Movie Star!
Josie, my three year old German Shepherd, is the star of an Australian decking advertisement. She loved being the centre of attention, did everything with enthusiasm and enjoyed all the sausages. I’m one proud mumma! 💖🐺🐾🥰
*Dog and Cat Interactions*
Josie (3 year old German Shepherd) and Elora (10 year old cat) have known each other since Josie arrived at 8 weeks. However, they are polar opposite personalities. As a puppy, Josie was extremely impulsive with a very strong drive to chase anything that moved. Elora, on the other hand, is a very shy and sensitive soul with no previous experience of dogs.
This video might seem uninteresting, however there has been a lot of work in the background for both Josie and Elora to get to this point. Ensuring both of them feel safe by using management to prevent Josie from chasing. Changing Josie's underlying emotional association from over-excited whining and hyperactivity at the sight of Elora to calmness and gradual exposure to each other at a level where they are both comfortable and Josie can disengage.
It's not ok to let dogs chase cats and it's not ok for both species to 'sort it out'. We must take the personalities of each species into account when facilitating a positive relationship, ensure we are not allowing repetition of unwanted behaviours like chasing and most importantly - taking the time needed to build the relationship.
I'm very proud of these two! 🥰🐾
It’s been cold and wet here in Perth so I’ve beeen teaching Josie some tricks.
Teaching your dog tricks has so many benefits - preventing boredom, providing an outlet for energy, mental stimulation, building confidence, strengthening your bond by having fun with your dog.
‘Selfie’ means put your chin on my shoulder and pause for a photo!
I taught Josie Chin first then generalised the skill before teaching Selfie. Big dogs can sit or stand behind you and little dogs can learn to put their paws on your shoulder to get the height.
Enjoy! 💖🐾🎉
*Generalising Skills*
*Generalising Skills*
Josie is a 2.5 year old high energy working line German Shepherd who thrives on daily adventures and mental stimulation.
Every outing is an opportunity for ongoing socialisation and generalising skills to different environments.
In this video we’re practicing loose leash walking, turns and standing still when I stop around people, machinery, noises and smells and Josie is nailing it!
I’ve taught Josie using rewards-based training methods and without the use of aversive tools or punishment.
If you’d like help with your dog check out the in-person (Perth, WA, and online ( options or send me a message and let’s chat. Zoom video consultations are also available.
Happy training! 🐾🎉💖
*Stand/Wait and Walk - Building Off Leash Control*
*Stand/Wait and Walk - Building Off Leash Control*
This spot on our walk is a difficult spot for Josie to respond in... she would much rather bolt towards the lake as quickly as she can for a quick dip!
Sooo... we're practicing impulse control around the lake off leash. Three behaviours - Wait in a Stand with duration and Walk. I mark and reward the sequence of behaviours by delivering the ball in the opposite direction which moves her away from the lake (then she gets the opportunity to have a quick dip!).
We practice these behaviours in loads of other environments around other distractions to proof them.
Great job, Josie!
Retrieve To Bucket
*Retrieve to Bucket*
Here’s a great way to provide mental enrichment and physical exercise for your dog in your back yard!
This behaviour chain is made up of:
Pick up an item
Retrieve an item
Drop an item into the bucket
If you’d like to learn how to teach your dog this skill then come and check out my Ultimate Dog programme membership with one on one zoom video support from me at
Enjoy! 🐺🐾💖
*Consistency Is Key*
Training doesn’t have to be a chore. Do a little bit and often, incorporate it into what you’re already doing with your dog and keep it short and fun - for both of you!
I’m not aiming for perfection with Josie’s position changes in this video. I’m building motivation, keeping it snappy and rewarding often with her favourite toy. This is what our daily walks look like 💖🐾🎉
*The start of a beautiful friendship with Josie and Elli, the Bull Arab*
Josie had her confidence dented by being rushed at by off lead dogs on walks so we’ve done lots of work helping turn her association with dogs around.
Today we introduced her to a new friend, Elli. We chose a neutral location with lots of wide open space. We started walking apart at a distance, gradually getting closer and carefully watching body language. As the dogs showed us they were comfortable, we progressed to short interactions. did a slow introduction on lead, starting at a distance side by side and gradually getting closer.
This is the result… a beautiful budding friendship 🐾💖🐾
*FREE Live Online Masterclass: Thursday 22nd February 2024 at 6pm AWST (Perth, Western Australia)*
Register here:
Does your dog have selective hearing? Do they lunge, bark and pull you down the road on walks? Do they grab food off the bench, steal things and play keep-away, jump all over visitors to your house?
Join me in my FREE Masterclass and learn:
🐾 How to fix embarrassing behaviour problems without repeating yourself or raising your voice.
🐾 How to get your dog to listen to you first time, every time.
🐾 How to create a well-trained dog... with as little as 10 minutes a day.
Register here:
#dogtraining #dog #puppylove #gooddog #masterclass
*FREE Live Online Masterclass: Thursday 22nd February 2024 at 6pm AWST (Perth, Western Australia)*
Register here:
Does your dog have selective hearing?
Are you frustrated that they listen to you sometimes and not others... when they 'feel like it' or there's a distraction in the environment that they think is MUCH more interesting than you?!
Maybe there's some things you'd like to improve, like grabbing food from the kitchen bench... Stealing your socks and playing catch-me-if-you-can... Jumping on visitors... Barking non-stop...
Pulling you down the road on walks... Not coming back when you call? 🤯
I totally get it! Those behaviours can be frustrating ❌
Join me in my FREE Masterclass: How to Teach Your Dog To Listen To You... No Matter Where You Are! 🙋
In this 60-minute Masterclass you'll learn...
🐾 The most important skill to teach your dog to fix embarrassing behaviour problems like jumping up, pulling/lunging/barking at the end of the lead on walks, not coming back when called... without repeating yourself or raising your voice.
🐾 Why your dog ignores you or has 'selective hearing' (it's not because they are being 'stubborn'!)
🐾 How to get your dog to listen to you willingly and reliably in any situation so you have confidence in your dog, whether that's when visitors come to the house, you're on a walk in the neighbourhood or you're at the local park.
🐾 My tried and tested dog training blueprint with simple strategies you can implement straight away to create a well-trained dog... with as little as 10 minutes a day.
Get your dog and your treats ready because we'll be teaching your dog how to listen to you during the Masterclass.
PLUS grab your free ebook Five Top Tips To Supercharge Your Dog's Recall so your dog comes back when you call...
AND I'll be giving away some free bonuses to l
How To Teach Impulse Control Around Distractions
*How To Teach Impulse Control Around Distractions*
Josie has a strong desire to chase anything that moves, especially blue wrens so I’ve been teaching her to avoid the temptation!
Here are the steps to teach your dog not to chase:
1. Teach calmness in the presence of the trigger while stationary, gradually getting closer
2. Teach the skills without the trigger first (I taught Josie Stand/Wait at a distance and Walk), then bring in triggers that your dog notices but doesn’t react to
3. Practice the skills around the trigger, starting at a distance and gradually getting closer
Ensure you’re using management (less/long line) to prevent chasing which you can remove once the behaviour is reliable.