White Alpine Equine

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White Alpine Equine We are taking a break from rehoming to focus on how we can help from a bigger picture view. Nikki Alberts and the White Alpine Equine Team

We will still share how our brumby boys are progressing with their training and living/loving their lives :-) We work with wild caught brumbies and horses needing rehabilitation and use a variety of methods including the trust technique, ttouch, and consent-based contact. Regardless of the method/s applied we always take a gentle training approach to ensure the bond built between humans and horse

s is established on strong foundations. Current studies:

Equine Assisted Learning
Equine Emergency Response Training

Visitors are welcome (prearranged) so message us to organise a visit and grab yourself an awesome Adaminaby coffee on the way in.

Love this 💕 We can all benefit from being ‘me’ focused, when it is done in the right way.

Love this 💕 We can all benefit from being ‘me’ focused, when it is done in the right way.

I wasted a good chunk of my life not living it because I had to consider other people. How they feel, how I look to them, how the things that I do can possibly affect them. I missed out on a lot of things because I had to consider what others would think. Then life rained on me and when I looked around, I was alone. I missed the train and there was no one to accompany me as I tried to find my way home.

It's funny how in a world of billions, in a way, you're really all that you got.

Don't live your life for other people. Do things that you've always wanted and forget the second thoughts. Live for the nights you'll fall asleep with a smile on your face, reliving the events of the day; dress up so you'd impress yourself when you look at the mirror. Gamble for the moments you think would turn into great memories.

One day, you'd look back and thank yourself for the risks you took, for the lessons learned, for the adventures.

— Jun Mark Patilan

— Artwork : sk_yayoi03 via ( IG )

Heartbroken to hear on the local Snowy Mountains radio station, 2XL, that NPWS have announced they will restart the aeri...

Heartbroken to hear on the local Snowy Mountains radio station, 2XL, that NPWS have announced they will restart the aerial culling at the end of winter - which means from this Sunday :-(

The KNP reopens early October. And no notifications to rehomers who have taken in brumbies for many years about when they can jump in and start helping the horses.

From me, Mr Darcy, Captain and Phoenix, big hugs. So so sad 😭

Edited to add: Penny Sharpe did say at the last Inquiry that they planned on more culling and then a recount - but I, like many, hoped that they would be busy focused elsewhere.

We need to take care of ourselves and each other, and not let this turn us in to what they want to see - irrational, hating, crazy brumby people.

We aren’t that. We just see the value in these horses that they can’t/won’t. That is their loss, not ours.

So, for the sake of the brumbies, stay strong, focused and together.

No hating on those doing the shooting.

No hating on the decision makers who have been led by their noses by brumby haters.

At the end of the day, the horses left need us to be there to stop this from happening again.

If you need to let loose and vent, message me. If you need to just talk it through, message me and we can organise a call. If you need a brumby hug, message me and we can organise for you to come and visit with Darcy, Captain and Phin.

But we need to be better and stronger than the haters XOXOXO


We love our magpie families!

We have two pairs who have been bringing their babies here as a safe place to raise them. They have never swooped us, but we have never chased or scared them either so there is no reason for them to.

We now have a crow family that do the same thing with their little brood :-)

One year on and nothing has been achieved.  Apart from brumbies being brutally shot both from the ground and aerially.An...

One year on and nothing has been achieved. Apart from brumbies being brutally shot both from the ground and aerially.

Another waste of hope and effort.

I can understand why those who have been fighting this fight for much longer than us get discouraged.

But we can't give up. Because, maybe, just maybe, the next approach could be the one that works!!!!

🌟 Finally 🌟 Our MP Emma Hurst has secured a parliamentary Inquiry for Brumbies in Kosciuszko National Park! This will be the first Inquiry to be held by the new Animal Welfare Committee đŸžïž

🔍 It's time to uncover the truth about the dodgy counting methods, the flawed methodology, the brutal killings, and the heartbreaking trapping that brumbies have been subjected to.

📣 Environment Minister Penny Sharpe and the Labor government need to know that people in NSW are disgusted by the treatment of brumbies YOUR VOICE MATTERS! 📣 Make a submission. Let's stand together for the Brumbies!

🌐 make a submission here: https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/committees/inquiries/Pages/inquiry-details.aspx?pk=2991 -submissions The brumbies need you 🐎💚

What are people's thoughts on Emotional Horsemanship by Lockie Phillips?  It is really resonating with me.  A good frien...

What are people's thoughts on Emotional Horsemanship by Lockie Phillips? It is really resonating with me. A good friend and I are booked into his clinic in Victoria in April.

I just got done with my lessons for the week. Tomorrow, my last retreat for the year arrives. And from September I am working with a different schedule.

This is a real change for me. Let me run the basic stats.

From November 2021 until August 2024, I have taught full time. Between 5-7 days per week. I might not own a riding school, but my basic work load was a high volume lesson operation
 just like your local lesson barn. Except my barn was online.

Since November 2021 until today is 34 months

Each month, without fail during that time, I delivered lessons, coaching and support to a minimum 25 individuals per week, and a maximum of 65 people per week. Variables went up and down depending how hard my life logistics were; when I lived off grid in the middle of a valley with threadbare bandwidth, I couldn’t do more than 25 per week and still, like, shower and eat. Living on my farm now, I could do 65 per week if I had a team; administrator, groom, and a village close by to facilitate easier living.

These numbers work out to between 3400 - 8840 lessons/sessions/instances with students since the back end of 2021. Yet I was teaching with horses every opportunity I got since 2012. It really began sn*******ng during 2021.

People ask me: “how do you seem to know what I’m currently thinking and feeling with my horse?”

Answer is, I’ve put the time in, the leg work. In every single lesson, I take copious notes. Some long term students have notes which exceed 6000 words. Meticulously annotated ups and downs of their training issues, horsemanship growth, and even life events. I’ve been there through deaths, weddings, honeymoons, births, divorces, tears, laughter
 all of it.

I love you.

All of you. I LOVE my work. It’s my joy and pleasure to be a part of your life. It’s sacred to me.

But I’m looking to the next phase.

Teaching in a team, that’s next.
Leading more, hauling ass less.
I need a bit more of my life back.

My horses want a bit more of me back.

This won’t lead me to have less to offer. If I am more fulfilled outside of directly serving a client, I have infinitely more to offer when I do.

A season will return where I open my schedule wide up and go for higher volume again. But for now I need to distribute myself across my life more intentionally.

I share this because full transparency is my thing. I’ve got nothing to hide. Don’t worry, there are still aspects of my life that are (lovingly) none of your business. But for now, you are. You’re my business. And it is personal. And I am so, so grateful for every single one of you.

Some good first steps perhaps?My wishlist - no spurs, no nosebands, nothing harsher than a snaffle bit, allow bit-less. ...

Some good first steps perhaps?

My wishlist - no spurs, no nosebands, nothing harsher than a snaffle bit, allow bit-less. And don’t reward behind the vertical

The FEI will host a key meeting with stakeholders on 1 October 2024, to kick off in-depth discussions on addressing the challenges currently impacting the discipline of Dressage.

On the topic of non-biased analysis and reports on brumby's, Dr Andrea Harvey did her phD on wild horses:https://www.vet...

On the topic of non-biased analysis and reports on brumby's, Dr Andrea Harvey did her phD on wild horses:


She was also a key member on the Scientific Advisory Panel and a key author in the final recommendations that went to NPWS - to be mostly ignored :-)

Managing wild horse populations in national parks is a divisive topic, often pitting environmentalists against brumby advocates. But as equine welfare veterinarian Dr Andrea Harvey discovered, the debate often overlooks [

Kerry Quinn - I saw a post from you on Brumby Action Group but I couldn’t comment. Screen shot of comments being turned ...

Kerry Quinn - I saw a post from you on Brumby Action Group but I couldn’t comment. Screen shot of comments being turned off is in my post though sadly Marilyn refuses to ackowledge it for a fact. This is a great study by Dr Dave Bermann on brumby impacts:

The available science often demonstrates the need for feral horse population control but not the degree of control required to achieve environmental conservation objectives. To better manage the infl...


Moreen and Paul pour their heart and soul into the brumbies, and have for many years. If you can help out in any way, even by just sharing their post, please do.

Send a message to learn more


THIS is what taking the time to find the perfect place for horses that we rehome looks like XOXOXO

Did you know that you can build your capability without even being with your horse.Mentally going through the activities...

Did you know that you can build your capability without even being with your horse.

Mentally going through the activities helps to embed not just routine but muscle memory as well.

I remember cantering around our lounge room, marked out as a dressage arena, preparing for competitions as a teenager :-)

This is one of the resource librarys that I love:


It's a rainy (yay!) and windy day here and predicted to be the same for a few days at least. May as well still get some training in.....and I'm sure that there was a library item called 'getting your grey horse grey'....perfect for my muddy Mr Darcy!

Stay warm and dry folks XOXOXO

The best in show jumping, dressage, eventing, and equestrian life. Brought to you with wit, warmth, and honesty.

Gosh, this brings back some memories!!  The poor photographer stayed at a local place that had the power shut off in the...

Gosh, this brings back some memories!! The poor photographer stayed at a local place that had the power shut off in the wee hours of a snowy winters night. He slept in the car and then headed to our place for some early photographs.

For those who wonder what brumby rescue in the Snowy Mountains looks like at this time of year, here it is!!!

Horse trainer Nikki Alberts works with a formerly wild Brumby named Captain, who was captured on the 28th October 2019 from the Blue Waterholes area of the Kosciuszko National Park, on August 22,...



Nikki Alberts9 minutes ago3 minWe're still standing!!!It seems to have been a month of bad news for the brumbies! The continuance in aerial culling, the negative result from SMBUG Court Case....1 view0 commentsPost not marked as liked

An update on the Australian Brumby Management Organisations proposal to Minister Sharpe, NPWS and the RSPCA.  The propos...

An update on the Australian Brumby Management Organisations proposal to Minister Sharpe, NPWS and the RSPCA.

The proposal was forwarded to NPWS to respond. In summary they state that there is no current funding available (I'm continuing to look at future years funding, not just current); and,

"We acknowledge the efforts of the relevant groups that have collaborated to establish the Australian Brumby Management Organisation, and recognise the common interest in ensuring best practice wild horse management outcomes.........We will add the ABMO into NPWS’ contact list for issues relating to rehoming".

We have also reached out to offer help in making changes to rehoming rules and regulations if that helps the program open sooner rather than later. There has been no response to that offer to date.

Wes Fang, for one, was concerned that no firm actions were proposed after the investigation into rehoming, and we are seeing many brumbies, most from one particular rehomer, where the horses are cycling back through the system in a large number.

We will keep you in the loop with any further activies - but we haven't, and won't, give up looking to forge a solution and are continuing to encourage the involvement of the ABMO for a safe, long term, outcome for all of the brumbies, not just those to be rehomed.

Yep, me. And proud of it lol

Yep, me. And proud of it lol

Defining complex emotions perfectly

so so true!

so so true!

So after Kyle's sudden stop to enjoying his ski holiday (ran into by another skier who then took off and left him unconc...

So after Kyle's sudden stop to enjoying his ski holiday (ran into by another skier who then took off and left him unconcious.....) we now have new ski helmets on the way!!!

As the paramedics pointed out, the helmets are so much for when you run into a tree or a rock, it is for when some out of control idiot runs in to you!!!

I am also looking at how I can prime up my two cattle prods (bought for self-defence in Sydney when carjackings were rife) into trigger activated ski pole tips....hypothetically speaking :-)

He is home safe, concussed and many bruises and sprains. A complete body and brain scan showed all was in order.

We are both very grateful for endone lol

Penny Sharpe has already stated that they may be doing some more aerial culling in KNP in early October.  ISC and RK wou...

Penny Sharpe has already stated that they may be doing some more aerial culling in KNP in early October.

ISC and RK would rather them keep doing it until no horse is left standing.

Let the true numbers speak for themselves - not the false ones that Jackie Gough fudged up for the aerial culling decision late last year......


Big session with the brumby boys today - brushes, feet, catch-up conversations after being away :-)Captain hates it when...

Big session with the brumby boys today - brushes, feet, catch-up conversations after being away :-)

Captain hates it when I take butt shots - but I think he has the most squeezable bum of all XOXOXO

A great idea!

A great idea!

Holidays are wonderful but there really is no place like home!  The horses were all happy to see us and the dogs were ve...

Holidays are wonderful but there really is no place like home!

The horses were all happy to see us and the dogs were very happy to be out of the kennels and back home in front of the fire in their blankets 💕

Kinder horsemanship in action XOXOXO

Kinder horsemanship in action XOXOXO

Happy birthday to our equine friends and companions in the Southern Hemisphere  XOXOXO

Happy birthday to our equine friends and companions in the Southern Hemisphere XOXOXO

1.45pm today.

1.45pm today.

This inquiry was established on 28 August 2023 to inquire into and report on the proposed aerial shooting of brumbies in Kosciuszko National Park.

Nice and comfy ready for the hearing into the ‘proposed’ aerial culling of our brumbies.  Seriously, proposed
.what a jo...

Nice and comfy ready for the hearing into the ‘proposed’ aerial culling of our brumbies. Seriously, proposed
.what a joke. How many dead as our democratic process was laughed at by the Government and Parks.

Handy patterns for some ground work with your horse - even at liberty or leading.It is always handy to have direction an...

Handy patterns for some ground work with your horse - even at liberty or leading.

It is always handy to have direction and intent :-)

No idea why I drew this, but I did, and I just found it, so here you go! Lol.

Sorry I've been a little quiet!!  On holidays for the week and slowly getting my mojo back XOXOXOI'm away from my boys b...

Sorry I've been a little quiet!! On holidays for the week and slowly getting my mojo back XOXOXO

I'm away from my boys but am rewatching all of the training videos for Horses Helping Humans certification - subliminal learning IS actually a thing.

I'm happy to be back online and refreshed and look forward to finding out what everyone has been up to :-)

The pic is of Yogi Bear, a youngster who was adopted by Sally McCullough, along with Mojo, a weanling that came in to us.

She and her girls are fabulous handlers, and great competitive riders too. Yogi grew into the most gorgeous young boy - he shed his floofy and really blinged it up XOXOXO. We loved him even though he looked a little 'odd' :-)


Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 16:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 16:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 16:00
Thursday 10:00 - 16:00
Friday 10:00 - 16:00
Saturday 10:00 - 16:00



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