
1300Koalaz If you find a sick, injured or orphaned Koala please call 1300KOALAZ - 1300 562 529

1300KOALAZ is a deductible gift recipient charity meaning that every donation over $2 is tax deductible (in Australia). We practice the rescue, rehabilitation and release, where possible, of sick, injured and orphaned koalas. These are cared for at our own properties as we use the donations given to us in the best way, to help koalas in need. We also believe in protecting koala habitat and regener

ating habitat lost through deforestation or bushfire. Our organisation is 100% volunteer and receives no government funding, relying solely on the generosity of the public to help us pay for equipment, trees, formulas, supplements and veterinary expenses.

It was certainly wild weather in Adelaide over the last day or two.Please keep an eye out for displaced or fallen wildli...

It was certainly wild weather in Adelaide over the last day or two.

Please keep an eye out for displaced or fallen wildlife.

If you find a sick, injured, orphaned or distressed koala please call 1300KOALAZ (1300 562 529) for help or advice


Here it is, Penelope's release video.

After quite a few weeks in care it is no surprise that Penelope was as keen as mustard to head back home.

She made a quick exit from the carrier and immediately swerved the tree her carer had thought would be a good one for Penelope to reacclimatise herself with life in the wild.

Instead she ran off then got overwhelmed with the amount of trees to choose from and sat for a little while to ponder her options.

It didn't take her long to spot the tree she wanted and was off. After a bit of a tumble when the crumbly bark pulled away from the tree Penelope dusted herself off and was off up the tree like a rat up a drainpipe.

Moments later she was comfy in a fork and looking down at her carer. We like to think it is a koala's way of saying thank you but it's probably more like 'don't even think of coming near me again'.

Good luck Penelope stay safe.

If you find a sick, injured, orphaned or distressed koala please call 1300KOALAZ (1300 562 529) for help or advice.

 ' Penelope has been given the all clear and a nice green piece of ear bling.The ear tag will help us identify her and h...

' Penelope has been given the all clear and a nice green piece of ear bling.

The ear tag will help us identify her and her treatment should she need to come into care again at any time.

For now all is good and she is going to be released very soon. Keep popping back here as we will bring you her release video as soon as we can.

If you find a sick, injured, orphaned or distressed koala please call 1300KOALAZ (1300 562 529) for help or advice.

 ' Daniel has taken a huge leap forward.  After having his pap he is now chowing down on leaf.He is still a little uncoo...

' Daniel has taken a huge leap forward. After having his pap he is now chowing down on leaf.

He is still a little uncoordinated, not quite got the hand eye coordination down but with a little help from his friends he is getting there.

He is just so darn cute.

If you find a sick, injured, orphaned or distressed koala please call 1300KOALAZ (1300 562 529) for help or advice.

 ' Penelope is looking pretty pleased with herself as well she might.  Penelope's test results came back negative meanin...

' Penelope is looking pretty pleased with herself as well she might. Penelope's test results came back negative meaning her chlamydia treatment has worked.

Penelope needs one last appointment at the Adelaide Koala & Wildlife Centre and then she will be good to go.

We can't wait to bring you her release video.

If you find a sick, injured, orphaned or distressed koala please call 1300KOALAZ (1300 562 529) for help or advice.

Did you know?

Did you know?

 ' Daniel is doing well.  As you can see from this picture he is starting to 'fluff up'.He takes his formula well and is...

' Daniel is doing well. As you can see from this picture he is starting to 'fluff up'.

He takes his formula well and is putting on weight but is still not really keen on eating leaf. His carer says he 'plays' with it, biting bits off and chewing on it but then tends to spit it out.

To make sure he has the bacteria he needs in his gut to enable him to digest eucalyptus we needed to give him some pap. Pap is a soft form of p**p the mother koala excretes on demand when the joey is ready to start eating leaf.

Unable to find his mother despite four days of searching we had to resort to a different source. We have had to wait for an otherwise healthy koala which had been hit by a vehicle and could not be saved to come in so we could harvest the pap.

A week after putting the call out we had a call from another rescue group letting us know that one had been taken in to a vet practice for euthanasia. Calls were made and the body collected and taken to our friend Kerry to harvest the pap.

Daniel has had some pap, not that he is very keen on it and to be honest I can't say I blame him. He will be given a bit more over the next few days and hopefully it will have the desired effect.

Many thanks to all those involved in getting Daniel the pap he needed. It is just such a shame that in order to get the pap another koala had to lose its life first. 😢

If you find a sick, injured, orphaned or distressed koala please call 1300KOALAZ (1300 562 529) for help or advice.

This week Penelope had her last dose of doxycycline at the Adelaide Koala & Wildlife Centre to treat her chlamydia.  At ...

This week Penelope had her last dose of doxycycline at the Adelaide Koala & Wildlife Centre to treat her chlamydia. At the same time another swab was taken to send away for confirmation that she is chlamydia negative.

She will remain in care for a little while longer while we await the results, so fingers, toes and eyes crossed everybody for a good result.

If Penelope is given the all clear she will be off home soon after.

If you find a sick, injured, orphaned or distressed koala please call 1300KOALAZ (1300 562 529) for help or advice.

A few weeks ago   were called to rescue a baby koala on the road.We were shocked to see just how small the joey was.  At...

A few weeks ago were called to rescue a baby koala on the road.

We were shocked to see just how small the joey was. At just 560g he should have been tucked up safe in his mothers pouch. We could only assume mum had been hit by a car and the joey thrown from her pouch. Mum was not with her joey.

The joey was rushed to Wildlife Nurse SA Kerry, who is our specialist with very young joeys. He was given a thorough work up and x-rayed at SASH and found to have a fractured nose and femur and contusions to his lungs.

For the next 4 days our rescuers went out daily to try and find mum. We successfully brought down a female koala, unfortunately she was not lactating so we surmised it was not mum after all. She did however have symptoms of chlamydia so she remains in care with us while she is treated. We never did find mum.

Due to the severity of the joey's injuries we did not put him on our page earlier as, to be honest, we were not sure he would survive.

But what would we know, Daniel, as he is now named, is a fighter. The vets believe his fractures will heal well without surgical intervention but we take it one day at a time. Daniel is not out of the woods yet and still has some hurdles to overcome.

His lungs have improved and his nose swelling gone down, you can see how swollen his little nose was in the video below. We are all keeping everything crossed that this little one makes it but know only too well that joeys can go down hill very quickly.

We will do everything in our power to give Daniel every possible chance of a happy outcome.

If you find a sick, injured, orphaned or distressed koala please call 1300KOALAZ (1300 562 529) for help or advice.



Penelope is two doses into her treatment for chlamydia.

She is loving the leaf her carer brings for her and has settled in nicely into her temporary digs.

Here she is smashing the leaf, doesn't even finish her mouthful before she sniffs out the next tastey morsel.

If you find a sick, injured, orphaned or distressed koala pleae call 1300KOALAZ (1300 562 529) for help or advice.


' Feisty Fern and baby Juniper have gone home.

After a few days in care they were released back to their home area to settle back in. We are keeping everything crossed that Juniper grows well and doesn't play up for Fern.

It must be so hard climbing with that lump in her pouch!

If you find a sick, injured, orphaned or distressed koala please call 1300KOALAZ (1300 562 529) for help or advice.


Darcy was rescued after he had a fall. There were two male koalas in the area so we guess they had been fighting over territory.

Anyway Darcy had blood on him so was brought in for a check. Thankfully he was fine just a graze to his chin and a bruised ego so he was immediately released back out in the wild.

If you find a sick, injured, orphaned or distressed koala please call 1300KOALAZ (1300 562 529) for help or advice.


Mira is a great example of what organisations can achieve when they help each other out.

A couple of months ago one of our rescuers attended a rescue but needed help getting Mira down. Luckily another group, SKER, had also had a call about Mira and turned up and assisted in rescuing her.

Mira had been hit by a car and was in pretty poor shape so thinking only of getting Mira attention as quickly as possible our rescuer agreed to let SKER take her into care, as they had a vet closer than we did.

This video is the culmination of that collaboration and Mira recently went home, fit and healthy.

If you find a sick, injured, orphaned or distressed koala please call 1300KOALAZ (1300 562 529) for help or advice.


Well a little later than anticipated.

It gives us great pleasure to introduce Fern's joey now named Juniper. Fern's carer had a hard job deciding what name to pick as there were so many good ideas but eventually it was decided that Juniper fitted the little one to a t.

If you find a sick, injured, orphaned or distressed koala please call 1300KOALAZ (1300 562 529) for help or advice.


Without further ado...................................

Stay tuned for the name reveal tomorrow.


Be prepared for a cuteness overload.

' Feisty Fern's joey decided it was warm enough this morning to emerge completely from Fern's pouch and sit in her lap whilst it looked around.

Now the little one is out and about periodically we need a name for it. We are unsure of the gender at the moment as we try to keep hands off so need a gender neutral name to go with Fern.

Put your thinking caps on and let us know if you think it is a boy or a girl and what your suggestion is for a name.

If you find a sick, injured, orphaned or distressed koala please call 1300KOALAZ (1300 562 529) for help or advice.

Say hello to  ' Miss Penelope.Penelope came in because it was thought she was limping.  Luckily on checking her out she ...

Say hello to ' Miss Penelope.

Penelope came in because it was thought she was limping. Luckily on checking her out she she was found to not be limping at all, but it was suspected that she had chlamydia.

Sadly tests have proved that she does indeed have chlamydia. She will undergo further testing this week to make sure that she is healthy enough to withstand the treatment.

Penelope is a gorgeous koala and we are keeping everything crossed that she can be treated.

If you find a sick, injured, orphaned or distressed koala please call 1300KOALAZ (1300 562 525) for help or advice.


' Teenie and Teenie Tiny have gone home.

This lucky duo were so lucky after having been hit by not one but two cars they only suffered minor injuries and after a few days rest and recreation they were given the all clear to go home.

Teenie didn't need to be asked twice, she was out of the carrier and up a tree quicker than a rat up a drainpipe. We are so grateful Teenie Tiny was tucked up safe and sound in the pouch we are not sure she would have held on if she had been a back rider.

Stay away from the roads Teenie, you have a joey to grow!

If you find a sick, injured, orphaned or distressed koala please call 1300KOALAZ (1300 562 529) for help or advice.


Feisty Fern came in recently with suspected chlamydia.

Her chlamydia test came back clear but she is suffering from cystitis. During her examination it was discovered she had a velvet joey in her pouch. A velvet joey is one which has a light covering of fur.

Thanks to the cameras in the enclosure Fern's carer managed to capture this video of the joey playing peekaboo.

Could it be any cuter? 🥰🐨

If you find a sick, injured, orphaned or distressed koala please call 1300KOALAZ (1300 562 529) for help or advice.


' Paradise Pete has gone home.

After checking out a couple of trees which he decided were not to his liking he saw the one he wanted and dashed off to climb it.

For an older gentleman with a touch of arthritis we think he did a magnificent job.

If you find a sick, injured, orphaned or distressed koala please call 1300KOALAZ (1300 562 529) for help or advice.


' Herbert has gone home.

After a successful spell in the gunyah it was time to wave goodbye to little Herbert.

It is so wonderful when we get to release a healthy koala back to the wild and to be honest these days it seems like a rare occurrence.

So you can imagine how happy we were to release a young boy like Herbert back out to the wild where hopefully he can go on and make lots of koala babies.

If you find a sick, injured, orphaned or distressed koala please call 1300KOALAZ for help or advice.

Yay it’s the weekend!! Happy weekend from Teenie and her teenie tiny baby joey!Teenie and Teenie Tiny have settled in we...

Yay it’s the weekend!! Happy weekend from Teenie and her teenie tiny baby joey!

Teenie and Teenie Tiny have settled in well with their carer and we are all in love with this adorable duo!

Drive safely over the weekend! 🐨🐨🐨

If you see a sick, injured or orphaned koala please call our free 24/7 hotline on
1300 562 529 for advice or assistance.

There was a heart-stopping moment on Shepherd's Hill Road at Eden Hills yesterday when beautiful   Teenie was hit by not...

There was a heart-stopping moment on Shepherd's Hill Road at Eden Hills yesterday when beautiful Teenie was hit by not just one, but two cars. Despite the terrifying ordeal, she managed to climb a nearby gum tree, proving just how resilient these amazing creatures are!

Thanks to the quick thinking and kindness of some people who witnessed the accident, Teenie was safely ushered off the road, preventing further harm.

Our dedicated rescuers were on the scene promptly, gently retrieving Teenie from her perch in the tree. Miraculously, she escaped major injury and broken bones. She will be monitored for a few days to ensure she's fully recovered before we release her back into the wild.

And she has a baby pinkie in her pouch!!!

Thank you to everyone involved in this heartwarming rescue mission! Your compassion and quick actions made all the difference for this beautiful little girl and her baby.

Stay tuned for updates on her road to recovery! 🚑🐨

If you see a sick, injured or orphaned koala please call our free 24/7 hotline on
1300 562 529 for advice or assistance.


Great news for Paradise Pete! This beautiful boy has been testing his climbing skills today and we are very pleased to report that he’s climbing and moving around really well. Here’s a short video of him devouring his favourite gum leaf.

Stay tuned for his release video soon!

If you see a sick, injured or orphaned koala please call our free 24/7 hotline on
1300 562 529 for advice or assistance.

Introducing   Paradise Pete! This charming koala was rescued from Paradise recently due to difficulties in ascending a s...

Introducing Paradise Pete!

This charming koala was rescued from Paradise recently due to difficulties in ascending a slippery tree. Following a thorough vet examination, it was discovered that Pete has mild arthritis in his hind legs.

However, rest assured, Pete is currently under vigilant observation with one of our carers to ensure he can climb well before being released back into his natural habitat. 🐨🐨

If you see a sick, injured or orphaned koala please call our free 24/7 hotline on
1300 562 529 for advice or assistance.

We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to DH Rallysport, MSS Safety and Black Nitro SA by ikklefellas for their incredib...

We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to DH Rallysport, MSS Safety and Black Nitro SA by ikklefellas for their incredibly generous donations! Your support means the world to us and will make a significant difference in our ongoing efforts to rescue and rehabilitate koalas in need.

A special shoutout to everyone who contributed through coffee and snack sales, as well as scanning the QR code on the rally car. Your contributions help us continue our vital work and make a positive impact on koala conservation.

To all our supporters, your unwavering dedication and kindness inspire us every day. Thank you for standing with us as we strive to protect and care for our beloved koalas.

Together, we can make a difference! 🐨🐨

🌿 Heartbreaking News from 1300KOALAZ 🐨It is with heavy hearts that we share the tragic loss of our beloved koala Firelad...

🌿 Heartbreaking News from 1300KOALAZ 🐨

It is with heavy hearts that we share the tragic loss of our beloved koala Firelady. After being hit by a car, she came into our care and underwent rehabilitation, bravely battling through her injuries. Despite also being diagnosed with chlamydia, she fought on with incredible strength and resilience.

We were overjoyed to release her back into the wild, hoping for a bright future ahead. However, it is with deep sadness that we announce her passing. She was found drowned in a swimming pool, a devastating and unexpected turn of events.

The entire team at 1300KOALAZ is devastated by this loss. We will always remember her courage and the determination she showed throughout her journey.

In light of this tragedy, we urge everyone to take precautions to prevent koalas from drowning in swimming pools. Providing alternative water sources and installing rubber mats secured to the side of pools that koalas can grip, to help these beautiful creatures climb out safely. Some suggestions are posted in the comments. Rubber mats need to be draped over the edge of the pool into the water and securely tied to a structure to prevent them falling into the pool.

Let's work together to protect our precious wildlife.

Rest in peace, dear Firelady. You will be dearly missed. 🕊️💚

Beautiful Fern was found wandering around the backstreets of Holden Hill recently.  A kind member of public noticed that...

Beautiful Fern was found wandering around the backstreets of Holden Hill recently. A kind member of public noticed that she wasn’t looking very well, so called our 24/7 free hotline.

A rescuer was sent immediately and took Fern to the vet for a checkup where she was diagnosed with cystitis. She also potentially has chlamydia, so we are waiting for these test results to be processed.

Fern is being given pain relief and lots of TLC while we work with the vets to determine her treatment plan.

Please send Fern your best wishes for a positive outcome. We all have our fingers crossed for this beautiful little girl. 🐨🐨🐨

If you see a sick, injured or orphaned koala please call our free 24/7 hotline on
1300 562 529 for advice or assistance.



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South Australia’s Koalas are under attack from development which encroaches on their habitat. We are cutting down their food sources which has forced them into suburbia in search of somewhere to call home. As they come closer into contact with humans their numbers are increasingly under threat as they are hit by cars crossing suburban roads and attacked by dogs as they cross what were once Koala corridors but are now our back yards.

The 1300KOALAZ team has professionalised our methods and practices and ongoing training keeps us updated with the most recent information on Koalas, the diseases which affect them, methods of capture and treatments. We keep statistics vital to give the Koalas a voice to secure their future.

Our goals are to help conserve and regenerate Koala habitat, to cause the Koalas we bring into care as little stress as possible, successfully rehabilitate and release them back into their home territories, relieve the suffering of those that cannot be saved, educate the wider public about Koalas and the problems they are facing and ultimately to conserve the species for future generations.