Essence of Chi in TEEN LEADERSHIP for EQUINE at Kabra - Just outside Rockhampton 4700
Level 1 Prepare to Change
Workshop for TEENAGERS from the ages of 13 to 19. Is a workshop that facilitates teenagers in expanding their possibilities in many areas.
Commencing Friday 14th to 16th Saturday and Sunday Jan 2022
Facilitators: Jason Lindley, Vincent Leo, Dan Rowan
Two Parallel ways of “Knowing” when playing with horses.
The key point to understanding is that we have two parallel ways of “knowing”. At school however, the emphasis has been on teaching you skills that rely on left mode thinking. Did you find this out when you looked at the two tables? Left brain thinking allows you to do certain things well: solving maths equations, copying notes, applying formula to solve problems. When we use right mode thinking we can do other things well: playing music, drawing, singing, remembering patterns, dancing, ski-ing, creating new ideas.
When playing with horses, which part of brain do you use the most?
When we use the two modes together, or engage in whole brain thinking, we combine both skills and perform much better, than if we use one or the other. It is possible to switch from left mode to right mode and back again very fast.
We do this when we meet someone. In our left mode processing style, we hear, what they say to us. In our right mode style, we analyse their vocal pattern, look at the eye movements, notice their body language and see whether there is a match or mismatch between what we see and hear, and the words or actions that are being said. As a result of the combined left and right brain thinking, we might say. “What they say sounds good (left brain analysis) however I don’t trust them. (Right brain intuition)
Right mode thinking when playing with horses is very powerful. Visualisation, intuition, knowing and prophetic, creativity, inventiveness and imagination cannot be g
Level 1 Prepare to Change (ECL equine) workshops is about two things:
1. That individuals have far more influence than ever before.
2. The only thing holding you back from becoming the kind of person who changes things is this, lack of faith.
Faith that you can do it and that it is worth doing. Faith that failure won’t destroy, deny, control you as you journey into the unknown.
The world has changed a lot, just about every system, whether it’s political, financial or even religious has become asymmetrical or lop sided.
Thank you all for challenging yourself to make a difference in these adventurous times.
Essence of Chi in EQUINE WORKSHOP at KABRA (CQ)
Level 1 Prepare to Change - October 2nd Saturday to Monday 4th October
Facilitators: Jason Lindley, Vincent Leo, and Dan Rowan
Knowing you
In Tai Chi there is an exercise called “push hand. I like to call it sticky hands, you stick to the opponent and you sense what the opponent is going to do through his hands. The exercise is to try to find where the force is coming from, and find where they “are not”, you then use energy in such a way that they move. To the “pusher, an excellent “push” will feel effortless. To the person receiving a good “push” won’t feel forceful. The idea is to receive the energy and not to fight against, to go with the flow. So, if a stronger force is coming at you, receive it and then redirect it. You can either step inside the circle or step outside the circle of the incoming energy. The main principle is to receive the energy and then pause; you have many choices of what to do with the incoming energy and choose the most appropriate action then DO IT. The idea is to create a connection with the opponent and then work with the person by recognising where the force is coming from. Some people will lure you in, some people energies are so gentle that it is hard to find, some will use a lot of force that you cannot move them or find their weakness. Some people energy is to continually absorb you then push.
These energy flows are about you creating a connection. Creating a connection with someone who will listen to what you have to say. In order for someone to listen to you, you unconsciously manipulate them. Now its a catch 22. If you are not willing to be manipulated then you won’t know when you are being manipulated. Therefore, if you are willing to be manipulated and you understand the energy of MANIPULATION then you can choose to be or not. Just like this workshop lol...
How often do your children manipulate you or try to? They are Masters of the game. Hav
Essence of Chi in EQUINE WORKSHOP at KABRA (CQ)
2nd October to 4th October.
Facilitators: Jason Lindley, Vincent Leo, and Dan Rowan
Supple Rider - Supple horse
A Supple horse is one who can lengthen and compress his frame as well as bend his body laterally without losing his balance.
A Supple rider is one who prepares his body before the ride. Spend time on self, not on planning what to do with your horse. The horse will only go as well as our body allows him to.
To have a true connection with your horse you need to have an understanding of the concept of centring, wisdom of your own senses, your own body and mind together as one process.
Let me explain?
Relationship can be described as the way in which two or more concepts, objects, people or horse is connected, or the state of being connected. In any relationship, you have to keep creating distance, you can’t have more connection. You create distance then you reconnect and again and so on. Do you find people get on and then argue over trivia, that’s due to the distancing and the argument is the reconnecting? Many people in relationships have to divorce or separate some part of them to make it or try to make it work and most of the time it doesn’t. If you have to divorce any part of you to have a relationship, then it is a distraction or a division. On the other hand, if you have intimacy: sharing or exchanging of intimate thoughts and feelings, esp. when the exchange is on a mental or spiritual level. When you have an intimacy with each other there is no judgment or separation just constantly expanding. In intimacy it allows for separation, growth, change and ‘beingness’. There is no force in intimacy. In a relationship there’s force, drama, trauma, resist and react and align and agree. Would you prefer a relationship or intimacy?
Tai Chi principles increases awareness of your body, yourself, and your connection with the universe around you. You feel the great depth and flow of energy from your
2nd October to 4th October.
Facilitators: Jason Lindley, Vincent Leo, and Dan Rowan
Essence of Chi in Leadership for EQUINE at KABRA –(CQ)
Level 1 Prepare to change – 3 Day Equine Connection Workshop
The Five Elements of CHI in Healthy Equine an human Relationships
The Essence of CHI in Equine and human relationships are priceless. Healthy intimacy with each other is what we live for. They reduce the resentment and anger of suffering and enhance the pleasure of good times.
Many relationships between horse or humans that start out strong can quickly deteriorate. One may wonder WHY? There are many possible reasons for this deterioration. When enough motives, reasons and explanations are present, blaming begins and emotional breakups follow…
The Essence of Chi in Leadership ask you to observe the following five elements to keep your communion, unity, relationship and intimacy healthy.
1. Everything we perceive, know, be and receive, is just an interesting point of view. Support each other by sharing tasks.
2. Stepping Out of Comfort Zone and explore together.
3. Play and work together by establishing choices that extend the relationship. Remove expectation and demands by choosing and choosing again.
4. Prepare to change.
5. Hang out together without the beliefs.
Remember there is motivation behind what you choose to believe.
We do not remember days; we remember moments. ~Cesare Pavese, The Burning Brand
Join us on the October 2nd Saturday to Monday 4th October
A 3-day face to face experience packed with exercises to restore your energy and awaken new possibilities!
Fence sitters Welcome
Jason Lindley & Vincent Leo 3 Day Workshop highlights
At 4 mile creek paradise..