Sydney Scallywags Flyball Inc

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  • Sydney Scallywags Flyball Inc

Sydney Scallywags Flyball Inc Sydney Based Flyball Club. Not sure what Flyball is ?? Contact us via Facebook, Phone or drop into one of our training sessions to have a look for yourself.

We train on sundays in Auburn at Princes park, (Princes road west, Auburn 2144

Summer Hours ( Daylight savings)
10am-12pm : Beginners ( All welcome)
12pm- 2pm : Advanced / Race Dogs

Winter / Autumn/ Spring hours ( Non Daylight Savings)
1pm - 2pm: Beginners ( All welcome)
2pm- 4pm: Advanced / Race Dogs


Bowie return to flyball saw amazing racing and as usual starts Congrats on getting a 000

Bowie return to flyball saw amazing racing and as usual starts

Congrats on getting a 000

Verse and mischief both achieve 50 points.  Making themFlyball Dog Champion FDCh 50Well done baby dogs

Verse and mischief both achieve 50 points.

Making them

Flyball Dog Champion FDCh 50

Well done baby dogs

Div 2.  2nd place winners

Div 2. 2nd place winners

WellllllllA 1st and 2nd. 4 days so far.  Traveling dogs and humans Scallywags pulled off an  exciting 2 nd place in div ...


A 1st and 2nd.

4 days so far. Traveling dogs and humans

Scallywags pulled off an exciting 2 nd place in div 2. But that doesn’t even touch the fact that Bowie was back. And even pulled off a 000 well done sydney scoundrels
Bowie poppet olive Jett and verse were fantastic. Poor ziggy. Had head explosion. Too
Much noise for him

Our open team. Blues mates. Lost a member last minute to covid. Belinda and kinekie. So sandra Hindmarsh and p**i stepped in. Cool beanz and louise ran with us

Not thinking we had a hope. Mischief and verse never seeing mats b4 for a start. But hey …. 11 out of 12 races. We won 1st place open div

Now to drive home

Mischief and verse both getting their 50 titles


Training cancelled yet again. Grounds too wet

To everyone who has been on this crazy journey with Bowie and john , finally the day we have been hoping for Today , aft...

To everyone who has been on this crazy journey with Bowie and john , finally the day we have been hoping for

Today , after a visit to neil Barnsley, bowie was given a seal of approval, his neck and issues were great, and he was given a clean bill of health , he will get a vet clearance this week all being well for the racing in QLD on the 22/6/24

It’s been one hell of ride, this little dude has shocked everyone with his recovery, his initial diagnosis was bloody horrific from the start to say in the least, MRI’s. Eye removals, brain trauma , seizures.. “if he makes it thru the night” scenarios

This little rescue dog , has fought the entire way, from his seizures, to tremors , to the thought of him losing his eye , not knowing what brain damage there was

The eye recovered, the skull had a fracture, his head/ neck took a massive impact and took some time to heal , and once the swelling went down the wound could be stitched , and the tremors subsided

The staff , at woodstock animal hospital especially dr Lani. Saw his treatment from the start , to where he is now

The vet nurses too, have been amazing , Bowie was starting to take up residency there at times

But , here we are , some will say, never thought we see the day

This little bu**er, is the toughest little dude i know , onward and upward little man

Be great to see you doing what you love again

(Graphic early photos not for sharing )

Final photo … how we want to see him real soon


No training this week at the grounds, we will be competing at castle hill on saturday and sunday

Stay dry everyone


Training cancelled this week 2/6/24

Next week we are racing at Norwest. Sat and sun. So no training either

TRAINING CANCELLED 19th MAyThe weather  isn’t looking favourable for our grounds, best for all to be safe Fingers crosse...


The weather isn’t looking favourable for our grounds, best for all to be safe

Fingers crossed for next week

THE GOOD NEWS Today, 19 days since this insane accident occurred, Bowie. Has had his stitches removed The Good news IS ,...


Today, 19 days since this insane accident occurred, Bowie. Has had his stitches removed

The Good news IS , our vet is super happy with his progress, and said he can start normal activities slowly… and that means SLOWLY

His eye. Looks great , still little blood if you look, but its incredible he didnt lose it, The fracture in the skull will heal itself
The neck and back jarring will be addressed with regular visits to Neil Barnsley

BUT , the future is looking good for the little guy , 19 days ago , we were told , if he survived !!!!! , he would lose eye, most likely have seizures , and never be able to do flyball again, this little rescue dog has proved all the specialists wrong… so far

We will start with light excerise and not rush his recovery , but watch out , i think there’s another 000 in this little freak of a dog

To everyone who has supported John and Bowie on this still moving forward journey. THANKYOU , He is one hell of a little dog

To all the medical help and assistance, after hours calls, support and care , again we thank everyone , especially Woodstock animal hospital in rooty hill, they have been unbelievable, from the girls , thru to all the vets , especially Lani , they have been just been there every step of the way, day or night with us

He will still be wrapped in a little bubble wrap for a while , but the future is looking promising

As for johns yards , im not so positive, cant bring himself to move the ride on yet or Even try and mow the yards

hopefully next update will be Bowie out and about thanking everyone , next comp, or say hi to his team mates at training,even if its just just say HI

Happy Mother’s Day to everyone, hope you stayed nice and dry It’s been a hell of a couple weeks.. we are so pleased to s...

Happy Mother’s Day to everyone, hope you stayed nice and dry

It’s been a hell of a couple weeks.. we are so pleased to say , bowie is responding so well to treatments
If you asked us just over 2 weeks ago…. Bit of a different story

We still havent found the BOLT that hit him, fortunately it’s been too wet to mow or whipper snip, and it’s not high on johns adgenda yet !!!!

John even had the metal detector out searching.. the speed it hit bowie and propelled off him, is unfathomable , wherever the thing went

Meanwhile. Good news update

Bowie. Great week improving every day etc. tremors have stopped since brain swelling has reduced. And the head stitched up. He gets the stitches out on Wednesday , for his next vet treatment , John’s started walks etc. all in all Bowie’s appears to be more and more like himself again, update again after next visit on Wednesday and see what the vet has to say, fingers crossed more good news

And just quietly…. I think john is starting to breathe and relax a little

Bowie update General vet , everything going according to plan , and continual visits for monitoring , medication as pres...

Bowie update

General vet , everything going according to plan , and continual visits for monitoring , medication as prescribed

A visit to neil Barnsley today , showed general fundamentals are functioning ok , eg motor skills to legs /.. etc…

Reacted to all stimulus, however it was very clear we still have some issues

Pain was reactive to neck area and shoulders, clearly from the trauma
Large amounts of swelling still to the skull and head, eye , etc.. but the the function of the eye is looking really promising , good reactions , and by all accounts working as it should , still a little swollen , but not, what we originally told , that he would lose the eye .

Rest , and watching the progress as time goes by .

Tremors have subsided a little, funny.. seems since the swelling of brain slowly subsiding , and the area above the eye, eg the wound stitched closed

Everyone amazed he has survived this , the future hopefully looking promising

Dropped into see bowie and john, bowie. Wanted to come for a drive with us…

Dropped into see bowie and john, bowie. Wanted to come for a drive with us…


No training this week due to the wet weather


Can anyone believe its been almost a week since this happened , he is doing better every day , apart from the tremors still being a concern

Today was a little bit more of a milestone, another trip to the vet as planned for a update on how he going

The swelling on the “temple area” where the pe*******on hit , the open wound, has gone down enough for the vet to clean the wound out. And suture it finally…
But not before ….. looking in the hole and with a torch/light and what do u see…..a hole in the skull, so certainly took a massive blow as we know to the head to fracture it ..

Onward and upward.. the eye looks to be functioning, which we were really concerned with , seems to be following light and movement today
Little sore now the stitches right above been done , bit of an eye lift…. Hahahha. but all positive

Now to wait and monitor the tremors

Sorry the comp is cancelled , but Bowie is sorta happy, he was not happy he would be missing out , you tell a working dog NO.

They dont hear it. Hahahaha
Not if its flyball



This is basically a cut and paste from a post john did himself earlier

the tremors are a regular occurrence atm. Pretty much from 6am to whenever I fall asleep. The Va**um he is on atm is lessening the severe ones. His eye is slowly opening up and looking a lot better than it was Saturday. So far 6 days of healing and 6 days at the vet. He is getting vip treatment atm. The swelling on the brain and the fractures are improving.
Personally, aunty JEN reckons…..heres what i think…
Bowie’s brain function is doing ok hahahah. But hey what do i know, he milking trips to Mc Donald’s for nuggets, getting the car rides he loves, heater gets turned on , and he is johns shadow inside

Every day a new day

Back to vet tomor for more assesments


This is a snippet of what’s happening

Wednesday updateMixed night last night , tremors were more frequent all through the night, and often woke him upBack to ...

Wednesday update

Mixed night last night , tremors were more frequent all through the night, and often woke him up

Back to vet again today, I babysat while john finally got some shopping and food supplies, cause he hasnt left Bowie’s side, Bowie was more settled , when john left for about 1/2 hour , and for hours there was no tremors , and his eye was/IS looking amazing. Opened backup and actually looks like he can see ?? What we don’t know . Trying some different meds for the tremors

He is happy in himself , and the wound is healing unstitched etc incredibly. It’s the unknown … in the brain… we just dont know, but its only a few days , and its all a healing process

He is loving the attention seeing aunty Jen at work and the yummy bone when he got home to keep him quiet.

Back to vets again fri if no change , and look at different meds again


Evening all ,

Todays update.. on Bowie

John and bowie, well BOWIE had a good night, john sleeps with one eye open now, is quite bu**ered and running himself down, i gotta admit

Early this morning, it was breakfast for bowie time and med time…. All administered , then a few minutes later john noticed something weird with the little guy , he was shaking his head or being weird …. But stopped … wasnt a seizure .. but head like a bobble head ..

Then again, it happened … slightly longer this time…and then john called me , he had maybe 6 of these episodes … scary s**t , not knowing what was happening again

We rang our vet and immediately met her at surgery, all his vitals good, nothing happened typically while we there , actually improved eye… swelling going down. Etc..

The vet called them involuntary brain tremors or a condition called idiopathic head tremor

Using dr google. , lots of reasons possibly, BUT HEY this one stood out

Damage or injury to the cerebellum (i.e. the part of the brain that controls coordination)
Everything apart from this , seems normal , again… we watch and see

Because Bowie’s stress without John, separation anxiety etc… it was best for john to take Bowie home and monitor in a quiet and familiar place .

He got treated a bone as big as him lol, and had no more tremors until about 1/2 hour ago , having 2 , thus far

John watching , monitoring and reporting to our vet, he will be back at the surgery tomor for more 1 on 1

Thanks again everyone, it’s a wait and see… he goes forward , and steps back , but more forward…

Bowie, a happier little man after a big sleep next to dad on the big bed,  even had some mc d nuggets today , and got so...

Bowie, a happier little man after a big sleep next to dad on the big bed, even had some mc d nuggets today , and got some loving from the girl at the window lol , my vet happy with progress so far, swelling is coming down, still the eye is an issue, but too early to tell yet. the gash on head , is healing , , a bit funky , but due to the position on the head/eye , vet is happy to leave it open and let nature heal it at this stage , lots more meds, and antibiotics , review again in a few days , and if necessary , think about a specialist re the eye , but tonight Tail wagging , and aunty Jen even got kisses on the way home

Will keep updates coming as we learn more… thanks again everyone

Ps as john posted on his page….

Bowie failed his eye test , no driving yet buddy for a while

Hi, my name is Jenni , a lot of people have known me over the last 20 years in flyball, i dont normall… Jenni Redmond needs your support for Help Bowie & John


Training unfortunately has been cancelled this sunday the 28th April

No training next week, comp at glendenning

Meadow.  Crn 1069 A.    Last original scallywagPassed away today, tired and worn out , aged 17 years and 2 months Thanks...

Meadow. Crn 1069 A. Last original scallywag
Passed away today, tired and worn out , aged 17 years and 2 months

Thanks to all past and present members who were apart of her flyball journey

She will be up there with all her past team mates and friends

Run free Meadow. “Meady” party police

Ready…… watch the lights……


Sydney scallywags will be competing at the hawksbury show this Saturday , and NOT be training sunday

Due to intense rainfall expected over the next few days , we will not be attending training this sunday Enjoy the change...

Due to intense rainfall expected over the next few days , we will not be attending training this sunday

Enjoy the change over from daylight savings

Stay dry


No training tomor. 17 th. Rest for the race dogs

So…..   what a day….  Great comp , thank you norwest.  I double checked my dates , and it was  actually 15 YEARS ago, Th...

So….. what a day…. Great comp , thank you norwest.

I double checked my dates , and it was actually 15 YEARS ago, This comp. That scallywags raced their first ever comp, so it was loverly that we celebrated this with a few of our own milestones today

Congratulations to John and poppet and bowie making it to 1300 points. Together in the same team achieving their ONYX award

Also congratulations to Myself and Mischief, obtaining her first title FD dog 5 points , even though she almost made it to 20 for the day.

Congratulations to deb ford and Jazz , first time in the ring , and lots of learning to be had , but im sure they had fun today
Bec and benny , power couple, again awesome ring training

To Alisha and molly running open with us

Great achievement by gavin and gage , almost cracking the 000. So close getting a 001
It was great to see Mark out there today running mouse , its been a long time since i have had 2 dogs in 1 team

The sydney scoundrels were awesome again today, coming a very close 2nd on countback , those 4 dogs are awesome

The scallywag terrors , well we had the best time and fun… coming in 4th

Louis and Abby , great in lunch time training
Montana there as team support

Jen and brooke cracking it for a couple of raffle prizes , to finish the day

iCloud Photo Sharing lets you share just the photos you want with just the people you choose.


No training this Sunday 17 th march

Scallywags will be attending flyball comp at castle hill show ground on Saturday

Come down and say hi.

From 830-4 pm ish. Racing be on

Good luck to the 2 teams. scallywag scoundrels and scallywag terrors


Training is on, while it’s a bit cooler this morning. Setup 930. Start 10 am



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