I think Smokey is trying to tell us something 😻😻
You may have seen our recent post regarding a cat looking for a new home. We are very pleased to report that Bertie went to his new home on Friday evening. We are keeping our fingers crossed that everything works out for him but the first reports are that he is loving it!! Thank you for everyone who showed interest and/or help spread the story.
Beautiful Mandu the Maine Coon made a stunning sight sitting in the sunlight last week!! Do you think cats realise just how pretty they are?
Cossie enjoying a roll in the sink with her favourite wash-cloth 😆😆
Tierney looks very aggrieved at not being let out into the backyard to play. 😾😾. It’s a hard life being a pampered cat .
It’s exhausting being a cat - having to look so darn cute all the time and putting up with all the human admirers - just ask Pablo. 🥰🥰😻😻
Say hello to Feenie! This big man stayed with us recently for a few weeks along with his cat-nephews. Feenie does not like other cats so as soon as he gets the place to himself he races outside for a rejuvenating roll on the concrete followed by a thorough inspection of the place.
We would really like to give that tummy a rub but Feenie says that is a familiarity only his mummy is permitted t😜😻
Freya hopes everyone has plans for the public holiday, whether it be catching up with friends, having a browse round the shops or settling in for a cosy nap on the couch.
Ginger Spice enjoying a short grooming session on a Caturday arvo!