Please help ♥️
Please help us by donating through our website or direct to the sanctuary - send us a direct message for details 🙏🏼. .
Donations can be made via the website ~
Donate direct to the sanctuary:
JDS Farm Sanctuary
BSB - 633 000
ACC - 190 450 684
#vegan #veganfortheanimals #veganforlife #friendsofanimals #animalsarefriends #veganforthem #animalsarenotfood #antispeciesism #practicekindness #sanctuarylife #someonenotsomething
#happydogs #rescue #adoptdontshop #rescuedogs #friendsofanimals #practicekindness
#rescueanimals #friendsofanimals #practicekindness #noslaughterishumane #endslaughter #veganforthem #veganfortheanimals #pigsarefriendsnotfood
Just your average Wednesday… #friendsofanimals #practicekindness #adoptdontshop
. . #vegan #veganfortheanimals #veganforlife #friendsofanimals #animalsarefriends #veganforthem #animalsarenotfood #antispeciesism #practicekindness #sanctuarylife #someonenotsomething #endslaughter #noslaughterishumane
Their mothers were killed but their babies will always be safe ♥️ #bekindtoeverykind #friendsofanimals #love #endslaughter
Sunday morning at the sanctuary #bekindtoeverykind #friendsofanimals #animalsarefriends #rescue #love
#bekindtoeverykind #friendsofanimals #animalsarefriends #veganforthem #veganfortheanimals #veganforlife #practicekindness
#bekindtoeverykind #noslaughterishumane #endslaughter #friendsofanimals #animalsarefriends #veganforthem #veganfortheanimals #veganforlife #practicekindness
I don’t normally share these diary entries here but thought I’d give it a crack! Having a ramble about sanctuary life, and talking about our fundraiser to #killthevetbill!