Meet Tonka!
Tonka is our new ULTRA Groodle future stud boy from brisbane_bernedoodles_groodles
For those who know dog coat genetics, he is a bit of a special unicorn!
Tonka is around 48% Golden Retriever, the rest Poodle.
He carries phantom, has ZERO copies of curl in his coat DNA AND he is shaggy, DOUBLE FURNISHED.
This means that we can breed Groodles that have retained a much higher percentage of Golden Retriever in the genetics, but still retain the glorious shaggy, furnished NON Shedding coat.
At the moment we pair our F1 Groodle girls back to one of our Poodle boys
(which results in F1b Groodle puppies - 75% Poodle/25% Golden Retriever).
We still get beautiful non shedding puppies and puppies with wool coats, which is perfect for families with allergy’s.
But when we pair up our F1 Groodle girls with Tonka, they will have retained a higher percentage of Golden Retriever, as well as having a furnished, non shedding, shaggy coat.
I’m looking forward to watching him grow and develop!
We may consider a PERTH based guardian home for this handsome fella. 💙💙
Please send an email to [email protected] for more info on having one of our guardian boys.