Popes Produce

Popes Produce Chemical free locally grown produce that follows permaculture principles. We are a family run enterprise in the Woonona area.

Popes Produce is an urban market garden growing seasonal produce in a suburban backyard. We base our practice on permaculture principles, making sure we nourish the soil, enhance biodiversity in order to grow healthy produce which in turn grows happy healthy humans.

How do you measure well being??You can measure literacy/ numeracy/ yield/ productivity/ income generated but what kind o...

How do you measure well being??

You can measure literacy/ numeracy/ yield/ productivity/ income generated but what kind of data is generated around being well ?

A recent shockwave has rippled through my professional community generating conversations on how do we look after each other & how to recognise when someone needs support ? Or provide the space for them to feel comfortable enough to initiate a conversation if they’re feeling off kilter?

There are so many wonders in the world, we’re so awesome at so much, yet recognising mental health issues & providing support in this field has quite some way to go.

Have those weird & awkward conversations with people at work, your friends. Look after your love & remember there wonder out there.

🍃1st photo; dog vomit fungus at my other gig

🍃kids hunting ripe strawberries in the school garden

🍃morning walk to work & looking up at wonder of beautiful morning light

Gratitude post !!Cheering for the folk who’ve been in touch & interns that start next week. Means the market garden will...

Gratitude post !!

Cheering for the folk who’ve been in touch & interns that start next week. Means the market garden will be finessed & rooftop meadow are about to get some serious love.

Cheering for a role with a local school that has so much flexibility the widest blue yonder parameters to engage students & staff with an edible wonderland & with these giant wriggly co workers.

Cheering also to know amazing hard working plant people near & far & that we get to collaborate :)

Happy weekending - go play outside & find some herbs, food to play with or lie in a park, cloud spot & listen to the pollinators partying away.

Days are warming up, plants are starting to pop & I’d really love a hand!!🌱🥙            INTERN REQUIRED !!!           🥙🌱...

Days are warming up, plants are starting to pop & I’d really love a hand!!


Very modest commitment of 2 hours a week (Monday mornings) Or……2 hours a fortnight (Tuesday mornings)

The jobs would be varied relating to this little backyard market garden in Woonona & you’ll always go home with something to put on the plate for lunch.

I’d really love someone who could commit to more than just 1 week.

Spunds like you then please get in touch via DM;)

Local food initiatives Here’s a few of us at the Greens launch of their food policy - an aspect which would include a pa...

Local food initiatives

Here’s a few of us at the Greens launch of their food policy - an aspect which would include a part time role for someone to co ordinate community gardens, be the knowledge curator for those wanting to start one and the map holder of where to find local food initiatives here in Wollongong.

We’re chatting compost and yields at Smith Street Urban Farm- kicked off by Illawarra Hotel utilising prep food waste to feed chickens & gardens growing passion fruit & herbs for the next venture.

Then there’s Foodtalks Illawarra hosting quarterly free events with remarkable speakers discussing experiences from business to volunteering, the share economy and more.

Popes Produce is an example or what a modest scale urban farm can be, the reach it can have with community supported agriculture and how it benefits the neighbours kids. Popes Produce also works in conjunction with a local school getting kids into the garden & enjoying the wonders right outside the door in their outdoor living classroom.

We also have a multitude of crops swaps, locals generously sharing spaces for community purposes (thanks Millers Local Bakehouse we love you) aaannndddd…..a local online guide - with life more.

Forever ago, almost - if you didn’t grow it, you didn’t eat it. Let’s see if we can find a happy middle ground of sharing skills, space and resources.




Making friends and making do.Weeding by hand is a magic way to see what life is in your food production area. These litt...

Making friends and making do.

Weeding by hand is a magic way to see what life is in your food production area. These little friends never cease to amaze & this morning I have magpies only a step away opening up their snack bar as the garden beds are aerated.

Woodchip is gifted by a local arborist which the fungal life loves, keeps moisture in the soil, the paths well mulched and keeps the life beneath our feet happy.

Husbands brainstorm - use old corrugated sheeting (which marvellously is the correct width for our garden beds without being cut) - as a ‘tarp’ post cover crop so vegetation breaks down into food for soil life.
May not be super pretty, but works remarkably well.

Not necessary to go out & procure more stuff when you make time to see what’s available first.

What stories do you have about the cycles within local food production ?

It's starting to feel a lot like spring....

It's starting to feel a lot like spring....

Shout out to this awesome human whom without his insight, skill & plain old hard work - none of this adventure would be ...

Shout out to this awesome human whom without his insight, skill & plain old hard work - none of this adventure would be possible.

A lover of reclaimed materials & the ocean , would rather be on the tools any day of the week & will on the rarest occasion sit still long enough to enjoy the wonders of the day.

If you’ve ever eaten Brazilian cherries, grapes, figs or citrus from here you’ve got Ben to thank. (I’m not allowed to prune the fruit trees - safer for them).

He may never plant a seedling, but the hidden ways he fixes/ amends/ builds/ crafts/ discusses & supports is next level & truely deeply appreciated.

His art is construction - Cuttlefish Cottage (turf roof covered mid rock studio in our backyard available for stays) is 100 % his story.

What day is truly complete though without a good dose of vitamin sea?

Next step.Once you’ve got the soil happy (note bokashi buckets & worm farms in background to assist) you get your food g...

Next step.

Once you’ve got the soil happy (note bokashi buckets & worm farms in background to assist) you get your food game on.

Starting from seed is amazing, but sometimes a little ‘cheat’ certainly helps fill the garden beds & bellies a little quicker.

These beauties in foreground have been raised by the masters over at Patio Plants & a modest selection will be on sale here at Popes Produce HQ this Saturday from 9-11.

Independent nursery people are a rare breed these days, as the larger corporations have made the playing field nigh impossible, as most seem to favor cheaper prices above all else.

Great thing about these treats, they’ve already been growing for at least a month, have good established root systems & won’t need prosing apart from their overcrowded buddies.

A little seasol to water in will help with the transplant shock and away they grow !!!

These hands….    often carry something of the day with them.Scratches from citrus harvested. Then the oils & juice when ...

These hands….
often carry something of the day with them.

Scratches from citrus harvested. Then the oils & juice when chopping open to enjoy.

Seed raising mix wedged under nails post spring greenhouse work.

Soil - just from being in the garden digging around checking on the mycelium, worms, weeds and to be honest just the feel of the stuff.

These hands are tinged by all the harvests and fragranced with every action. They have their strengths & their tenderness.

Hands have memories of their creations. How else could you teach moisture checking in soil to kids?Check for ripeness in fruit? The magic of dough? Your favourite hoodie in the pre dawn?

These hands are tools too & help create magic on the daily. Thank you so much for the beautiful reminder Alex.

Getting closer !!!Spring is closing in day by day - time to get the ground ready for planting (in my case that involves ...

Getting closer !!!

Spring is closing in day by day - time to get the ground ready for planting (in my case that involves clearing chickweed, squashing down cover crops to become one with the soil again & mulching.)

As we branch out waking up from winter, there’s action a plenty !
In collaboration with Patio Plants, I’ll be hosting a spring starter seedling sale on-
🥬. Saturday 17th August.
There’ll be a variety of lush leafy greens, but saving fruiting varieties for a little further down the track.

🌱. Raise Your Own Seedling experience with Mel from Brickworks Farm is Saturday 27 August (tickets available sooooon)

…and then …

🥙. The next Foodtalks evening is Tuesday 27 August !!!!

Time to get ready to grow some good !

Yup it’s a sandwich.More so, it’s the embodiment of everything I love about our local food system.Sourdough bread is a m...

Yup it’s a sandwich.

More so, it’s the embodiment of everything I love about our local food system.

Sourdough bread is a meal unto itself, days in the making - one of the most ridiculously tasty offerings from Millers Local Bakehouse - I’ve watched (& loyally tasted) regularly since their 1st breads a year ago.

Peel open the sambo & there’s avocado gifted from a kid at my other gig - homegrown. Then there’s the chilli sauce that I helped grow at Village Practice & crafted by the GP. Beetroot chutney made by yours truely using thinned beetroot & apples from a local orchard & other ingredients from Flametree Community Food Coop.

Then the lettuce - a Popes Produce signature move & thankfully the bower birds must’ve been already sated & left this one alone.

Sunshine is the added bonus making all of this possible.

Here’s to local communities growing food, swapping sauces, saving seeds, propagating & sharing the knowledge needed for deliciously robust communities.

Dreaming of outdoor play & abundant times on this chilly Friday afternoon?Must admit I’m kinda excited about t shirt wea...

Dreaming of outdoor play & abundant times on this chilly Friday afternoon?

Must admit I’m kinda excited about t shirt weather again, meandering through the garden nibbling away, gathering a haul for dinner.

Sound like exactly like your blissful afternoon but no idea how to actually get there?

Lucky for you walk & talk consultations at your place are now a thing !!!

We’ll discuss what your garden needs are - solar orientation, check out the soil, what edibles you’re looking to grow & I’ll leave you a list of resources to read up on! All this over an hour for $100 - what an investment in your health, activity & outdoor wellbeing 🤣

Time to start planning that homegrown dinner;)


Families and neighbours shopping through informal co-ops are saving hundreds, but the business model could help apply major competitive pressure to the major supermarkets.

Read more: https://ab.co/4bBsSXk

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Learnt cool stuff today….Heavy machinery is not keeping not kind to playgrounds & can make gardeners lose a little self ...

Learnt cool stuff today….

Heavy machinery is not keeping not kind to playgrounds & can make gardeners lose a little self control.

Time & moisture on wood chip produces magic - check out how epic this fruiting body of mycelium is as it slowly digests the chips on their way to becoming soil again

A little kindness goes a long way. I had an awesome friend helping me out barrowing kids of mulch & made my day so much simpler. This handful of guavas was shared amongst the trades onsite & I heard ‘oh - this is what that guava sports drink is meant to taste like’ & this is fruit from home. When asked where home was, the reply - Palestine, The Gaza Strip.


Moral of my day - have expectations. Try to understand what the full story is. People are doing their best. Eggs get broken to make omlettes. Nature is fu***ng amazing. Everyone wins when you share stuff.

Yesterday I was part of an inspirational conversation with beautiful folk - market gardeners, chefs, food business entre...

Yesterday I was part of an inspirational conversation with beautiful folk - market gardeners, chefs, food business entrepreneurs, educators, folk working in regen & community engagement.

Currently pretty much all of Wollongong’s food gets trucked in from ‘somewhere’ to feed the 9th largest city in Australia.

Yes we have some produce grown locally through commercial, community, schools, backyards & micro initiatives - but barely enough to make a dent on our needs.

How do we enhance the health & wellness of all if we don’t pay more attention to what’s happening around us?

The catch up was to start the conversation of how we collectively engage community in generating a long term robust local food system.

The majority of people have access to a supermarket, but look at how that’s working out for producers & customers.

Time to celebrate local seasonal knowledge & get roots deeply embedded to support our local growing food systems.

(Photos: Popes Produce - subscription csa fruit & veg service - local school growing abundance for school community - monthly crop swap haul - food prepared on school grounds for students)

Winter is just so fabulous.Saturated light honouring the most humble of plants, dividable, shareable & will live on thro...

Winter is just so fabulous.

Saturated light honouring the most humble of plants, dividable, shareable & will live on through generations & a gorgeous a gorgeous example of one I walk past everyday.

Rhubarb is absolutely the tastiest dessert stewed down with freshly squeezed orange juice (peak season in our backyard) a sprinkle of cinnamon & served with a dollop of plain yoghurt.

Make sure you take time out to notice the everyday wonders and dream big. Set new goals, dust off some older ones, set that vision board up. Just create where you want to be. Strangely, when you have a vague idea, the journey becomes a little more focused & potentially more fun.
Or get your mate to reaffirm you’re on the right path with their tarot cards.

Enjoy & happy Friday

Deep winter is the perfect time to dream, sketch & set goals for growing food.🍃Longing for summer herbs & don’t know whe...

Deep winter is the perfect time to dream, sketch & set goals for growing food.

🍃Longing for summer herbs & don’t know where to put them ?

🍃Salivating over salads picked from the windowsill?

🍃Just want to grow some stuff but limited on space & skills?

Well here’s your chance to fill in the blanks !
Planning session with site tour, drawing time & naturally - edible discussion here at

🍃Popes Produce HQ

Saturday 27 July 10-1

$60 will see you seated on the north facing deck with home made snacks & inspiration all around.

DM to save your spot

So apparently today is World Environment Day.This year’s theme is ‘our land our future’. Which seems so lofty when so ma...

So apparently today is World Environment Day.

This year’s theme is ‘our land our future’. Which seems so lofty when so many people are having a right time of it.

This was taken at my other gig in the rain today as I reformed beds & planted out seedlings to grow for more food for our school community - getting down to grass roots level. Some families are struggling to afford veg, we’re setting goals to support our own.

Many people think that every school should have an edible garden, which would be all time amazing - but who do these people think would fund & operate these gardens?. Before anyone says ‘volunteers’ please have a think as to where these people may pop up from.
The staff in public schools (where I have some experience) have the most ridiculous schedules already & even though they are talented folk, gardening may not be part of their repertoire.

Our future really does involve our kids, giving them the best foundations to grow into change-makers. Having access to good veg is part of the plan.

So what I’m really advocating for - act locally, invest energy in your local neighbourhood, make time to consider your choices & participate whenever possible.

Yep sure it’s World Environment Day, it’s up to all of us to look after our home- the environment can quite happily exist without us, but we most certainly need it.

Gratitude for community.Gorgeous banana bread baked by dear friend using a family recipe & Popes bananas, coleslaw with ...

Gratitude for community.

Gorgeous banana bread baked by dear friend using a family recipe & Popes bananas, coleslaw with ingredients from lovely local growers & local food co op, soup from home grown pumpkin & stock made from bones gifted by local butcher, garnished with magic bread from amazing bakers & topped with rocket grown in school greenhouse where my other gig is & the boss has absolute faith in the power of edible gardens - finding funding for my role over the last 5 years.

Thankful indeedy for being able to play a role in this nourishing environment.

Happening this November - would love more people to sign up there growing spaces ;)

Happening this November - would love more people to sign up there growing spaces ;)

The Illawarra Edible Garden trail is a weekend where gardeners of all levels and in all environments open their front gate to the general public to meander t...

This Saturday evening !!!

This Saturday evening !!!

‘Despite all our accomplishments, we owe our existence to a six-inch layer of topsoil and the fact it rains...'

Have you got your ticket yet?
June 1st 5.30pm
Entelechy Living Hub, Woonona - with Popes Produce, Dapto Community Farm (DCF)




Popes Road
Wollongong, NSW

Opening Hours

Tuesday 9:30am - 11:30am
Wednesday 9:30am - 11:30am




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