Such a proud moment for me here.
Where once Zoe would have growled, lunged, and been really difficult to handle in the presence of another dog, showed us today that all the hard work that has been going on between sessions is really paying off.
She may still be a bit too interested in Missy, but she listened to mum, kept a loose lead, and walked on by. No hackles and no growling...onwards and upwards from here.
Well done Team 🥰
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We've been working towards working in proximity to other dogs. Starting with learning the language, general obedience, and good manners.
Today, Zoe was able to walk past my van with Missy and Milly inside without any reaction at all. Listening to mum all the way and getting lots of praise at the end.
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Missy is a sniffer. It's what she loves most about walks, but if I let her sniff for as long as she liked on a walk, it would take all day.
Communication is key, and here she shows that she understands my tone of voice to mean 'that's enough,move on'
It's simple and easy to learn both for you and your dog.
Would you like your dog to listen to you and follow your directions?
Send me a message or give me a call.
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Sometimes, things don't go according to plan, and the dogs show us that they are indeed individuals with minds of their own. That doesn't mean we throw our hands up in despair and stomp off, feeling dejected because they didn't listen. It means we revisit the situation and work on it until we all get it right.
In the first clip, everyone decided they identified as Lenny and barged through the door when I said his name.
The second clip is after we reset the exercise and everyone was on the same page.
Working together to achieve the end goal.
And if you're wondering what happened to the ridgeback, he didn't participate in the second time around
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Mabel shows us that she's quite capable of holding a drop, even when Missy is close by.
Sweet little Mabel is about 10 months old and full of spark.
She's taken well to training and is doing her Ma proud.
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Meet Mabel, she's 9 months old and learning,very quickly, how to listen under distraction. This is her most favourite toy ever, the one she chooses out of her toy box over everything else.
Onwards and upwards from here 💜
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