Some healthy all submerged midtech plants available.
If you need them, feel free to knock me.
Cabomba furcata 5 stem 200
Myriophylum Tuberculatum 5 stem 100
Nassea Gold 5 stem 80
Ammania Gracilis 7 stem 120
Prospernica palustris 6 stem 150
Lindernia rotundifolia variegated 7 stem 140
Ludwigia Polycarpa 6 stem 120
Ludwigia Glandulosa super red 5 stem 100
Rotala Blood Red "sg" 7 stem 140
Reineckii rosaefolia 5 stem 100
Reineckii rosaefolia variegated 3 stem 180
Blyxa Japonica 2 stem 80
Cryptocoryne Petchii Pink 2 rhizome 150
Cryptocoryne Undalus Red 2 rhizome 180
Tiger lotus 2 rhizome 400
Total: 2,240
If anyone takes all of the plants, then the offer is 1800 with free home delivery.
Contact 01950442715 for more details.