From Jake: I was lucky to adopt Sasha from the lost dogs home 1st June 2020. I went through deep depression and anxiety during the first lockdown. Living alone, working from home and being over 50kms away from the nearest family member, I knew I needed some unconditional love to come my way.
After putting in countless applications for adoptions of a furry friend, I was offered to home Sasha for a few weeks. Just to give her some support and help. Sasha had been in and out of the home a few times and has separation anxiety.
We also found some other issues of a fear of other dogs from a distance and anxiety. I instantly connected with her, having adhd, anxiety and PTS myself, I could relate to her. On the second night at home, she was already taking over my bed.
There was no way I could give her up so I adopted Sasha. Since then we have been working on her anxiety issues. I have a trainer, dog behaviorist, trying all types of natural remedies, patience and training. We need to go out 2 - 3 times a day.
There was a set back when we were attending the local park, knowing it was Dog on leash and we could train without too much worry, however some residents brought their dogs off leash. This was rough as a new doggy daddy every time I see Sasha stressing and in fear my adhd kicks in and I defend her.
After an incident where I was assaulted by a dog owner who frequently let his dog off leash, even in the local streets, this set back Sasha’s training by weeks and a new fear has emerged.
I needed a new distraction for both of us.
Personally, I love dressing up and years as an entertainer, plus my affinity with Marvel and Disney, I wanted to turn things around and make us happy again.
So we started our dress up walks.
I have found a difference and new strength in Sasha. She still has a long way to go and continues to check under bushes, behind fences, in driveways looking for dogs. She will bark at dogs and even shapes that are similar (small children/prams/bags) from a distance and do the doggy lunge but up close she really just wants to play.
Her bark is extremely loud but then she is a Jack Russel x Dachshund. But it is just that, a bark. We do try and avoid where other dogs maybe and usually walk th other way if we see an on coming dog.
Over the next few weeks we are starting on anti anxiety medication and a more thorough training routine, so hopefully this will see a bigger change in Sasha.
For me personally, dressing up and seeing the locals smile, wave or laugh makes me feel amazing and is helping my own anxiety during these tough times.
I hope you can see that we only mean to share some happiness, even if Sasha has a bark (and me sometimes!) it is not meant as hurtful. We just want to share some smiles and a wave!
So enjoy our dress ups, videos, pictures, and if you see us, give us a wave - Jake & Sasha