Some things you CAN do with your dog on a HOT day:
Exercise at home under the aircon. If you are after some amazing guidance and resources for exercising your dog at home please reach out to the amazing Megan from LoveDog Training Co she helped put together a fitness programme for my own dog and he has made big improvements since day one. This video was filmed when it was a lot cooler!
Do you have any other ways to keep your dogs fit in summer? I’d love to know! Comment below. 👇
Unusual recalls 🗣️
Have you noticed something usual your dog responds to? I noticed a while ago if I shook Mickey’s medication box he comes running from where ever he is for his morning tablet and smidge of peanut butter 🥜 So I want to know, does your dog recall or respond to something unusual? #Recall #ReturnToSender #Mickey #PoundPuppy #WhatReinforcesFirst #TheTabletOrThePeanutButter
How many things can you do with a novel object? Tonight we chose boxes 📦 we were able to come up with a minimum of 7 tricks! We would love to see what you and your K9 team can come up with. 💙
Rapid recalls past food distractions 😋
For a lab cross goldie 💛, recalling away from food is a massive feat! Well done team Tango ❤️
Can you tell at which point I called Gus? His recalls are coming along lovely 🥰 #TeamGus #Recalls #Come #RecallInTheMiddle #SmallStepsDogTraining #LarkhillVets #IMDTAustralia #AbsoluteDogs #ProDogTrainer
TEAM MAX 🥰 being a super star 🌟 working on his loose leash walking skills!! I can count at least four distractions, can you name them?
Hi 👋 a trick you too can learn in our tricks class commencing next Thursday 19th January. If you are interested and would like to learn more please email: [email protected] 🐶 ✨🪄
Massive THANK YOU to @larkhill_vets for having me at their Christmas Markets yesterday ❤️ very grateful. It was lovely meeting so many new people in business and making new connections @the_hillbilly_hound @keva_the_kelpie @zzoomicollarsandcoats @perthchihuahuarescueinc as well as meeting so many lovely owners and dogs. Thank you for stopping by and sharing stories of your amazing dogs and having a go at the Christmas Dog-E-Event 🎄😊🐶 #SmallStepsDogTraining #IMDTAustralia #ProDogTrainerTribe #Larhillvets #ChristmasMarkets #Santa
We broke down this loose leash walking exercise small step by small step 😂 (see what I did there?) By firstly walking backwards, then owner alone getting used to walking backwards and pivoting without their dog, then re-introducing the dog, walking backwards + pivoting and stepping forward = an awesome connected team and some lovely loose leash walking 😍 when exercises are broken down it allows you to achieve a bigger goal. Well done team Fluffy! 🐶
Team Pax showing off her awesome crawling trick 🙌
#Crawling #Trick #Novice #TrickTraining #Kelpie #DoMoreWithYourDog #SmallStepsDogTraining #LarkhillVets #IMDTAustralia #ProDogTrainer #AbsoluteDogs
How AMAZING is this group? 😍 Working on our “loose leash walking trick” for our novice tricks class. If you would like some more information on joining the next tricks class, please email 📧 [email protected]