Many thanks to Kathy for the lovely happily-ever-after on Terry. Terry was unlike other cats at PAA, and he needed a special person to care for him. He was lucky to find Kathy and her family. You wouldn't believe this was the same cat.
From Kathy: It’s our first year of Terry. He makes it look so easy but it’s been a big year for him. He hid for months and at first I thought he could be a little disabled as he couldn’t seem to balance on a windowsill or jump without losing balance but then I realised he’d just spent so much time crouched down hiding those muscles must have been quite weak.
He doesn’t hide anymore, he can jump onto counters and do very nimble Terry-turn on a windowsill and will even tolerate being carried for about 10 seconds! We’re working on that 😆 His favourite place is lying close to me and he never leaves my side like a little dog.
He’s slowly warming up to the rest of the family. He lets my girls pat him and he was brave enough to tolerate his first pat from my husband on Christmas Eve so he’s still adjusting to having a family but we love him. Thank you for keeping him safe for me. I would have loved for him to have found a family sooner but I do think maybe he was waiting for me.
Thanks again for everything you do for these warm little hearts. ❤
Thank you to Angela for the lovely happily-ever-after on Luna (who was Tanya). 😊
I just wanted to share an update on Tanya (now Luna). The cattery volunteers will know her as the quiet, timid girl who was always hiding in a cave bed or a corner and would give the occasional scratch when she got a fright, so when I adopted her last week I was fully prepared for a long and bumpy settling in period. But in just a week she has absolutely blossomed into a chatty, purry, affectionate, playful girl who loves to give head butts and roll over and make biscuits in the air.
For anyone thinking of adopting a new furbaby, don't overlook the shy ones - they often turn out to be the sweetest with just a bit of love and the comforts of a forever home.
Here is Tanya (Luna) enjoying her first Christmas in hers 🎄
*Sound On*
Are you looking for something special for someone for Christmas?❤
Check our these gorgeous crocheted cats and dogs by our wonderful supporter Simonie.
Come and check everything out at Peninsula Animal Aid Santa Paws Event this Saturday morning (16 Nov), or at PAA on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday or Saturday mornings. You will be glad you did. 🎅
🎅Date Claimer - Bookings Open Soon🎅
Peninsula Animal Aid's Santa Paws Photos are on again soon. Santa is coming to PAA on Saturday 16 November 2024 between 8am and 1pm.
Have your photograph taken with your pets and family in Santa's studio. 🎅
Online Bookings open soon. Watch this page for updates. 😀
We are in need of volunteer van drivers to drive our lovely cats and dogs to vet clinics in PAA's van. Shifts are approx 4 hours long commencing at 7.00am. We are happy to discuss days with interested applicants.
Applicants must have good communication skills, hold a Queensland Drivers Licence 0 class/P2 with a clean driving record and, for insurance purposes, be a minimum age of 25 years. You may be involved in other duties once back at PAA.
If you are interested and think you may be able to help us, please dm this page or email [email protected] 🙂
Good morning 🌞
We are all set up at Pooches in the Park Kallangur. Come down and say hello! We have dog jumpers, treats and toys on sale with all proceeds going to help us continue caring for homeless dogs and cats 🐕🐱
We are in need of volunteer van drivers to drive our lovely cats and dogs to vet clinics in PAA's van. Shifts are approx 4 hours long commencing at 7.00am. We are happy to discuss days with interested applicants.
Applicants must have good communication skills, hold a Queensland Drivers Licence 0 class/P2 with a clean driving record and, for insurance purposes, be a minimum age of 25 years. You may be involved in other duties once back at PAA.
If you are interested and think you may be able to help us, please dm this page or email [email protected] 🙂
There are only a few days left to the end of the financial year! Could you please assist us by donating to PAA. ❤ All tax donations over $2 are tax deductible
These funds will have a significant effect on our beautiful animals – helping them to have a healthy and happy life while they are with their PAA family.
PAA relies entirely on the support of the generous people in our community - they are our lifeblood. PAA receives no formal or Government funding, and is an independent association, not aligned with any other organisation. As we are run entirely by unpaid volunteers, no funds will go to wages. All funds received go to the care and rehoming of the animals.
To donate please visit
For more information visit
If you prefer you can deposit direct to our bank account:
BSB: 633-000 Account: 152269684. Please reference the transaction with your name. For receipting purposes please email [email protected] with the details of your payment, name, address and phone number.
Thank you for your kindness and support. ❤
Thank you to everyone who has very kindly donated to our callout for help – your support has been absolutely wonderful. ❤ We have received approx $30,000 of our $150,000 goal.
If you would like to donate please visit
The current housing and cost of living crises have affected adoptions and intakes at PAA, and the donations people have been able to afford. This is understandable but has unfortunately had an adverse effect at PAA. We see on a daily basis the heartbreaking effect this is having within our community. With more people needing to surrender their animals, our expenses are increasing considerably, as are our day-to-day expenses.
The high level of care provided to the animals at PAA is essential. To be able to continue this care, we need your help to raise $150,000. As everyone at PAA is an unpaid volunteer, all funds received go to the care and rehoming of the animals.
We would be very grateful for any support you may be able to give so that we can continue our valuable work. Unfortunately, PAA cannot maintain these costs alone. All donations over $2 are tax-deductible. Your contribution, no matter the amount, makes a valuable difference to these little ones needing our care.
To donate please visit
For more information visit
Thank you for your kindness and support. ❤
UPDATE. If you missed us this morning you will be able to get all these great items at Peninsula Animal Aid's office during business hours. 😀
And we're off...... Come and see Peninsula Animal Aid at Pooches in the Park | Woody Point . It's a beautiful day. Get a snuggly warm coat for your doggo or kitty. Also beautiful bandanas and toys, fantastic raffle and heaps more. See you soon ❤️
*Sound On*
Don't forget to come and visit us at Pooches in the Park this Sunday morning between 8am and 12noon at Apex Park, Woody Point. PAA will have lots of cute things for you to buy, including bespoke toys and snuggly dog jackets. We are looking forward to seeing everyone there. ❤
These gorgeous crocheted cats and dogs were made by our wonderful supporter Simonie. ❤