Dear everyone.
I should tell you the sad news.
My 19 year old princess most likely has cancer. She is still able to move around and jump to the bed. But I can see she is getting unstable to walk every day. She has had a big appetite all her life but now she can't eat much. She was with me when I had a very hard time. She saved me and gave me a lot of joy. She is my guardian angel. I remarried this May and semi retired this August. It seems like she wanted to be sure I won't be alone after she will cross the rainbow bridge. And waited I have enough time to spend with her. Now I can be here for her almost all the time.
Therefore I cancelled to attend Milton Twilight Market. Also I can't attend any markets at the moment. I'll announce when I can be back.
Please pray for my princess if you can. I would appreciate it very much.