Dogs just love to lick. They lick themselves, other animals and their people. Have you ever wondered why, though? Whether you love it and it makes you smile or you hate it and it makes you run for the soap and sanitiser, licking people is a very normal, natural behaviour for dogs.
The most common reason that dogs lick us is thought to be a sign of love and affection. Historically, dog licks were considered to be medically beneficial to humans. Dogs were used in Ancient Egypt to heal injuries and cure diseases. Fisherman in Fiji allowed dogs to lick their wounds, believing this practice would speed up healing. The French have a saying: “langue de chien, langue de médecin” which translates to “a dog’s tongue, a doctor’s tongue.” Maybe dogs are aware of a condition that we’re unaware of and are attempting to make us better.
The saying “licking your wounds” comes from the literal act of dogs licking cuts and injuries. Dog saliva contains enzymes that help their bodies heal. They lick their wounds to help speed up the healing process. Have you ever had an injury that your dog wouldn’t leave alone? Dogs have an innate understanding of injuries and are drawn to heal them. Here are some more “modern” reasons that dogs like to lick us.