Now the $10k reward has been mentioned on nine news....if your friends & family didn't know before, they probably know now.
At the Bunnings cake stall. Come and purchase a cake to support Sues Roos and grab a sausage from the Mountain Gate Cricket Club
Edit/update. The Conservation Regulator has advised that they have not received any applications or issued any authorisations for lethal control of kangaroos in the Lysterfield area.
If you suspect a wildlife crime has been committed, you can make a confidential report to Crime Stoppers Victoria 1800 333 000 to ensure all relevant information is available to authorities.
Thanks to the Conservation Regulator for following this up and letting us know.
A cull permit has been issued to kill Kangaroos at a property ajoining Lysterfield Lake park.
This park falls under the National park banner. This is my National park, I live and run a wildlife shelter dedicated to Kangaroos just on the other side of the lake. I have spent nearly 20 years rescuing, rehabilitating and releasing the Lysterfield Kangaroos under a licence issued by the same department who has granted a permit to kill them.
The property is RIGHT NEXT DOOR to the Parks Vic Rangers office. The people who are supposed to protect them.
This is not happening.
DEECA Greater Melbourne
Parks Victoria
Star News Group
Berwick Leader
Victorian Kangaroo Alliance - Metro East
Australian Society for Kangaroos
Kangaroo Justice
Macropod Help For Carers
Wildlife Carers Macropod Help Site
Georgie Purcell - Animal Justice Party MP
Animals Australia
You may remember the generous person who paid for their tickets and wanted me to allocate the 10 tickets to someone else. Of course the recipient of these special tickets had to be Paul Jones. Paul does a lot of rescues in the area and he helps me if I need a hand.
Since I thought this was such a lovely idea, I have decided to allocate 6 tickets to each of the following local people who have helped me so much this year-
*Janice who collects cans from the community to cash in and purchase items we use at the shelter.
*Mick who saved me when the hot water stopped working and fixed my hot water service.
*Hansen who saved my house from catching fire and fixed my electricity problem.
*The Easter Bunny man for his amazing support, supplying the majority of the chocolate this year and last year.
Thankyou to all of you for your help. Good luck with the draw!
This memory ❤️
Tien the big baby sucking his thumb. Miss this boy
This is really sh*t....really really sh*t.
A man accidently hit a kangaroo not far from me just before 4am. The roo had a broken leg, he pulled her off the road and put her in a nice grass area. He called myself and Sarah but unfortunately both of us had our phones on silent, so he called the local Police station. He tried to get help for her but had to get to work.
Both Sarah and I contacted him this morning to see if he knew if anyone attended and I went out just to check. Found the female roo deceased with an active teat. With the size of the teat and the amount of stretch in the pouch, I knew this was not an at foot sized joey that could have hopped off with the mob, I was looking for a velvet or just furred joey.
I searched that whole side of the road, into the bushes and followed the roo trails. Started calling other rescuers to see if someone else had picked it up while searching the other side of the road.
And then I found him, at the bottom of the embankment hidden under a bush, he had been thrown from the pouch. His little body was stone cold and heart barely beating. I tried so hard to revive him but he passed away in my arms.
If only I had answered the phone at 4am 💔
Meet Maya, which is Aboriginal for home. Maya has a lot going on, I will share her story another time.
For now, soak up her cuteness!
I went to the Christmas market at the Weary Dunlop retirement village today to sell a few things. Note for next year just bake fruit cakes, lots of them!