This page UNAPOLOGETICALY STANDS AGAINST noisey, scary fireworks during ANY celebration. Silly season is coming up starting with Diwali, Guy Fawkes, Christmas and New Year...and boy do we humans lose perspective and act silly!
The impacts on the animals (pet, companion or domestic animals like cows, sheep, chickens, ducks goats) birds, wildlife, insects, fish, the environment, humans with PTSD and child labour that produces the fireworks in less developed countries are catastrophic!
Any occasion, celebration or religious event that results in the suffering of others needs to be rethought and reconsidered. Culture, religion or custom is ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSE to harm others or our environment.
And NO! one cannot medicate every animal around as most of them live free amongst us!
Using noisey fireworks means:
1. You don't care about the animals, fish, birds or insects we share the earth with.
2. You don't care about the toxic impacts to the environment.
3. You don't care about the child, slave labour and other oppressed people in 3rd world countries that make these fireworks by hand for very little money.
4. You don't care about those among us that suffer from PTSD.
5. You value fun, entertainment, religion, custom or tradition far more than compassion, love, care, kindness and empathy for others and mother earth.
Use NOISE FREE fireworks or laser light shows as far as possible, if you must include it in your celebrations...at least the animals and other sentient beings won't suffer so much🙏
Be kind, be compassionate. Actions have consequences. Think before acting!
Edit - for anyone wanting to know whether I eat meat, I can confirm I'm vegan. This issue is not only about animals. It's also about exploitation of people in 3rd world countries and pollution of the environment.