Rain & puddles can’t dampen these kids spirits!! Some of us swam instead of walking today but lots of smiles and plenty of puddle splashing on the walks today!
I had the pleasure of taking the goofy kids out today .. choreographed chaos and so much fun!!
Bailey is just so so cute, like butter wouldn’t melt, until she wants treats!!!!
Saturday puppy play school where the play, fun & cuddles never stop! Some of the kids must have been practicing gymnastic moves, Ruby is of Olympic standard already 🙂
Love the way the little ones retreat to our Irish wolfhound (Charlie) when they start to get a tad tired, take a breather and then get straight back to their work ... PLAY!!!!
Another fabulous day with all the fur babies today!! Over 8 walks done and a whole lot of fun along the way!
Only managed to get a bit of footage from a few of the walks, just too busy playing with them all!!!
PUPPY POWER!!! The rain today wasn’t enough to dampen Saturday Puppy Play School!! These kids are all besties, they just love to play, play & play!!
With all the jumping, tumbling, running, licking, chasing & cuddling we had some very satisfied, absolutely shattered furry children by the end of school
These fluff balls had me laughing all day, between Sadie & Bonnie looking like fluffy clouds, finding balls ... then loosing them just as quickly, Lisa driving while I’m in the back of the Jeep getting generously tongue washed by every pup, I must have appeared dirty to them .. not surprising with all the wet cuddles BUT sure my ears and face didn’t need all that special attention! Fritz trying to pull me into the boot with his bear sized paws for cuddles, Ria using a grass slope as a slide, our Charlie acting like a kid again playing with Arica, Jasper playing like a crazy kid!
Another wonderful day in the life of a exuberant dog walker :)
It was fluffy power today at our Saturday Puppy Play School!! We welcomed a new member to the pack Harley . Kip Mario and Ruby all had the best morning rumbling and chasing each other... cuteness overload once again ❤️
We had the Dream team at puppy play school this Saturday morning !! Cuteness overload going full speed with Mario Chubb Bailey Ruby and Kip with the chaperone Charlie and a guest appearance from
Riley ❤️
What a wonderful Thursday with all the fluffies, big & small!
Close to 40 happy pooches, ran, played and cuddled today!
We loved every min with these kids!!
Just a snapshot of a few of our adventures today
Saturday Puppy Play School was nonstop, running, playing, following, watching, jumping & lots of cuddling.
Bailey’s first puppy play school & she had a blast playing with all her new friends.
Non-stop learning and playing together :)
Today’s amazing fun in the sun! Such a beautiful day with the kiddies all having the best time. 4 walks on this sunny day, so much running, cuddles, licks, bird & ball chasing. I was caked in mud after getting so many muddy cuddles but was worth every min :)