When we know Holiday is just around the corner …. 😙😂🥰
If you grow roses, try give some flowers to your birds.
Thor loves roses. They are execellent
Shredding toy 🌸😳🐦
CEO’s dinner
Chick peas salad dinner
Cooked Chick peas mixed with micro green kale, broccoli and red radish. And steamed mustard leaves. As you see they pick chick peas but not much veggies. I squeeze steamed mustard leave juice soon after chick peas are cooked to let them soak good veggie juice.
Sprinkle with flax seeds.
Cost of living is higher and higher..
This is a budget toy we can make.
Paper straw wheel.
Flatten at the middle of paper straw and make holes and tied up.
Insert little treats into each straw and fold ends.
Theodore loved chewing and finding little sunflower seeds this afternoon.