Yes - Barbara was a Qantas air hostess by 'day' and a veterinarian by 'night' - or was it the other way around...?
Here's what she says, does this ring true to you?
"Within my first two years of practice, I became disillusioned with what I was doing. I was working in a very large practice, working stupid hours, getting burnt out really quickly, fundamentally feeling ‘Is this all there to it? Is this what I’m mean to be doing?’ I felt frustrated that there were some things that I couldn’t treat, that some people didn’t want to go through with the diagnosis. And, I was saving up to go traveling, and it just so happened that I joined Qantas as an international flight attendant. I continued to study, business, economics, Japanese Economics. I also studied homeopathy. I was searching for what is my next step, and it wasn’t until I got tired of flying, that I joined ‘industry’.
I went from an Yves Saint Laurent uniform and high shoes to gum boots and green overalls looking after endoparasiticides in sheep and cattle and a small range of companion animal products. That’s when I got interested in training, and so then I went on and did a master’s in education.
Each step of the way, Ive had experiences that have steered me in a particular direction. Ive always kept a hand in practice. Even when I was flying with Qantas, I worked part-time for a practice in Sydney..."
If you'd like to learn more of Barbara's story and if you'd like to know how she became a happy and fulfilled veterinarian (maybe you can even 'model' or 'borrow' her strategies) then grab yourself a copy of the book.
Here's the link http://veterinarysuccesssecretsrevealed.com/
There are 17 other inspiring stories for you to learn from.
I can’t give you everything you need to know about how to have an amazing practice and achieve work-life balance in one small book (even thought this book is a GREAT starting point). So I’ve created lots of extra goodies just for you. These include;