The temperament and health of each individual mouse is very important to us here at Cyclone Mousery. We breed show quality mice which also make awesome pets. We have litters being born at regular intervals with pairings and litter details being updated constantly via our page. Once paired a lot of my mice become reserved so if I have something that may interest you please feel free to pla
ce a reservation. Current lines we have here at the Mousery are Siamese, Himilayan, Rexes, Long Coat Rex, Standard, Burmese, Agouti, and Manx. We have mice in our lines from other reputable mouse breeders in Australia, Zen Mousery, Minion Mousery and Little Twitches Mousery. We do ship Australia wide at your cost, all our mice come precautionary treated with Ivermectin for lice and mites and pedigree upon request. Once you buy from Cyclone Mousery, I am happy to continue to answer any questions you may have in relation to your new addition or any general mouse related enquiries you may have.