A snapshot of what community supported agriculture can look like.
What’s on offer is a subscription service, where the customer & grower share the risks & abundance of seasonal produce growing. By paying up front, the customer is investing in their local community, biodiversity (in a microscopic way of respecting balance in the living world), independent initiative and their next meal.
Often in these enterprises, growers will have tasty offerings that aren’t commercially viable, but offer a tasty insight into variety.
How do we get more of these opportunities underway?
#growfood #supportyourlocalgrower #independentbusiness #eatyourgreens #eattherainbow #urbanagriculturemonth #popesproduce
Out of the archives - all the pockets of our backyard wonderland for eat play stay.
#urbanmarketgarden #freshisbest #playoutside #cuttlefishcottage #popesproduce #woonona #illawarra #homegrown #handmade
It’s been a hot minute since the last harvest ….
Thought it time to review all the happy snaps of the September - May season.
It’s been another exceptional one, with some exceptional volunteers, exceptional humidity, exceptional celebrations, exceptional weather, exceptional community with crop swapping and Food Talking and exceptional cucumbers - just off the top of my head.
We’ve basically kept the block as the permaculture trifecta of;
Earth Care (1/3 block bush)
Fair Share (1/3 block market garden, neighbours play)
People Care (1/3 block home, accommodation & storage)
People Care (1/3 block)
…to create the space for this to come to fruition in our world.
Enjoy the view of what’s possible.
(I’ll do another one on the built structures another day;)
#permaculture #earthcare #peoplecare #fairshare #csa #communitysupportedagriculture #urbanmarketgarden #community #cropswap #foodtalks #helpx #illawarra
Small farms count !!! There’s more of us than you may first think building soil, community and robust ecosystems. The knowledge out there is next level- but often difficult to access as growers and producers are so flat out doing the do.
🍃Young Farmers Connect have a national survey running to generate a baseline for the diversity in our regions & to see what is required to keep these systems humming.
#smallfarmscount #youngfarmersconnect #marketgardening #growfood #freshisbest #illawarra
All tucked in.
Just about time for this little glade to rest up for winter, cover crops in, a little more tidy & feeding to go.
#urbanmarketgarden #communitysupportedagriculture #feshisbest #feedthesoil
Battle royale as I weeded & planted yesterday.
Wasp v’s huntsman…
Wasp stings & paralyses said spider - lays their eggs inside, they hatch inside the spider then voracious babies their way out. Or so I’ve been told. Trying to keep my distance on this one.
Nature is wild.
#waspvspider #lifecycle #backyardwonderland #observenature #huntsmanspider #urbanmarketgarden