Hello Ballina and surrounds local areas . 🐾🦴🐶🐶
I have a great deal for dog owners .
All complete raw diets come with duck bones and for
A LIMITED TIME ONLY a FREE packet of natural dog healthy Natural healthy dog biscuits - either pumpkin seed cookies , kelp cookies or golden paste cookies .
Complete Species appropriate raw mixes with bone broth
- contain turkey muscle meat
- Goat lung and trachea
- Duck liver
- Lamb green tripe
- lamb hearts
- turkey bone broth
- local raw honey
- fermented greens prebiotics
- duck bones
With or without blended fresh vegs
Oldies and anti inflam mixes -
with golden paste ( turmeric, black pepper n coconut oil)
Liver and system detox mixes -
Dandelion, burdock and kelp herbal mix .
Puppy mixes also available with egg shell .
$26 per kilo
$2 discount per kg for cash .
Free packet of natural dog healthy cookies
Roo mixes also available.
As im still building back my natural dog business after loosing the shop in the floods , and no longer have the larger freezer spaces. Orders may take up to a week to be delivered 🐶
Thank you for continuing to support us ! 🐾
Delivery costs
$5 Ballina
$10 outside Ballina including Evans Head , Lismore, Woodburn
Please message me to order .
Have a great day ! 🐶😀