💨It’s ‘blow time’!! And we looooooove helping Mummy J blow dry her hair.. it’s soooo much fun!!
Does anypawdy else have this much fun drying their hair..
Or have 3 little helpers, which makes it take 3 times as long 🤣
But worth every single second! ♥️♥️♥️
Just look at Paddi’s little paw asking for more..
And then the back roll..
More mum.. come get me!
Life.. it’s all about these precious lil moments ♥️
Love woofs & ‘blowy’ fun 🤩
Is this a recipe for disaster? 3 hungry puppies .. 3 dinner bowls filled with their favourite kangaroo and veggies.. all waiting for Mummy J to say ‘go find your bowl’!
Will the Wombles remember their manners?
Do your pups have ‘good manners’?
Of course Dinner time at Womble Woods
Oh my god.. I just had the hottest Saturday night date ever.. and sorry mum.. he came back to bed with me 🫢!
Today I was BRAVE! Yes, that’s me (Mummy J), and my feathered lil friend, Phil 🦜
Sigmumd Freud writes about two kinds of fear, one is real (both rational & suggestive of an actual threat) & the other is irrational and neurotic in nature, based entirely upon an imaginary threat.
As you know, Mummy J has a fear of birds.
A breath stopping fear of birds, since being chased by an emu at the age of 4years
An irrational fear that a chicken will peck me. That I’ll fall on the ground, the chicken will call its friends over and they will all start pecking me.
An irrational fear that a pelican will swallow me in its beak and carry me away, never to be seen again.
Why is this any different to a small spider which crawls on a wall?
It is nowhere near you. It does but even have fangs that can penetrate your skin.
But this fear is real, for those with arachnophobia , and causes great anxiety and even catatonia in some people.
So, today.. you really have no idea how very brave I was 🥹
I have been ‘desensitising’ myself to Chris and Phil for the past 2 years.
I appreciate their beauty.
I love the way they chirp to me, as if having a conversation.
So of course I talk back to them!
And they have become part of the ‘WombleZoo’ family!!
And today..
Phil ate from my hand!!!
A beautiful wild bird, so trusting, and beautiful are from my hand!
How beautiful is this 😊
He even told me to just buy the black sunflower seed from now on, as they are his favourite!
(He’s getting cheeky.. so must be family lol 😂)
And I didn’t die of fright.
And his friends didn’t come and peck me 😂
So, am I still terrified of birds?
But Chris & Phil are now part of the WombleZoo family!!
I wonder who will join us next?
Welcome to our home 🏡
Welcome to our lil piece of paradise.
Womble Woods 🇦🇺
Flight suits on.. winning parcels packed.. and we’re on our way to see Hugo in the Isle of Man (UK) and Marcel in France!
Because they are the 2 lucky winners of the Womble Bear competition! 🎉🎉🎉
Do you want to see what they won? 🏆
We can’t wait to see Hugo and Marcel’s faces!! ✈️🇬🇧🇫🇷📮
Thanks again to everypawdy who entered.. and to Hugo and Marcel 🥰
Are you ready for the next competition ?
Will you enter?
Don’t forget to say hi to your dogs from us!♥️🐾
Mummy J and the Wombles ♥️🥰
Can anypawdy tell us what ‘encourageable’ means.. we’re asking for a furiend 🤣!
We ‘may’ have heard Mummy J use this word today.. and she also used the word ‘naughty’ 🤫.. but we fink encouragable just must mean clever, and helpful, and inclusive.. does that sound right? 🤔
So, this is how it all unfolded..
Mummy J ‘may’ have had to leave the room for 5minutes to sew a collar for a customer..
Roxy and I ‘may’ have been asked to watch our lil brotha..
And Mummy ‘may’ have mentioned Paddi’s not allowed to run, play rough, climb stairs, or jump off anything (cos he still has a big ouchie in his knee).
But.. Paddi looked really tired after his swimming today, and looked like he needed to snuggle on the Disney couch 😴
So, Roxy and I ‘may’ have helped him climb the stairs.. so that he could have a little rest and snuggle with his very helpful sisters.
5 minutes later (well exactly 4mins and 47seconds.. mum always exaggerates the facts 😆), Mummy comes back into the room to find Roxy and myself actually looking after our brotha Paddi weally weally well..
And THEN she calls us ‘encourageable’!
WTW (What The Womble!) Mum???
It’s not like you give us enough pocket ‘cheese’ money.. haven’t you heard of inflation 🤣😂!
Encourageable our tooshies.. 🤣😂😆
Love ❤️ woofs 🐾 & waggles 🥰
The ‘encourageable’ Wombles
Winnie Poohs🍯 Roxy Soxy Loxy🐕🦺 & Paddi Bear 🐻❄️
Wombles 🇦🇺
It’s 3am.. & there’s a full moon shining bright outside.
I am woken by a little tickle on my nose, and a soft little snore.
And for just a moment, I lay still, almost daring not to breathe.. not to fully wake.
For curled in the nook of my shoulder, his soft little hair tickling my nose, and the purr of his snores gently waking me was something so famiiiar..
And something so terribly missed 💔
Tears in my eyes 🥺, I gently stroked the little ears which twitched ever so lightly with the gentle feel of my touch.
Oh Jasper, for 16 years you would crawl into this very same nook, and tickle my nose with your soft white hair.
And purr gently with your snores..
Before waking me for cheese 😂😂!!
I take a breath..
And my heart ♥️ filled only with warmth and love says quietly..
Oh, hi Paddi Bear 🐻❄️
Hi Mum…
i like weally weally love you 🐾❤️
I love you too Paddi Bear 🥰
☔️It’s raining, it’s pouring and the parrots are all chirping! Looks like word has gotten out that Womble Woods is the coolest new restaurant in town 😂.. I counted no less than 17 chirping and flapping feathered furiends 🦜
Yesterday I introduced you to Phil & Chris, gorgeous Australian King Parrots with a vibrant red and green colour, who decided to call Womble Woods their home 3 years ago.
You may not be aware, but Australia is actually home to 56 species of parrots- divided into 2 distinct families, the true parrot family & the cockatoo family.
The blue/ red parrots you can see prancing and preening, squealing and squawking today are crimson rosellas.
They have a vibrant blue and red plumage, with the ‘juveniles’ having patchy green feathers changing to striking red/blue as they mature.
Okay feathered furiends, Womble Woods Sanctuary dinner menu has concluded.. and the tail wagging furry pawtectors are about to come tell you who is actually boss of these woods..
And you’d be very correct in guessing it’s not Mummy J 😂😂😂
*** Did any of you pick up the connection of the town we live in.. and our resident feathered furiends?
Welcome to Womble Woods..
Cockatoo Creek 🇦🇺
Our little piece of paradise 🏡🇦🇺
Where everyone is welcome! 🥰
🍃There is something about nature that is truly mesmerising.. and I will never take for granted how lucky I am to live in a place surrounded by so much beauty and friendly wildlife.
I’d like to introduce you to Phil and Chris!
Phil and Chris have been ‘visiting’ Womble Woods for just on 2 years.
I named them after my parents (whose names are Phil and Chris 😂) when one Saturday afternoon, Phil flew down from our front gum tree (barely skimming a few cm from my head) and scared the absolute crap out of me!!
I was building Jaspers hut (a wooden ‘bush kennel’ with veranda that Jazzy loved to just lie under 🙏🏻🐨)
Phil is a beautiful male Australian King Parrot with a gorgeous red breast, green body and bright red head (which is how you tell the males and females apart).
Phil landed on the fence, and just stared at me as if to say, “are your really going to use that size screw to secure the verandah posts’..
Yes Dad I am!
Watching from the branch above was a smaller parrot with a green head and breast.. the female.. who I of course called Chris!
Hi there Mum I called.. go tell Dad to stop telling me how to build 😂
And that was it.. Phil and Chris have been visiting me at Womble Woods ever since ❤️🏡.
They even sit and look through the windows as if to say.. hey.. we’d love a cuppa.. come outside (or in their case black sunflower seeds, which are a native and natural favourite).. which you can see them munching and enjoying!!
Both sexes of 🇦🇺Australian King Parrots have a beautiful red belly, green back with green wings and large green tails.
And, even though I am truly terrified of ‘most birds’.. there is something that I find quite calming, mesmerising and truly beautiful about these gorgeous winged creatures, who chirp away to me.. probably telling me what to do lol 😂
And of course I talk back to them.. because that’s what we do at Womble woods, we talk to all the animals!
Welcome to #womblewoods ..
🧟Friday the 13th.. and Womble Woods is not always as it seems… RUNNNNNNN!!! 🔪
Be afraid..
of the ‘Chucky’ Wombles 🇦🇺
** This is of my favourite videos just before Jasper lost his vision.
It was such a fun time filming.. great memories which will always be treasured 🥰🐾
But seriously, how could anyone ever be scared of Jaszy lol 😂!!
I have the BEST story to tell you.. it’s seriously the BEST story you’ll ever hear!
Okay.. all you hoomans might have a wee trubble understanding it all (hehe, get it.. a 💦 trubble 😂!!)
.. cos i special coded it for my waggley furiends 🐾
I had the bestest time..
squirt 💦..
and even some double 💦💦!
Oh.. and the scratch and cover 💦.. they were funniest stories ever!!!
They made me laugh 🤭 & laugh 😂& laugh 😆!!
What do you think 🐾 furiends?
Should I save all my money and just do it?
And what about that pressie idea for Mummy J.. which one do you think she’d like best?
I really need your help with that one puppers.
And I know I shouldn’t have confessed about that naughty thing I did, but you gotta admit it was pretty hilarious.. did it make you laugh 🤭?
And even pee your pants (if you were wearing any 😂)
Oh, and just one more question, which of those flavour cheeses do you think would taste best?
Sorry I could only squirt out 16 messages.. next time I’ll make sure I drink more so the ‘tank’ has a bit more in reserve 💦📮.. and maybe I can become a master mailer!! 😂😂😂
How many messages can you squirt out furiends 💦📮?
Do you think 16 is a good number?
Lubs you!
Paddi Bear 🐻❄️
Master Pee Mailer (in training 😂)
Westie Wombles 🇦🇺