...

What's that behind Henry?
That's right, a fenced off-leash dog park!

Henry absolutely smashed his session yesterday, and enjoyed watching other dogs, feeling calm, then finishing off with a decompression bush walk.

Learning disengagement skills and coping strategies have proved invaluable for Henry, and he is able to enjoy more places with his family now 🥰 Suuuuuper proud of this handsome boy and his dedicated human!

ANNOUNCEMENT!!There are lots of exciting things coming this year, and the first is...Social Walk group classes! These ar...


There are lots of exciting things coming this year, and the first is...

Social Walk group classes! These are group classes with a difference. They are perfect for young and adolescent dogs, and those working on feeling more comfortable in busier environments. The classes will be nature and exploration focused, with a casual and supportive environment for the human end of the leash. They will cover:

- sniffing, exploring, and using the environment to create an enriching and fulfilling outing with our dogs.
- appropriate social interactions built through trust, understanding, and respect for each other (if/when suited).
- building confidence and resilience in a variety of situations.
- training tips, games, and activities to strengthen skills like recall, loose leash walking, and manners.

Social Walk group classes will be run at a different park/reserve/bushland area every few sessions to increase accessibility for the humans, and interest for the dogs.
SOR - Cannington / Victoria Park / Willetton and surrounds - Tuesday 7.30am fortnightly (increasing to weekly when numbers allow)
NOR - Hillarys / Wanneroo and surrounds - Friday 7.30am fortnightly

Price - $30 per dog per session

Need extra support? Assisted Social Walks will be available - you will have a trainer with you the entire time who can help handle, offer support, and continue working through your behaviour training plan with you and your dog. These will be limited and come at an extra cost.

Starting first week of September.
Open to current clients of Courteous Canines and other approved trainers.

Interested? Send me a message or email for more information!

Roxii 😍😍 this girly always knows how to brighten my day, such a beautiful soul!

Roxii 😍😍 this girly always knows how to brighten my day, such a beautiful soul!

Why am I a dog trainer? The big, goofy beauty in this photo is why... I found him as a pup, wandering along a deserted c...

Why am I a dog trainer?

The big, goofy beauty in this photo is why...

I found him as a pup, wandering along a deserted country road when I was 18 and very lost (and almost out of fuel) on a road trip. With a bit of encouragement I got him in my car and we made it to a fuel station, then the nearest town. I tried, but couldn't find his original owners.

He was a scared puppy; worried by dogs, men, noises. I spent a lot of time building his confidence and helping him enjoy the world.

As he reached social maturity, his fears of the world became worse. I went on a very long training journey with him, but we eventually found our way with an amazing vet behaviourist and a couple inspiring trainers. I learned more about behaviour and training because I needed to, then it started to spark my interest, so I learned more, then it ignited a fire in me, and I dove into the world of dog training even more. I ended up changing career paths (I was studying to be a marine biologist before), found exceptional mentors, and soaked up all the knowledge I could.

My journey with Charles wasn't easy. There were lots of tears shed, countless doubts, and so much wondering if I was doing right by him.

It brings me so much joy that I can now be the one to help others who are in a similar position to myself previously.

Charles passed away a year ago. He had a brain tumour, his seizures became uncontrollable, and he could no longer manage in a world that his brain didn't understand. He passed only a couple weeks before I started my business. I know he'd be proud of me, and I do it for him!

Thank you for the lessons, Charles. Your legacy will go on to help so many other dogs like you.

How beautiful does Henry look while learning that other big dogs aren't so scary 😍

How beautiful does Henry look while learning that other big dogs aren't so scary 😍

Me: "you've been such a good boy, pose for a photo so I can post it to celebrate!" Corbin: "... like this?"             ...

Me: "you've been such a good boy, pose for a photo so I can post it to celebrate!"
Corbin: "... like this?"

Thank you Paws 'n Roll for giving me the opportunity to handle future assistance dog Bear in class yesterday. What a way...

Thank you Paws 'n Roll for giving me the opportunity to handle future assistance dog Bear in class yesterday. What a way to start the week!

Peace, tranquility, happiness... Disaster!With the beautiful summer weather starting to set in, there are a few importan...

Peace, tranquility, happiness... Disaster!

With the beautiful summer weather starting to set in, there are a few important training tips to remember before heading out to the beach with your best mate!

🐶 Not all dogs (or people) love the company of an exuberant dog! Just because your dog is friendly does not mean they should be left to invade others' space. Recall training is crucial, as is learning to sometimes ignore other dogs. If you and your dog are still in training for this, a harness and long line are a lovely way to give your dog freedom to move, but still be safe and under control.

🐟 Some beachy things (sea hares, rotten fish, etc) can be toxic to dogs. Practice your recall cue and swap/leave cues. It is a good idea to have some basic first aid items with you, and know where the nearest vet is in case of an emergency. Muzzle training can also add an extra layer of safety for dogs that are prone to picking things up, are still working on reliable swap/leave cues, or have medical issues.

🐬 Not all dogs can swim, or enjoy swimming. Always allow entry to water to be your dog's choice - avoid pushing, carrying, or pulling. Confidence comes from positive experiences and the opportunity to choose the type/intensity of an interaction. Social play (with you!) can be a really lovely way to build confidence in a new environment. Try going to the beach when it is quiet and focus on playing with your dog - the beach should be fun for your dog because you are there with them!

😁 And most importantly, have fun! Enjoy your life with your dog, and provide opportunities for your dog to enjoy life with you. For some dogs, this may mean plenty of trips to the beach over summer, and for others, this may mean exploring a bushland area with just you, or having an icy treat and a paddling pool at home. Every dog is an individual! If you are unsure what kinds of activities and outings allow your dog to flourish the most, reach out to your local force-free trainer to help tailor activity plans to you and your dogs' individual needs!

Oops, I've been quiet for a few weeks! I have been busy finishing the practical assessments for my Cert IV in Animal Beh...

Oops, I've been quiet for a few weeks! I have been busy finishing the practical assessments for my Cert IV in Animal Behaviour and Training and IMDT membership! Little Atlas has been the best training assistant 🥰

Beautiful Ziva had an amazing training session out at a park today. She thinks that people and dogs can be a bit scary, ...

Beautiful Ziva had an amazing training session out at a park today. She thinks that people and dogs can be a bit scary, but she is growing in confidence and didn't feel the need to bark once on our outing! Let's all tell Ziva what a good girl she is!

Do you love package delivery day as much as I do? After my excitement of opening boxes of exciting things, I replicated ...

Do you love package delivery day as much as I do?
After my excitement of opening boxes of exciting things, I replicated that feeling for my dog by putting treats in the boxes, closing them back up, and giving her the opportunity to rip open boxes of exciting things!

Happy International Dog Day!!How are you having fun with your dog today?Atlas has a few hours at daycare this morning, t...

Happy International Dog Day!!
How are you having fun with your dog today?
Atlas has a few hours at daycare this morning, then we will go have a blast together at Hooper's training class this evening!

This weekend we had fun making and testing out an easy, cheap, diy enrichment toy! Enrichment is all about improving our...

This weekend we had fun making and testing out an easy, cheap, diy enrichment toy!

Enrichment is all about improving our dogs' lives by providing them with outlets for their individual needs and wants.
Atlas loves shredding/ripping up/dissecting things! I think this behaviour is super interesting as it is linked to the canines ancestral feeding behaviours where they ripped apart or dissected their prey when eating (predatory motor pattern for the dog nerds out there). To give Atlas a safe outlet for this I made this toy, which is simply a pvc pipe with holes drilled into it that I can stuff with strips of fabric and treats. Atlas gets to safely engage in the ripping/dissecting behaviour, and sniff through the fabric to eat the treats hidden amongst it, thus meeting her needs! The activity also meets my needs as it is safe, less expensive than buying lots of stuffed toys, keeps her entertained for 20 minutes, and works her brain and body so she is happy to go to bed afterwards.

Another great cheap option for shredding activities is using cardboard boxes and toilet rolls to hide food in. This doesn't work for Atlas, as she swallows the cardboard (which isn't safe for her). It is all about creating activities that work for the individual dog!

What does your dog love to do?


Do you struggle with clipping your dog's nails?

Cooperative care involves training our dogs to not just tolerate handling and husbandry (like nail clipping, vet exams, grooming), but to be an active and willing participant.
This video shows Atlas's first introduction to a "scratch board". The scratch board will allow me, her carer, to maintain a healthy nail length (meeting the human needs!), and also allow Atlas to feel comfortable and happily engage in a scratch game (meeting her needs!)
The simple introduction of a scratch board will lower stress levels for Atlas and myself around nail care, and we have the added bonus of it being a positive bonding activity, rather than causing frustration and distrust between us!

Hi! My name is Nicole, I'm the face behind Courteous Canines! I have a compassionate and thoughtful approach to my train...

My name is Nicole, I'm the face behind Courteous Canines! I have a compassionate and thoughtful approach to my training and use only modern, science-based, ethical, and force-free training techniques.
I am currently studying Australia's first Certificate IV in Animal Behaviour and Training, I have completed several IMDT courses (and will be accredited with them in the near future), I am a certified Fear Free shelter worker, and I have a Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing.
To keep up to date when my services become available, please like/follow my page, or keep an eye on my website -
Thank you, and I look forward to all the doggy adventures we might share in the future!



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