K9Clarity Brisbane

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K9Clarity Brisbane K9Clarity is a professional and accredited dog trainer based in Brisbane, Queensland with over 10 ye

Make sure to do your research when choosing a breed of dog to bring into your family. You need to know what their person...

Make sure to do your research when choosing a breed of dog to bring into your family. You need to know what their personality traits are, what their daily stimulation needs are, whether they are good with kids or other animals depending on what you want to involve them in, and you need to know whether your personality will match what they need as well.

A lot of the clients I work with struggle to train their dog not just because their dog is naughty and stubborn but because they don't have the assertiveness and confidence required to get their point across to their dog. Dogs will always take advantage of a handler that seems insecure, soft and lacking confidence and they will try to take over the lead role in the relationship. So make sure your personality fits the breed you're choosing as well.



It's been a good long while since I last powered up the dog scooter (by attaching the canines and yelling mush) but I think it's time to bring it back, especially since Cookey is now on a no fetch policy.

This is an excellent way to get energy out of your dogs if like me you don't enjoy running. Of course there is a bit of training that goes into it but it isn't as difficult as you might think!


Remember! You always think your dog is worse than they actually are! I get a lot of clients in distress thinking they ha...

Remember! You always think your dog is worse than they actually are!

I get a lot of clients in distress thinking they have the worst dog, that they're untrainable and will never learn to listen no matter what. And a few others who have been through weeks or months of training with other trainers and made no progress.

Maybe you just haven't found the right trainer or the right training method. There are a million different ways to train the same thing to a dog of any age, you just have to find the right one for your specific dog and give them the patience and consistency they need to learn.



If you like to go the extra mile or just make life easier for yourself like me, there are a bunch of little commands you can teach your dog that are just for fun or convenience rather than any behavioural benefit.

Like this so I don't have to bend over to pick up the throwing toy (so long as the lid stays on the box) 😅 Cookey can also put it directly in my hand if I ask him to, something I taught him for when I'm standing up and don't want to bend down. I regret not teaching him how to take the groceries in 🙄


Was it bad timing on my end or was this boy being a cheeky bu**er and pulling faces? I love meeting all of these beautif...

Was it bad timing on my end or was this boy being a cheeky bu**er and pulling faces?

I love meeting all of these beautiful dogs from all around Brisbane and helping them be the best selves they can be. This young man still has a lot to learn and a lot of self control to master but I believe he is more than capable of getting there with time and consistency.


Unfortunately when we get cases like these, where one dog is aggressive to the other for whatever reason, both of the do...

Unfortunately when we get cases like these, where one dog is aggressive to the other for whatever reason, both of the dogs end up needing training for different reasons. The dog that is the aggressor obviously needs to learn not to lunge and bite the other dog and what to do instead when they feel the uneasy emotion that causes their reaction. But the other dog then needs to learn not to be afraid of the first dog when it does finally start to learn better alternatives. More often than not, it is reducing the fear in the second dog that is the harder thing to train.

These two beautiful Australian Shepherds now live together after their owners wanted a second dog but didn't realise that second dog came with resource guarding issues. Like good responsible dog owners should be, they are doing everything they can to stop the aggressive behaviour and reassure their other dog, instead of rehoming the new dog as an easy way out. This is the dedication you should have for any dog if you decide to get one.



One of the BEST ways to teach a dog off leash work is to find a secluded bush walking trail that allows dogs. The reasons are:
1. There's usually a distinct trail to follow with bush on either side so dogs learn how to follow the path you're on
2. You can usually see far ahead and behind for any other walkers/animals and take necessary precautions
3. There are bends and corners that you can use to hide from your dog/s which encourages them to keep an eye on you and not stray too far ahead
4. Most of the time, these trails are away from roads so there's lower risk of your dog/s running onto a road
5. It builds trust and strengthens the bond between you and your dog

Obviously knowing the tips and tricks to off leash work is imperative but once you have an off leash foundation going, bush trails are an amazing way to increase that off leash work.


Like most small breeds of dog, this little man showed a lot of initial anxiety and uncertainty when I first arrived for ...

Like most small breeds of dog, this little man showed a lot of initial anxiety and uncertainty when I first arrived for the first and second training sessions, but by the third he had warmed up to me and realised I wasn't a threat.

Because of the physical size of small dog breeds, everything around them is so much bigger to them than they are to us as their owners which makes them have a varying level of anxiety and insecurity. This means that you have the responsibility as their owner and protector to reassure them that they are safe and have nothing to fear.

They show this anxiety by sitting directly on or at your feet, running behind you when guests arrive or something spooks them, constantly needing pats or cuddles from you during stressful times, being reluctant to go out of your sight, etc. But it also means that training becomes easy as they are more willing to do as you ask and you can trust they won't run off while off leash.


Look at these two beautiful GSDs! Well as much as you can of the young girl 😂These two came to me at just under a year o...

Look at these two beautiful GSDs! Well as much as you can of the young girl 😂

These two came to me at just under a year old and a few months apart in age, needing reliable command training and eventual protection work for their owners' property. While big boy on the right will definitely be up for the challenge, little Lola might take a bit longer to develop that natural protective behaviour, and they both need to get past their stubborn natures!!

I'm looking forward to working with these two over the next few months though, I can tell already that they will do great things with the right hands on training!


Join me in welcoming this gorgeous 12 week old boy with the more than fitting name Sly. Typical of your Husky breed, he ...

Join me in welcoming this gorgeous 12 week old boy with the more than fitting name Sly. Typical of your Husky breed, he is currently very mouthy, nippy, jumpy, hyperactive, and super mischievous with his adorable puppy face.

We are booked in for some long term training to get this boy in tip top shape to become a certified therapy dog for his veteran owner. Here's to a bright future for Mr Sly.



All dogs have a natural prey drive, it's a built in instinct that you cannot get rid of. But teaching your dog how to control that instinct is what makes the difference between a good dog and bad.

Cookey has a MASSIVE prey drive for my birds, but not wild birds or chickens or even my Guinea Pigs which were the only pets that Dakota had prey drive for. Whenever the birds are flying around, Cookey locks on and it takes all of his self control not to lunge at them.

Being able to trust your dog in all situations is imperative to having a well rounded and obedient dog.


To my dismay, I realised that my boy Cookey started showing early signs of arthritis after his usual daily fetch sessions - sometimes quite badly to the point of being unable to walk comfortably and steadily. He's turning 8 in November and only showing signs of arthritis because he over exerts himself when chasing those balls and Frisbees.

So to his utter sadness, fetch has been banned until further notice and replaced with daily walks, off leash runs with no toys, and training of the basics he already knows for some mental stimulation. I've found this to be sufficient for his release of energy whilst not triggering any arthritis symptoms as he doesn't run as hard without a ball or Frisbee.

Fingers crossed that nothing further develops healthwise for him, he's always been my best boy. Dakota of course doesn't mind either way because she never really liked fetch in the first place 🤷


All breeds of dog are different, have different needs, and have the potential to display varying behaviours, desirable o...

All breeds of dog are different, have different needs, and have the potential to display varying behaviours, desirable or not. That's why it's so important that you do your research when choosing a breed to join the family and choose the right one suitable to your lifestyle.

This young lady here for example is a Staffordshire Bull Terrier and they are known for their endless energy and excitement, but also their inability to be mentally stimulated for long periods of time. Before this training session, this girl had a massive day out that mentally stimulated her constantly all day, so when it came time for the training session, she was absolutely pooped before we even started.

So learn your dogs abilities and limits, likes and dislikes, and do your best not to push them. Dogs need rest and moderation just like people do.


The number one cause for misbehaving dogs is a lack of respect for you as their owner due to a range of different things...

The number one cause for misbehaving dogs is a lack of respect for you as their owner due to a range of different things that you've probably been a bit slack on. Whether that be lack of routine and structure, lack of rules around the home, inability to meet your dogs' stimulation needs, lack of knowledge about training, etc.

Dogs only "misbehave" when they are not receiving their minimum daily requirements and it is their way of telling you that something is wrong and needs fixing. Listen to your dog and learn what they need from you. Once they see that you are actually committed to their wellbeing and understanding them, that trust will form and the respect will follow.


All dogs have little personality quirks here and there, that's what makes them a unique dog just like humans. However so...

All dogs have little personality quirks here and there, that's what makes them a unique dog just like humans. However sometimes those quirks might be telling you something that you need to figure out and determine a solution to, so don't just take it as a stubborn dog trait or a bad behaviour!

This gorgeous boy here for example likes to plant himself down during walks and refuse to move no matter what and it has resulted in his humans no longer wanting to walk him. A lot of dogs do this (mostly Staffy's) however it is an unusual thing for a Golden Retriever to do, so we've got a bit of work to do over the next few weeks to figure out what he's trying to tell us!


Sometimes you decide you want a dog for a particular reason and you go out searching for that - whether it be for a spec...

Sometimes you decide you want a dog for a particular reason and you go out searching for that - whether it be for a specific job you are needing fulfilled by a working breed, or you want a well rounded family and guard dog, or you just want a cuddle buddy who loves being pet and babied all day. But then sometimes the dog you get doesn't like doing what you want it to do, like this Cattle Dog who does not enjoy being pet or cuddled unless he initiates it - and then only for a short time.

It can be very difficult for some people to understand why they can't just pet their own dog or enjoy their own dogs' presence on their terms, but you must understand that these are free thinking beings that have minds of their own. Just because you want something, or you wanted a dog for a particular reason, they have a say in it too and you must respect that. It's unfortunate that you didn't get the lovey dovey cuddly dog that you were expecting, but this is what you have now and you need to learn to adjust to their likes and dislikes for the happiness of everyone involved. If your child doesn't like something, would you want to force them to do it anyway?


Food motivated dogs are such a blessing!! If you have one, you need to take advantage of it! It doesn't mean you will ne...

Food motivated dogs are such a blessing!!

If you have one, you need to take advantage of it! It doesn't mean you will need treats forever but once you get started with training, you will appreciate how easy it is to train a dog that loves food.

All dogs have a varying level of motivation for food, but I'm talking the world-doesn't-exist-anymore type of motivated dogs, like this beautiful girl who locked onto me like it was only me and her in the room. These are the ones that are extremely easy to train as long as you have the knowledge to do so!


Join me in welcoming this gorgeous little man to our 8 week K9Control Course! The first session was a smash and he took ...

Join me in welcoming this gorgeous little man to our 8 week K9Control Course!

The first session was a smash and he took to training really well, but both him and his owners are going to need to do a lot of homework to get him where he needs to be. Don't let that cute face fool you, his owners were about ready to give him up! Turns out he's not a bad dog, he just has a lot of energy that they need to know how to manage. And he's still young so I know he can get there!


Pork Bone Box Winner!!Congratulations to Suzie Simpkin and her very mischievous little Golden for the best funny photo a...

Pork Bone Box Winner!!

Congratulations to Suzie Simpkin and her very mischievous little Golden for the best funny photo and caption in our Pork Bone Box competition. A big thank you to all the lovely folks who entered their doggos in the competition and I'm sorry there could only be one winner this round.

Be sure to keep updated with our page as we will continue to post more competitions in the future! Suzie, box of bones heading your way!


We've updated our packages! We've also given our website a bit of a makeover to make it more legible and informative. We...

We've updated our packages! We've also given our website a bit of a makeover to make it more legible and informative.

We have implemented a new structure for training that each available package will follow so that we can ensure enough time is allocated to each skill, there's no rushing through topics, and everyone is aware of what will be covered in each session. Of course based on how well the dog/s and everyone involved is picking up the training each session, chopping and changing is possible as well as addressing any behavioural concerns in between topics.

The packages available now are:
K9Classic, K9Catalyst & K9Control
All of which follow the same structure but allow for varying levels of learning and development. You can read more about them at https://www.k9clarity.com.au/in-home-consults


Pork Bone Box Giveaway!!Here I was buying a big box of 40 all natural bones, thinking they would be a good long lasting ...

Pork Bone Box Giveaway!!

Here I was buying a big box of 40 all natural bones, thinking they would be a good long lasting activity to occupy my dogs while I'm at work, silly me forgetting how fussy my two are. They have absolutely no interest in them and only dogs that I've pet sit over the last month have eaten them for me.

So! There's roughly 30 bones left in this big box and I want to gift them away to one of my lovely followers! Hop onto my page, give a like and share, and then post in the comments a dog photo with the funniest caption you can think of and I will go through and pick the one I love most. I will send this big box of bones out to you at no charge for your doggo to enjoy!!


Look at this gorgeous girl! One of the beautiful young pups I have the privilege of training, and of course we can't mis...

Look at this gorgeous girl! One of the beautiful young pups I have the privilege of training, and of course we can't miss her well behaved older brother behind her.

Like most working dog breeds, she is full of energy, hyperactivity and a lack of self control which is why teaching her to respond to her leash is so important! Being so super smart, she's learnt that she will get a treat from her owner if she looks back after reacting to something which has taught her to quickly grab the treat and then continue to react, not specifically to stop reacting in the first place. This is why we have to ensure treats are used sparingly and correctly with the right training.


If there's one thing I've learnt from my many years of training is that the dogs always remember the training!Yes it is ...

If there's one thing I've learnt from my many years of training is that the dogs always remember the training!

Yes it is true that a lot of dog training is actually for the humans rather than the dogs. This little cutie for example remembered everything from our previous session but unfortunately her owner forgot most of it which resulted in no progress being made by either of them.

Training only works if your homework is done between sessions! If it is not consistently practiced every day, my training sessions are worthless to you and the dogs. So do your homework and make sure to reach those goals between sessions!


Our new Online Store has just opened!! Whether you're after some professionally approved doggy treats for your furbaby, ...

Our new Online Store has just opened!!

Whether you're after some professionally approved doggy treats for your furbaby, or you need some training tools as recommended during your sessions, we have them available online now!

More items will be added as popular demand grows so keep up to date with it all on our website at www.k9clarity.com.au/shop

Afterpay is also now available so there's no excuse not to get your pooch what they need!


There is no excuse for not giving your dog their daily stimulation!! Just like kids, dogs need things to do during the d...

There is no excuse for not giving your dog their daily stimulation!!

Just like kids, dogs need things to do during the day to keep them occupied, happy and healthy in all ways, physically and mentally. If you don't have the time to do these basic things for your dog, then you need to make the time or hire someone who will do it for you.

No dog can go all day with no playing, no exercise or no outside time and exposure. Different breeds have different levels of these needs but that's why it is so important that you choose the right dog for your household and lifestyle. If you find that your dog is too much for you, unfortunately that means you need to step up and make time or you got the wrong breed in the first place and need to do something about that. Even if your circumstances change, you still need to make the effort to give your dog what they need because you made that commitment to them when you first brought them home.


Other than small personality quirks like being uncomfortable around a lot of people or dogs, you should be able to take ...

Other than small personality quirks like being uncomfortable around a lot of people or dogs, you should be able to take your dog anywhere and do anything with them without fear of their behaviour or lack of focus on you. Dogs are there to be our companion animals capable of going everywhere with us no matter what and if that's not your goal for your dog, then what is?

Of course just like people, every dog has their likes and dislikes and we can't expect them to enjoy the same things we do or force them to like something that makes them uncomfortable, but those small personality traits should be the only things you have to worry about - not general things like which houses have dogs, how many people are out walking at this time, what cats might be roaming the street, are any trucks driving around at the moment, or even do I feel like being dragged down the road today?

Your dog should respect you enough to obey your commands no matter what and understand the rules for being outside the home so that you shouldn't have to worry about all of these things. One or two considerations should really be the max limit of stress from your dog, at home or otherwise.

My GSD for example, I can 100% take her into a crowd of people if I wanted to, but I know it makes her extremely uncomfortable and she stresses the whole time, so I personally don't want to put her through that. However, she will still obey me during that time despite her stress and anxiety, and that's the difference between trained and untrained.


All puppies (but especially large breeds or high energy breeds) are essentially a full time job for at least the first y...

All puppies (but especially large breeds or high energy breeds) are essentially a full time job for at least the first year of their lives. During this time, they need strict training and routine so that they grow into well behaved and mannered adult dogs, and know what behaviours are acceptable and unacceptable.

The biggest mistake most owners make is ceasing training when their dog has reached a certain level that they mistake as fully trained and then their dog starts to regress because the training stops. Just because your dog has reached a certain level with consistent training over a short period of time does not mean he is fully trained. Don't fall for this trap!

Puppies need to be trained consistently every day for at least their first 2 years, and quite strictly. Until then, if you stop training for even a week during this time, your dog will take advantage of your lack of consistency and will push boundaries and misbehave, making training take longer. So don't be afraid to be as strict as needed!


It must be Cavoodle Spoodle Doodle Season!!I've just had an influx of Poodle mixed puppies come through from all around ...

It must be Cavoodle Spoodle Doodle Season!!

I've just had an influx of Poodle mixed puppies come through from all around Brisbane for some in home training. While at this age, they should hopefully be free of behavioural issues but we want to make sure that they are raised appropriately to prevent misbehaviour arising. As mentioned once before, unfortunately Poodle mixes have a tendency to be aggressive or resource guard if not trained from a young age and can become a handful to manage in their older age.

So if you or anyone you know has recently gotten one of these beautiful babies, be sure to book in a few sessions so you can ensure everything is being done right by them. Grooming will be a huge part of their lives as well, so anyone who books in with What the Pup Grooming Studio in Augustine Heights will get a discounted rate on dog training with us too!


Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 18:00
Thursday 08:00 - 18:00
Friday 08:00 - 18:00




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