Wonaka Borders

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Wonaka Borders Wonaka BC's is a small Dogs Australia registered kennel in SA.Focused on healthy BC's.DNA/H&E scored parents.

Helping at the BorderCollie Club of South Australia Inc. Pet Expo stand

Helping at the BorderCollie Club of South Australia Inc. Pet Expo stand

Brit showed great instinct in her first intro to sheep. 🙂

Brit showed great instinct in her first intro to sheep. 🙂

A lovely critique (not the best photo of her) from the Border Collie Club of SA Inc Championship Show, held May '24, was...

A lovely critique (not the best photo of her) from the Border Collie Club of SA Inc Championship Show, held May '24, was forwarded from the breed specialist New Zealand judge, Mrs. Sue Chaytor, on our Brit. Thank you.
Brit was awarded Opposite Intermediate in Show. ❀

A facebook memory today

A facebook memory today

Brit and I were helping man the BorderCollie Club of South Australia Inc. stand this weekend. Great breed and club promo...

Brit and I were helping man the BorderCollie Club of South Australia Inc. stand this weekend. Great breed and club promotion.
We met up with Kelly and The Wonderdogs and Dr Katrina at The Pet Show. Such a lovely pair and a great book to receive. 😘


Ever wondered why a puppy's behavior seems erratic during adolescence, which occurs between six months and 18 months of age?

The neurobiology of adolescence is fascinating, with some key events that alter both the structure and function of the brain.

During canine adolescence, s*x hormones are changing which effects the animals stress responses. Adolescent dogs have a decreased ability to modulate sensory processing and subsequent behavior.

The connectivity between the frontal cortex (responsible for decision making) and amygdala (responsible for emotional processing) decreases, resulting in less behavioral control.

So what does this mean? This could mean that your dog, who used to come when called, suddenly cannot. This could mean that your dog, who didn't jump up on guests, suddenly does. Your dog that walked nicely on leash is now pulling. Or perhaps it seems like some days your dog responds to behaviors you ask of them, and some days they don't, without any rhyme or reason.

We also see increased risk taking and more sensitivity to fear.

As your puppy undergoes this transition into adulthood their inner world is intense, even chaotic. Many pet owners experience an increase in undesirable behavior and find themselves becoming increasingly frustrated. In turn, frustration and impatience sometimes cause us to act unpredictably.

This adds to your puppy’s inner turmoil. When the inside and the outside are both unpredictable it can be difficult for puppies to adjust.

By understanding this we can gain greater compassion and understanding. When we approach adolescence with patience we can help create a world that is predictable and gentle so our puppies grow up to be their best selves.

'Wonaka Witches Britches' (Brit) was awarded Intermediate b  from a class of 8 and Opposite Intermediate in Show at the ...

'Wonaka Witches Britches' (Brit) was awarded Intermediate b from a class of 8 and Opposite Intermediate in Show at the Border Collie Club of SA specialist show, 4/5/24, under breed specialist Judge Mrs Sue Chaytor (New Zealand). đŸ„°

Photo credit to M & J Haseldine

Interesting read.

Interesting read.

There has long been debate about which dogs are healthier, pure breeds or mixed breeds, but science is shedding light on anecdotal evidence that has created much misinformation. Recently, a huge 15-year study at University of California-Davis was concluded. The researchers studied 27,254 dogs with inherited disorders to find some answers.

Unfortunately, many people misunderstand the term 'hybrid vigor'. They believe this means that mixing breeds creates healthier pets. But they are incorrect.

Hybrid vigor is created when you cross two different species. Take the mule for example. A cross of two different species, the horse and the donkey. However, designer/mixed breeds are not a cross of different species. In fact, when you cross two breeds, you can double up on health issues. This is especially likely when you have the same disease tendency in both breeds.

Anita Oberhauer PhD was on the UC-Davis research team. Here’s what she says about the labradoodle, for example 

“It’s a Lab and a Poodle crossed. A Labrador has the same likelihood of having epilepsy, hip dysplasia, Addison’s disease as a Poodle. So if the sire has the ‘disease liability genes’ for any of those conditions 
 and the mother has the liability genes for Addison’s, epilepsy, hip dysplasia, you breed them together and the offspring will have it.”

Study Results?
The theory that purebred dogs are more prone to disease doesn’t really hold up.

Of 24 disorders the researchers monitored, more than half (13) were about the same in purebred vs mixed breed dogs. Ten disorders were more prevalent in purebred dogs than in mixed breed dogs. Every disorder was seen in the mixed-breed population...every...single...one.

But in this study 
 only one disorder was more likely in mixed-breed dogs than purebred. That one disorder was cranial cruciate ligament rupture. And it was significantly higher 
 30%. The researchers didn’t really know why this might happen. It’s possible combining different physical conformations reduces the resilience of the ligaments.

Learn more here > https://bit.ly/AVMApurebreedsVSmixedbreeds

Brit, (Wonaka Witches Britches), resting on her teddy after being awarded a 14 point b  challenge this morning. đŸ„°

Brit, (Wonaka Witches Britches), resting on her teddy after being awarded a 14 point b challenge this morning. đŸ„°

Brit - "I refuse to look at you since you washed my eau de cow pat perfume off!"Poppy - "She made me go with her and rol...

Brit - "I refuse to look at you since you washed my eau de cow pat perfume off!"
Poppy - "She made me go with her and roll...I'm really sorry mum!"

Gawler showgrounds

Gawler showgrounds

Over quite a hot, breezy easter Brit, 'Wonaka Witches Britches', had her first shows since early December and we were bo...

Over quite a hot, breezy easter Brit, 'Wonaka Witches Britches', had her first shows since early December and we were both getting back into finding her ring stride, naked after just finishing a season, ending with 2 Intermediate in Groups and 4 reserve bitch challenges.

I 'forgot' about going in for intermediate in group runoff for the first show! I'd taken her back to the caravan and changed...đŸ«ŁđŸ™„

The ground was a little more even/level than the previous shows and the breeze was a saviour out in the sun, especially yesterday!



The decision to look for a new puppy to add to your home is such an exciting time. Unfortunately, it is sometimes the easiest part of the process, because as soon as you start to do some research you discover that there are recommendations sprouting up from everywhere and there are SO. MANY. WORDS.

All the advertising says the same things, but nothing seems consistent. So, why do we recommend avoiding Border Collies that are cross-bred with another breed? What does it really mean when we talk about 'purebred' dogs, they look like Border Collies? What's a pedigree, what actually are 'papers' and why are they important? And why is everyone always giving different information about 'registered breeders', it's confusing and how do we check that they're legit?

Find the information you seek: https://dogsaustralia.org.au/getting-a-dog and BCCSA.org.au/choosing-a-breeder

Do you shop at Drakes Supermarkets? You can now select the Border Collie Club as your Community Dollars Partner in the m...

Do you shop at Drakes Supermarkets? You can now select the Border Collie Club as your Community Dollars Partner in the myDrakes app on your phone, and every time you scan when you shop, we will receive 1c for every $2 you spend!

To download the app and get started, head to drakes.com.au/mydrakes-app

This morning, as I had a rare wednesday off, we made our way to Adelaide Plains Kennel & Obedience club for show trainin...

This morning, as I had a rare wednesday off, we made our way to Adelaide Plains Kennel & Obedience club for show training.
Patrick was a fabulous help with working on Brit not cutting inwards whilst running and her free stacking foot placement. She hasn't been showing but needs the stimulation.

The club is working on these new premises, with the future grassing of the uneven surface area next, and had a VIP thank you day with local dignatories.

Thank you to Janice from Shadows Farm Photography for these photos during class. đŸ„°

Bookings are moving quickly now for our Border Collie Car Rally Fun Day - the weather for Sunday is forecast to be a bea...

Bookings are moving quickly now for our Border Collie Car Rally Fun Day - the weather for Sunday is forecast to be a beautiful 29° in Adelaide, we have so much for you to see and do on the way and our secret destination is going to be absolutely PERFECT - plenty of space for the dogs, gorgeous scenery, play equipment for the kids and best of all - you'll be surrounded by Border Collies and the people who love them the most!

$10 per car for members and $20 for non-members (public welcome!) - if you haven't booked yet what are you waiting for? Start the car!


Join the Border Collie Club of South Australia on a mystery tour car rally fun day for the whole family! Meet us at our starting location to pick up your instructions, and then make your way through a series of checkpoints with fun activities or games until you reach the final destination for lunch....



Unlike humans who are more visual, dogs ‘see’ the world through their noses.

Sniffing can provide our dogs with important information about their environment. As well, it can be calming and lower stress levels, reduce cognitive decline, and promote overall well being.

A leisurely self paced sniffy walk can provide physical and mental exercise and stimulation for our dogs, and maybe for us too.

Whose walk is it anyway?



Our next Fun Day is coming up on Sunday 4th February - pack your family and dogs into the car and join us for our Border Collie Car Rally Fun Day! Starting at West Beach and working your way through a number of fun stops and activities before finishing at a mystery location for lunch and a get together, we look forward to welcoming everyone to another great day out with our dogs.

Open to the public, members receive discounted tickets and we encourage you to come along and get to know our committee and each other in the wider Border Collie community here in SA.

Tickets: trybooking.com/COGRQ




How to know if your dog is the right weight

One of the most heartening sights for me on this page is the number of followers who send us pictures of their active, healthy BCs who are all of an ideal weight. For being the right weight will not only preserve your dog’s active life for so much longer, it will also spare them so many more unpleasant health issues in older age.

It is also vital for working or competition dogs to maintain the right weight to minimise the risk of injury or excess strain on the heart and joints.

Obesity in dogs, in general, is now becoming as massive a problem as it is in people. Similarly it makes them more vulnerable to so many other illnesses or conditions, ranging from diabetes and arthritis to heart problems and a range of cancers. And seeing as we totally control everything a dog eats, it is also completely avoidable.

What your dog weighs, on the scales, is not always the best indication of how healthy or ‘right’ their weight is, as collies can come in so many different sizes and body builds. A far better guide can be seen in our illustration, where we look at these key things:

1. WAIST. Does your dog have an immediately obvious ‘waist’ when you look down on them from above? If so, this usually signifies a healthy weight. Similarly, when you run your hands LIGHTLY down their sides, you should EASILY feel their ribs underneath without pressing harder. If your dog looks ‘squarer’ from above, without a more obvious waist and you cannot easily feel their ribs for fat, or without having to press quite hard, the chances are they are pretty overweight. Your dog’s ribs, however, should not actually be sticking out, which could indicate they are UNDERWEIGHT instead.

2. THE ‘TUCK UP’. Dogs of an ideal weight should also have a pronounced ‘tuck up’ where their underbelly tapers up, at an angle, neatly into the groin area (again see illustration). If the underbelly sags down instead, or you cannot see this same slanted angle of ‘tuck up’ your dog is likely to be overweight (though do note some health conditions can also cause swelling of the belly in dogs – covered a bit later).

3. PELVIC BONES. If you put your hand on top of your dog’s ‘bottom’ or hip area, in dogs of ideal weight you should just feel the top of the pelvic bones under the skin. If you cannot easily feel them your dog may be overweight. If they are actually sticking out, your dog may be underweight.

In longer coated dogs you may need to rely more on ‘feel’ than sight to tell if they are the right weight, or look at them when wet. And if in any doubt you can also ask your vet for their opinion.

If your dog is overweight, the most important thing to do is accept it. It can be too easy instead to make excuses, or go into denial about it, rather than putting your dog’s health and best interests first, as opposed to your own need to not to have to change what you are doing, or feeding your dog, because this is more comfortable for you.

Weight usually creeps up steadily on dogs for the same reason it does on people – too many extra treats or snacks or portions of food that do not match your dog’s daily exercise levels. Some dogs are also more prone to weight gain than others. But the more overweight your dog gets, the more exercise becomes progressively harder work for them, and takes an ever greater toll on their heart and joints.

You should begin by cutting out all extra snacks, treats and food leftovers and then additionally cutting their daily food portions back by about a quarter to a third, so the reduction is less drastic. If you want to give them treats things like carrot sticks, or lower calorie treats made of fish skin, can be substituted. You want to aim for slow and steadier weight loss over time. Vets can also really help these days with weight loss plans and special diets if required.

People can be so used to seeing overweight dogs in society today – and thinking this ‘normal’ – that very often what they may think is an underweight dog is actually one of perfect weight. Again, if you are not sure check our illustration, or with your vet.

Collies who have been subjected to great trauma or stress – like rescue dogs – can lose weight very rapidly, as can dogs with more super-high metabolisms. Often when the stress element is removed from any dog’s life, their weight will return to normal. However some collies will always be harder to keep weight on than others, but it doesn’t necessarily mean they are not also healthy.

If your dog has suddenly gained or lost weight more rapidly, or over a shorter period of time, then a vet check up is strongly recommended. As conditions like Hypothyroidism or Cushing’s Disease can make dogs gain weight or give them a more ‘pot bellied’ appearance. Other conditions can lead to more dramatic weight loss, so it is always worth ruling these out first.

Generally, it is worth weighing your dog(s) more regularly, like every two or three months, to ensure they are maintaining a more stable, healthy weight. It will also give you a chance to act sooner, rather than later, if they need to lose or gain a bit more weight, or if their weight change is a first sign of something else not going right with their health.
All text © Carol Price 2023
Carol Price collie books: In the UK from: https://performancedog.co.uk/product-category/books-and-dvds/authors/carol-price/ In the USA from: https://www.dogwise.com/ # and https://www.cleanrun.com/product/border_collies_a_breed_apart_book_1_secrets_of_the_working_mind/index.cfm In Canada from https://www.4mymerles.com/product-category/books/ In Australia from: https://gameondogs.com.au/ And in the Netherlands and Belgium from: https://mediaboek.nl/border-collies-a-breed-apart-book-1.html


The more we educate, the better the outcomes

Dogs SA. Cromwell Rd, Kilburn.BorderCollie Club of SA. Until 7pm.

Dogs SA. Cromwell Rd, Kilburn.
BorderCollie Club of SA. Until 7pm.






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Wonaka Border Collies

Wonaka Border Collies is a small ANKC registered kennel situated north of Adelaide. Parents are hip and elbow scored and DNA tested prior to breeding a litter, with the aim of breeding happy, healthy, sound, socialised and loving puppies, capable of enjoying an agility, obedience, herding or pet home.