ArthramidVet APAC

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ArthramidVet APAC Arthramid Vet 2.5% PAAG is a pioneering new treatment used by veterinarians for equine arthritis Please contact us for details: [email protected]

Arthramid Vet is for Veterinary Use Only and is administered by intra-articular injection. It is distributed in Australia, New Zealand, Asia and the Middle East by IMS Vet Limited and available through veterinary wholesalers. It is distributed in Europe, UK and the US by our distribution partners.

Are the regenerative properties of ArthramidVet the answer to a sound, happy horse?Research has proven that the innovati...

Are the regenerative properties of ArthramidVet the answer to a sound, happy horse?

Research has proven that the innovative 2.5% iPAAG technology outperforms traditional joint treatments by resolving lameness in an impressive 83.3% of cases. Veterinarians are consistently achieving better patient outcomes, witnessing not only longer-lasting relief but also improved joint health.

By integrating into the joint as a bio-scaffold, ArthramidVet strengthens and restores joint health from within. This means a more enduring effect, reducing the need for frequent treatments and lowering the risk of infection associated with repeated injections.

ArthramidVet is a veterinarian only product. For more information or to dive into the research behind this game-changing treatment, visit our website at

In our latest case report, we look at the treatment of a 12-year-old crossbred gelding, a competitive show jumper facing...

In our latest case report, we look at the treatment of a 12-year-old crossbred gelding, a competitive show jumper facing acute tenosynovitis of the left hind digital flexor tendon sheath (DFTS).

Read the full case report for more details on his journey back to competition.

Multiple published studies show that ArthramidVet is not only a more effective treatment than what many would consider t...

Multiple published studies show that ArthramidVet is not only a more effective treatment than what many would consider the ‘Gold Standard’ of joint treatment, in Triamcinolone & HA, but they have also proven it to be a safer alternative for the treatment of osteoarthritis and joint lameness in animals.

More and more veterinarians are trusting ArthramidVet to relieve our equine athletes of joint pain.

Our latest case report delves into the diagnostic approach, treatment plan, and outcome of a seasoned Prix St. George dr...

Our latest case report delves into the diagnostic approach, treatment plan, and outcome of a seasoned Prix St. George dressage mare who suffered from mild osteophytosis of the dorsal aspect of the TMT joints and sclerosis of the third tarsal and central tarsal bones

Read the full case report below.

Innovative veterinary products like 2.5% iPAAG Hydrogels are transforming patient outcomes, but presenting their own cha...

Innovative veterinary products like 2.5% iPAAG Hydrogels are transforming patient outcomes, but presenting their own challenges.

In the realm of joint injections, ArthramidVet and the way research has proven it to be most effective, is resulting in a paradigm shift in the way veterinarians, trainers and owners approach treating joints.

Dr. Jason Lowe understands the challenge of aligning owner expectations with ArthramidVet's response time. While traditional treatments offer immediate relief, ArthramidVet's benefits unfold over two to six weeks. This shift requires trainers and owners to adjust their expectations, but the results speak for themselves.

Speak to your vet about treating pre-season to keep your horse performing at their best for longer.


ArthramidVet is the trusted choice for superior joint care among top veterinarians, owners, and trainers for its reliability, longevity, and regenerative properties.

Hear firsthand from top industry professionals as they share their experiences and the results they've seen with ArthramidVet and find out why they choose it over alternatives.

Ask your vet about ArthramidVet for more information, or head to our website

Ever wonder why the rehab time for ArthramidVet is longer than traditional joint injections?Once ArthramidVet is injecte...

Ever wonder why the rehab time for ArthramidVet is longer than traditional joint injections?

Once ArthramidVet is injected into the joint, it doesn't just provide temporary relief. It goes to work, integrating into the joint capsule and creating a 'bio-scaffold' within the synovium. This scaffold supports the bodies natural healing process, strengthening the joint and restoring function and mobility over the long term.

Unlike traditional treatments that merely mask pain, ArthramidVet prioritises the horse's long-term health. That's why we recommend early treatment—giving the product time to fully integrate into the synovial membrane, promoting the growth of new cells, blood vessels, and collagen fibers. Doing so supports the horse's joint health over the long-term to keep them happy, sound and performing at their best.

Ask your veterinarian if ArthramidVet is right for your horse, or find out more about the product here

Did you know ArthramidVet has been scientifically proven to be effective in 83.3% of cases?In clinical trials, Arthramid...

Did you know ArthramidVet has been scientifically proven to be effective in 83.3% of cases?

In clinical trials, ArthramidVet was put to the test against traditional joint treatments and was proven to be more effective than corticosteroids such as Triamcinolone (27.3%), and Hyaluronic Acid (40%) alone.

Not only is it more effective, it’s a safer alternative with a non-pharmaceutical action, meaning there is no drug withholding period.

This product truly is a pioneering treatment that is safe for use in horses of any discipline and with its unique mechanism of action, it restores joint function and mobility rather than simply masking the pain.

ArthramidVet should be your first choice for the treatment of joint lameness. Talk to your vet about us, or head to our website to find out more.

“In biology, there’s good inflammation and bad inflammation. Good inflammation is part of the body’s natural immune resp...

“In biology, there’s good inflammation and bad inflammation. Good inflammation is part of the body’s natural immune response. So, if we’re supporting the body’s natural immune response with products like this gel [2.5 iPAAG], we’re creating the environment for healing naturally" says Dr Jason Lowe, MBA, BVSc, Cert EP.

In a new study researchers have shown 2.5% injectable polyacrylamide hydrogel (iPAAG) injected into the joints causes a beneficial type of inflammation horses need for long-term relief from osteoarthritis, while providing bioscaffolding that might support healthy tissue regeneration.

Read more here:

Recent study results show this treatment for osteoarthritis might benefit horses in both the short and long term.

The introduction of 2.5% iPAAG technology (ArthramidVet) is one of the most significant breakthroughs in the treatment o...

The introduction of 2.5% iPAAG technology (ArthramidVet) is one of the most significant breakthroughs in the treatment of Osteoarthritis and Joint Disease in recent times.

For many years, veterinarians, owners, and trainers have had limited options for treating joint lameness, with even fewer sustainable solutions available over time.

ArthramidVet's unique mode of action is driving a paradigm shift in how veterinarians approach joint disease treatment. While the product has demonstrated significantly longer-lasting effects compared to traditional treatments, it also requires time to integrate into the joint. Thus, veterinarians achieve optimal results when administering it before a period of rest or allowing sufficient time for horse rehabilitation before returning to full work.

Among its various benefits, ArthramidVet is recognised as a regenerative medicine, rather than a mere pain masker, and operates through a non-pharmaceutical mechanism. This makes it safe for use on horses with metabolic or other underlying conditions.

Please note that this is a veterinarian-only product, to find out more, speak to your vet.

Struggling with your horse going lame mid-competition season or are you stuck in the repetitive cycle of lameness?Tradit...

Struggling with your horse going lame mid-competition season or are you stuck in the repetitive cycle of lameness?

Traditional joint therapies often provide fast-acting, but temporary relief, leaving owners and veterinarians once again searching for solutions mere weeks or months later.

ArthramidVet is changing the way veterinarians and owners approach and treat joint lameness, and is proving to be a game changer for horses with mild to chronic joint issues.

Unlike conventional treatments, ArthramidVet doesn't just mask the symptoms—it integrates into the joint capsule, offering a longer-lasting solution. This means fewer rounds of treatments and less reliance on corticosteroids or hyaluronic acid.

Dr. Jason Lowe advocates for a proactive approach, urging veterinarians and owners to consider ArthramidVet as a preventative measure and treat early in the disease process. Due to the products regenerative mode of action, treating early in the disease process means we can reduce suffering, strengthen the joint, enhance safety for both horse and rider, and minimise disruptions to training schedules.

ArthramidVet isn't a quick fix—it's a strategic, long-term solution for managing osteoarthritis and joint pain. To learn more, consult your vet or visit our website at


“We are 4 months post-injection now and he can go on longer beach walks with my other dogs. Doesn’t pull up lame the next day and overall is so much happier. The keratin callus on foot is totally gone and his footfall is almost normal again. Left leg does not rotate out to the side nearly as much as it had.”

Johnny, a 10 year old Braque d’Auvergne, had been suffering from chronic pain due to arthritis in his elbow for the past 2 years, and despite his owner trying every natural supplement and treatment available, nothing relieved Johnny from his pain, until they tried ArthramidVet.

Johnny suffered an injury to his left elbow as a puppy which damaged the growth plates but despite having surgery at the time, it was always swollen and larger than the other side.

He was able to walk and run normally until about 8 years of age, at which point owner, Ben, noticed a rapid decline in which he slowed down and the inflammation of the elbow increased until it was larger than fist size.

He was diagnosed with Arthritis and his mobility continued to decline.

Johnny was put on Metacam and Paracetamol when needed and they tried every natural supplement known for dogs including cold laser therapy, green lipped mussel, deer velvet, rosehip powder, glucosamine and chondroitin, extra Vitamin C, canine collagen, turmeric paste etc. Nothing brought Johnny any notable relief.

4 months ago Johnny was treated with ArthramidVet in both elbows and within a few days of the injection, he was much brighter in himself and spent more time awake and active.

Within a few weeks in his gait had changed, where he had been rotating his front left leg and weight bearing on the outside of his pad, causing a huge keratin callus, he now has a much straighter with an almost normal footfall. He was also much more alert, cheerful and wasn’t sleeping as much.

A month later he was feeling well enough in himself, he started running when he got excited. He is now back enjoying his beach walks and living a much more mobile and comfortable life.

ArthramidVet is a veterinarian-only product, ask your vet for more information, or head to our website

After a prolonged period of soundness issues where traditional treatments provided only short-term relief, Katherine Dun...

After a prolonged period of soundness issues where traditional treatments provided only short-term relief, Katherine Dunstan had resigned to the fact her adored 8-year-old warmblood gelding may never return to the competition arena until Dr Emma Wood convinced her to give Arthramid Vet a chance.

If you think ArthramidVet might be right for your horse, have a chat to your vet or head to our website:

Why is regenerative medicine shaping the future of joint injections?Over the past decade, regenerative therapies have ma...

Why is regenerative medicine shaping the future of joint injections?

Over the past decade, regenerative therapies have made significant strides, with ongoing research continually expanding their potential applications.

Regenerative medicine operates by harnessing the body’s innate immune and disease-fighting capabilities, promoting self-healing rather than relying solely on pharmaceuticals.

In equines, joint disease—such as osteoarthritis, synovitis, and capsulitis—stands as one of the primary targets for regenerative treatments. Direct injection of a regenerative solution like ArthramidVet into the affected joint emerges as the most effective means to alleviate pain and inflammation.

ArthramidVet works in a joint exhibiting signs of osteoarthritis (OA), as well as those with abnormal findings detected through various diagnostic imaging methods, including radiology, ultrasonography, scintigraphy, CT, or MRI.

Early intervention is key to managing symptoms and slowing the onset of OA or other degenerative conditions.

ArthramidVet represents a groundbreaking approach to addressing lameness in horses, marking a significant departure from traditional treatment paradigms.

For further details about ArthramidVet, talk to your veterinarian.

Is your competition season coming to an end? Treat before a spell for a stronger, healthier joint next season.Veterinari...

Is your competition season coming to an end? Treat before a spell for a stronger, healthier joint next season.

Veterinarians who are leveraging the off-season to treat with 2.5 iPAAG ArthramidVet are seeing much less lameness-related downtime throughout the season in these horses.

Given its innovative mode of action, the hydrogel (ArthramidVet) requires time to integrate into the joint. Therefore, treating proactively to manage horses prone to lameness, whether it’s due to Osteoarthritis or other degenerative joint conditions, gives the product time to integrate into the synovium of the joint, increasing the elasticity and tensile strength and ultimately enhancing its stability, resilience and ability to transfer load.

The prolonged efficacy of ArthramidVet has been proven to be superior to that of conventional joint treatments, with many sport horses remaining sound for the entire season following just one treatment if given adequate time for the product to work before returning to high-intensity exercise.

If you’re looking to get through a season pain-free or your horse is showing early signs of joint pain, talk to your vet about treating with ArthramidVet as a preventative.


Dr Jason Lowe recently joined Dr Lisa Fortier and Dr Sarah Wright on the Veterinary Vertex podcast to discuss his research paper recently published in JAVMA - Histologic and cytologic changes in normal equine joints after injection with 2.5 iPAAG hydrogel reveal low-level macrophage-driven foreign body response.

From it came a number of interesting insights, including the paradigm shift we are seeing in the way veterinarians, owners and trainers are approaching joint injections and the difference it is making in the longevity and effectiveness of the treatment.

🎧 To listen to the full podcast, search for the Veterinary Vertex on all popular podcast apps.

When treating any joint-related issue, an accurate diagnosis is crucial to understand the severity of the disease fully ...

When treating any joint-related issue, an accurate diagnosis is crucial to understand the severity of the disease fully and to prevent the use of the product for conditions other than for which it is indicated.

Arthramid Vet can be used in almost all cases of acute or chronic synovitis, capsulitis, meniscal tears, osteoarthritis or subchondral bone cysts, but below are a few things to consider when assessing whether Arthramid is right for your horse;

✔️ Lameness has been localised to the joint by clinical examination and intra-articular analgesia, radiography, ultrasound, MRI, CT and/or Scintigraphy.

✔️Case has been diagnosed with acute or chronic synovitis, capsulitis, meniscal tears, osteoarthritis or subchondral bone cysts

✔️ Patients where other treatments may be contraindicated due to metabolic conditions or old age

✔️ Best long-term results are found when treated as early as possible in the disease process.

Arthramid Vet is a veterinary-only product, talk to your vet about using the product.

ArthramidVet® is an innovative safe treatment for joint pain and lameness. Rather than simply masking pain, it defies conventional treatments by targeting the synovial membrane and restoring function and movement to joints.

🐴  AUSTRALIAN GIVEAWAY | SHARE YOUR STORY AND WIN🐴 Have you got an ArthramidVet® success story?We have 4x $275 vouchers ...


Have you got an ArthramidVet® success story?

We have 4x $275 vouchers to the Horseland to give away to those who share with us your ArthramidVet® success story.

We want to hear about how ArthramidVet® helped your horse.
Did it save them from an early retirement, or provide relief when all other treatments failed? Is your horse a 5* eventer or Pony Club/ pleasure hack? If ArthramidVet® helped, we want to hear about it!

For more information, competition T&Cs and to share your story, click here:

*Note: Open to Australian residents only.


Dr Emma Wood has been an advocate for Arthramid Vet since its infancy and has had great success with the product on cases ranging from Group 1 winning racehorses to pleasure horses.

See what else Emma has to say about the product here

This is a great article from Contura Orthopaedics Ltd on the all-too-common issue facing many farmers - joint pain.While...

This is a great article from Contura Orthopaedics Ltd on the all-too-common issue facing many farmers - joint pain.

While many farmers go to great lengths to avoid lameness in their livestock, they're less inclined to be proactive about their own well-being, so a non-invasive treatment with minimal recovery time is an exciting advancement for the industry.

Read the full article here:

How safe is ArthramidVet?In our latest article, Dr Jason Lowe discusses the recommendations of safety and repeat dosing ...

How safe is ArthramidVet?

In our latest article, Dr Jason Lowe discusses the recommendations of safety and repeat dosing with ArthramidVet with the backing of recent studies.

It is concluded that repeat dosing of ArthramidVet is safe and effective when clinically indicated, and there is evidence that there is a dose-dependent response.

ArthramidVet can be used in any joint that is displaying clinical signs of osteoarthritis and while it is recommended for use as early as possible in the OA disease process (e.g. synovitis and capsular stiffness), it is also highly effective in severe or chronic cases.

When looking at the safety of the product, the BCA-Staining test predicts cytotoxic or necrotic effects of medical devices or materials with good correlation to animal experiments and high sensitivity. Under this testing model, it is shown no cytotoxic substances are released from 2.5% iPAAG.

Read the full article here:

ArthramidVet® is an innovative safe treatment for joint pain and lameness. Rather than simply masking pain, it defies conventional treatments by targeting the synovial membrane and restoring function and movement to joints.

🐴  SHARE YOUR STORY AND WIN 🐴 Have you got an ArthramidVet success story?We have 4x $275 vouchers to the Saddlery Wareho...


Have you got an ArthramidVet success story?

We have 4x $275 vouchers to the Saddlery Warehouse to give away to those who share with us your ArthramidVet success story.

We want to hear about how ArthramidVet helped your horse.
Did it save them from an early retirement, or provide relief when all other treatments failed? Is your horse a 5* eventer or Pony Club/ pleasure hack? If ArthramidVet helped, we want to hear about it!

For more information, competition T&Cs and to share your story, click here:

*Note: Open to New Zealand residents only.

Saddlery Warehouse Cambridge & Tauranga

Are traditional joint treatments providing only short-term relief for your horse?Research has proven the innovative 2.5%...

Are traditional joint treatments providing only short-term relief for your horse?

Research has proven the innovative 2.5% iPAAG technology of Arthramid Vet to be more effective than traditional joint treatments, resolving lameness in 83.3% of cases. In addition, veterinarians are reporting they are consistently getting better patient outcomes, with longer-lasting relief and improved health of the joint.

More and more veterinarians, owners, and trainers are turning to regenerative properties of the 2.5% iPAAG technology, which integrates into the joint, acting as a bio-scaffold, strengthening and restoring the health of the joint. In doing so, it provides a more long-lasting effect, reducing the frequency of treatments needed, therefore reducing the risk of infection that comes with injecting often.

This is a veterinarian-only product, for more information or to read the research, head to our website -


More and more top racehorse trainers are turning to Arthramid Vet after seeing first-hand just how straightforward it is. Being a non-pharmaceutical, it is scientifically proven to be more reliable and longer lasting than traditional treatments.

Ben Gleeson was the assistant trainer for Danny O'Brien at the time of filming, a stable that has been using Arthramid Vet with plenty of success, including in Group 1 winning horses

Watch Ben's full video here:


Top veterinarians and trainers seeing incredible results from using Arthramid Vet and are choosing it over alternatives due to its reliability, longevity and the regenerative nature of the product.

Check out what they have to say.


Racehorse trainers like Will Larkin, are constantly on the lookout for a competitive edge that is going to help keep their horses happier, in work and performing at their best for longer.

Treating early in a preparation with Arthramid Vet reduces the lameness-related downtime and keeps a horse comfortable and performing at their best for a full prep.

83.3% of horses respond to treatment with Arthramid Vet!Arthramid Vet has a unique mechanism of action, the advanced gel...

83.3% of horses respond to treatment with Arthramid Vet!

Arthramid Vet has a unique mechanism of action, the advanced gel acts as a "bio-scaffold" that bonds with the tissue of the joint, altering the disease process and restoring better function.

This product really is a pioneering treatment that is safe for use in horses of any discipline. The product contains no steroids, therefore there is no drug withdrawal period.

Arthramid Vet should be your first choice for the treatment of joint lameness. Talk to your vet about us, or head to our website to find out more.

Have you considered the long-term effects of conventional treatments and the need for a more sustainable approach to equ...

Have you considered the long-term effects of conventional treatments and the need for a more sustainable approach to equine joint pain management?

Over the past few years, non-pharmaceutical treatments have gained significant popularity, due to enhanced research and a deeper understanding of their mechanisms of action. These treatments offer veterinarians, trainers, and owners additional options for treating horses with minimal risk of side effects.

Using a non-pharmaceutical joint injection compared to steroids offers several key advantages:

1. Steroids can have a number of side effects, including weakened cartilage and a potential risk of laminitis. Non-pharmaceutical alternatives minimize these risks.

2. Non-pharmaceutical joint injections often provide longer-lasting results, reducing the need for frequent treatments.

3. Non-pharmaceutical injections may directly target the underlying cause of joint pain, such as inflammation or synovitis, for more effective relief.

4. These injections offer a more sustainable approach to equine joint health, helping to strengthen and restore movement to the joint.

5. Frequent use of steroids may lead to steroid-induced deterioration of articular tissues, known as "steroid arthropathy", and overuse of the treated joint can result in accelerated cartilage degeneration.

Non-pharmaceutical joint injections, such as Arthramid Vet, may be particularly suitable for older and metabolic patients suffering from osteoarthritis (OA).

In summary, non-pharmaceutical joint injections offer a safer and more sustainable alternative to steroids, providing targeted and long-lasting relief for equine joint pain while minimizing the potential side effects associated with steroid treatments.

If you would like more information, get in touch with us, or head to our website to view the white paper.

Horses often show discomfort in a number of ways and it doesn’t always result in visual lameness or apparent discomfort....

Horses often show discomfort in a number of ways and it doesn’t always result in visual lameness or apparent discomfort. This was the case for 9-year-old Rolo, whose diagnosis wasn’t particularly obvious. After trying a number of different treatments, they gave Arthramid Vet a go, and have had great results.

“Since then we haven’t looked back! His muscle development and strength has improved massively since his Arthramid treatments” says owner, Rosemary.

The results of Rolo's Arthramid treatment prompted Rosemary to go on a search for a human equivalent to treat her own troublesome knees.

Read the story of Rolo and owner Rosemary's journey to comfort here:


Trainer, Simon Zahra is a firm believer in Arthramid Vet and it's ability to keep a horse happier and sound for longer than traditional treatments.

Arthramid Vet has a unique way of integrating into the subintima layer of the synovial membrane, which provides a cushion-like effect, greatly improving the shock absorption and load transfer in the joint. Due to the intense and high-impact nature of training and racing, almost all racehorses could benefit from this.

Arthramid Vet can help prolong the careers of racehorses and keep them sound, allowing them to race to the best of their abilities for a longer period of time.


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00




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Our Story

“Our philosophy of innovation remains at the centre of everything we do. Our core mission is to improve the health, performance, and wellbeing of equine patients through technological innovation, intensive R & D and global partner alliances in the veterinary industry leading to better patient outcomes and client enjoyment of the animals we love.”

A global team of dedicated veterinarians have completed clinical trials enabling market authorisation of this novel treatment. Patented 2.5% Polyacrylamide Hydrogel (2.5% PAAG) for Veterinary Use. This product is now licensed in New Zealand (ACVM No. 11596) and Australia (APVMA 86728/116464).