I like to have full transparency with all owners as I believe education and information is vital to being a great pet owner. Sometimes this includes some not so great news.
Today Mazikeen went for her x-ray to determine how many puppies she was having - the last few days I had noticed she had a decreased appetite and not much of a “bump” despite being only 10 days off due.
At the appointment it was confirmed that unfortunately at some stage she has either reabsorbed the puppies or the original sacs seen on the first ultrasound were misdiagnosed. She is no longer pregnant and has fluid and potentially contracted an infection in her uterus.
Not at all the news I want to be passing along as I can understand some families were very excited to be adding a new addition into their home.
Mazikeen needs to have some fluid drained from her uterus, have a few injections and some antibiotics and a recheck in 10 days to see how the treatment is going.
Due to the nature of the condition, once it has cleared up we have been advised to breed her on her next heat cycle - this could be anywhere from February - June of next year.
Anyone who owns a female dog who is not desexed - whether you currently own one or plan on owning one - needs to be aware of the risks of Pyometra.
Pyometra is an infection in the uterus and can be either an open on closed infection.
Depending on the severity treatment can vary from antibiotics through to an emergency spay. It can be deadly if left untreated.
Pyometra occurs around a female dogs heat cycle and symptoms can include (but not limited to):
- Poor appetite
- Lethargy
- Vaginal discharge (discoloured or with odour)
- Pale gums
- Fever
If you own a female dog and are at all concerned that they could have developed Pyometra, please get them to a vet as soon as possible - the earlier it is diagnosed the higher the chance of a better outcome.
Mazikeen is in high spirits and was very well behaved for the multiple injections she needed to receive. We will keep you all updated once we know more but for now unfortunately there are no puppies on the way 💔