Which once was the most successful soft water tank in Bangladesh is now in pretty bad shape :'(
I haven't done a water change for almost 2 months now. Couldn't do any maintenance due to my final exams. There are some algae in the tank. Some plants are struggling while some are still doing pretty well. Found this video from almost 6 months back while going through the gallery. In Sha Allah, I will try to make sure that the tank returns to its former glory and hopefully add some more challenging plants 😇
Dicranum scoparium! 🔥
One of our best sellers and also one of my personal favorites. Very easy to grow and can be used to create contrast/a sense of depth in a terrarium.
Will be restocked soon In Sha Allah!
Unarguably some of the best quality moss you can buy! 😬
Sharing some insights and experience! 😬
প্রায় ১.৫ মাসের মতো এই মসগুলো তেমন কোনো লাইট ছাড়া ফেলে রেখেছিলাম! 🙄
আজ পট খুলে দেখি এই অবস্থা। প্রতিটা মস থেকেই নতুন শুট বের হচ্ছে যেগুলো খুব ইজিলি প্রোপেগেট করা যাবে। এটাই মসের সবচেয়ে মজার ব্যাপার। আপনি যদি জানেন এদের কীভাবে রাখতে হয়, তাহলে মস মরে যাওয়া খুব কঠিন হয়ে পড়ে :p
Our premium sunsun heater in action! 😬
Ma Sha Allah! Look at those colors! ❤️
Golden Chaco Knee Tarantula (Grammostola pulchripes) calmly roaming around on the palm of my hand 🕷️
Getting some good old rubs! 🐉