Last week was a special week indeed. I was fortunate enough to receive an award from Equine Veterinarians Australia -The EVA Award for Services to the Equine Industry. This award is given to someone who has made a major contribution to the Australian horse industry through leadership, enterprise and service to the betterment of horses, their owners and the community.
It was presented at the EVA Bain Fallon Memorial Lectures in the Hunter Valley, by Dr. Martin Dolinschek, President of EVA.
I felt very humbled and honoured to receive such a prestigious award (especially on my birthday!)
Thank you EVA executive and EVA members. The profession and EVA have given me the vehicle and opportunity to serve, support and have leadership roles within our fabulous profession and horse industry.
This year is my 35th year as an equine veterinarian - what a blast and rewarding journey it has been. I have had experiences that I will treasure forever. The things I have achieved could not have happened without the support of family, friends, clients and colleagues. Ethan Vale Taylor Vale Sandra Vale Onwards and upwards!!