The revelation for Ray, that things were changing, came at a time when he was close to giving up.
After close to seven years of trying to understand Tom Dorrance, Ray rose one morning and said to himself – “Aw, to heck with it. I’ll just ride my horse for today”.
“I never had a better day in my life!”, Ray says.
“I saddled my horse and started off. When I looked in a direction that’s where the horse went. If I looked back, that’s where he went.
I thought - ‘My God, Tom said to ‘fix it up and let him find it’ - but I was so busy 'DOING' that I was getting in the horse’s way.
That was so powerful to me; a person can sometimes work too hard at something.’”
From an article that appeared in the January 2005 edition of 'Western Horseman' titled 'Ray Hunt, Western Horseman of the Year'.
Image of Ray is by W.T. Bruce and is from the same article.