✅1. Encourage Normal Drinking Habits: Keeping water at a comfortable temperature and adding the appeal of Stockgain encourages normal drinking habits, preventing the potential for reduced water intake during colder months.
✅2. Encourage Forage Intake: Horses tend to eat more hay in winter to stay warm, and adequate water intake helps them digest the increased amount of forage. Mixing Stockgain with water and sprinkling over hay may increase forage interest.
✅3. Support Immune Function: Staying well-hydrated helps maintain a horse’s immune system, which is essential for fighting off winter illnesses.
✅4. Avoid Impaction Colic: Proper hydration helps prevent impaction colic by ensuring that ingested feed moves smoothly through the digestive tract.
#nrgstockgain #winterhydration #encouragehorsetodrink
1. REGULAR GROOMING: Groom your horses regularly to remove dirt and debris and to check for skin issues. This also helps with bonding and monitoring their condition.
2. NO-NOTS DETANGLER: Use No-Nots to keep tails and manes free of tangles and burrs caused by mud and other wet weather challenges.
3. TRIMMING: Keep manes and tails shorter in winter to prevent mud and debris from becoming caught.
#wintergrooming #nrgnonots #healthytails
Blackstrap molasses, often overlooked but immensely beneficial, holds numerous nutritional advantages as well as assisting with improved digestion, electrolyte balance and palatability! 👌
Blackstrap molasses has been the foundation of NRG's Stockgain Vitamin and Mineral Supplement for over 45 years! 💪
#blackstrapmolasses #nrgstockgain #horsesupplement
🌿 Embrace the Power of Nature with NRG Protect! 🌿
Did you know? Our revolutionary formula harnesses the natural prowess of Sulphur, a mineral packed with incredible benefits!
💛Antimicrobial: Sulphur has natural antibacterial and antifungal properties, making it effective in combatting the bacteria responsible minor skin infections.
💛Exfoliation: Sulphur helps in the exfoliation of dead skin cells, promoting cell turnover and keeping the skin’s surface healthy.
💛Anti-Inflammatory: Sulphur has anti-inflammatory properties that can help soothe irritated and inflamed skin.
Ready to unleash the power of Sulphur? Try NRG Protect today and let nature nurture! 🌿✨
#SulfurBenefits #Healthyhorses #Barriercream #NRGProtect
You’re not wrong Hiccup 🦄
#TheNRGTeam #horsehealth #horsenutrition
🐴❄️ Winter is coming, fellow horse owners! Are you ready for the wet days ahead?
Don't let the rain and mud catch you off guard. Stock up on NRG Protect today – the ultimate barrier cream that's a must-have for those unexpected winter moments. Keep your equine companions comfortable all season long.
#WinterPrep #HorseCare #NRGProtect 🐎✨
Come (sort of) clip my horse with me! 🦄 💇♀️
Here are my top tips for getting a good clip:
1. Make sure your horse is REALLY clean, atleast two washes prior & ensure they are completely dry
2. Use SHARP blades - check before commencing 🙃
3. Give your horse a really good rinse after to remove excess hair as it’s itchy!
4. Pop on some essential oils - like our GlossArena so the coat is nice and soft 🥰
5. Add atleast one extra rug!
Double Trouble 👿 🐶 Our top tips for maintaining a healthy doggie coat: 1. Brush your dog's coat regularly to prevent matting.2. Ensure a balanced diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids.3. Use NRG Doggie No-Nots for gentle detangling and added coat shine.
We recently caught up with sponsored rider Kyle Kroeger to have a quick chat about his very first Adelaide 3DE preparation! 🐴
We wish Kyle & Bentley all the best ❤️🍀
Breathe easy, ride easy! 🌬️ Garlic goodness supporting respiratory health in every breath. 🐴💨 #GarlicforHorses #EquineWellness
Post-workout recharge for horses – Apple Cider Vinegar: the natural electrolyte boost! 🍎🐴 #EquineRecovery
Revitalize from the inside out! 🌱 Garlic's detox touch for a healthier horse. 🐴✨
#EquineWellness #TheNRGTeam
Soothe & Support! 🌿 Garlic's natural anti-inflammatory power for happy, comfortable horses. 🐎💫 #NRGTeam #EquineWellness
Elevate equine well-being with Apple Cider Vinegar! 🍎🐴Available at your local produce or saddlery story
#HealthyHorses #NRGTeam #ACVBenefits
Boosting equine health with a splash of Apple Cider Vinegar! 🍎🐴 #ACVForHorses #NRGTeam
Happy tummy, happy horse! 🌿 Garlic's gentle aid for smooth digestion. 🐎💫 #GarlicDigestion #EquineWellness #NRGTeam
Feed time with @equestrian_ts fave NRG products - Stockgain & Calcium!
Elevate every stride with the natural vitality boost! 🐴✨ Discover the magic of Apple Cider Vinegar for horses - a key ingredient for a healthier, happier equine journey! 🍎🍃 #EquineWellness #ACVForHorses #NaturalVitality