Dogz Devotion Academy

Dogz Devotion Academy Training center "Dogz Devotion Academy" is a academy to train the Trainer”
You can go there for sp

Elke Boxoen and her Dogz Devotion Academy provide high-quality training to coach the handler and his best friend, the dog into a full-fledged team, both in a family context and in sports and top sports. She puts her knowledge and experience at your disposal as a multiple world champion, top athlete, entrepreneur, but also as a regular housewife to realize a fully harmonious team for you and your dog. A close bond based on self-preservation, security and appreciation.

Geachte,Vanwege een geplande operatie en de daaropvolgende revalidatie ben ik helaas tijdelijk niet bereikbaar tot en me...

Vanwege een geplande operatie en de daaropvolgende revalidatie ben ik helaas tijdelijk niet bereikbaar tot en met 13 februari 2025.
Voor al uw vragen i.v.m. gedrag en opvoeding kunt u terecht bij mijn collega Anouk Vierstraete.
Zij zal uw vragen met plezier beantwoorden. Ik heb er alle vertrouwen in dat Anouck je hond net zo goed zal helpen als ik.
E-mail Anouck: [email protected] - Gsm: 0478/ 83 89 63
Ik dank u voor uw begrip en zie uit naar onze samenwerking na mijn terugkeer.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Elke Boxoen
Due to a planned operation and the subsequent rehabilitation, I am unfortunately temporarily unavailable until February 13, 2025.
For all your questions regarding behavior and education, you can contact my colleague Anouk Vierstraete.
She will be happy to answer your questions. I am confident that Anouck will help your dog just as well as I do.
Email Anouck: [email protected] - GSM: 0032478/ 83 89 63
I thank you for your understanding and look forward to our collaboration after my return.
Kind regards,
Elke Boxoen

Learn from the best Dog Trainer EVER! Finnish dog trainer Pekka Korri shares his secrets to enter the competition ring i...

Learn from the best Dog Trainer EVER!

Finnish dog trainer Pekka Korri shares his secrets to enter the competition ring in harmony.

All levels - from Puppy/beginner to expert. Train dogs with welfare in mind and with fun.

All DogSports incl. Obedience, DogDance, Freestyle, Rally Obedience, Heelwork To Music!!

He specializes in looking at the mental part and preparing the dog for competition. So if you have problems with the competition program or problems with the mind set of the dog , Pekka is the right person for you. Of course, he also looks at the technical part of the exercise.

More info:

Contact: [email protected]

🎉 Good news to start powerfull the new year 🎀These are the last opportunities to schedule a lesson with Elke Boxoen. At ...

🎉 Good news to start powerfull the new year 🎀

These are the last opportunities to schedule a lesson with Elke Boxoen. At the beginning of January, Elke has to undergo a serious operation with 2 months of rehabilitation. So grab your chance! 🤗

Friday 3 January
Private lessons in the indoor arena in Veurne (on sand, 15m by 25m)

• 10:00 a.m.

• 16:00 hrs

Mail to [email protected]

🎉 Goed nieuws om het nieuwe jaar krachtig te starten 🎀

Dit zijn de laatste mogelijkheden om nog een lesje te kunnen inplannen bij Elke Boxoen. Begin januari moet Elke een serieuze operatie ondergaan met 2 maand revalidatie. Dus grijp je kans! 🤗

Vrijdag 3 januari
Privé les in de indoor piste te Veurne (op zand, 15m op 25m)

• 10:00 uur

• 16:00 uur

Mailtje naar [email protected]

This DDA adventure was in France, the Normandy region. A very nice place where we could meet like-minded people thanks t...

This DDA adventure was in France, the Normandy region. A very nice place where we could meet like-minded people thanks to the organization of "Dogs way".
Thank you Astrid for making this possible. 🙏

Train the trainer to become a mentor is what I love to do.
Thank you to the participants for having the courage to be your true self. Not to be afraid to fail but to have the guts to shine. Not striving for perfection but connection 🧡.
This way we can be the best driver and parent for the dog. Many lights started to burn in the eyes of the dogs and brought a big smile to their human. 🌞
Intensely experiencing the connection between humans and dogs, that's where the magic starts.
I was also able to train some dogs myself at the request of the handler.
What a confidence. This was really a special experience🥰

Neil Speech waterfall. Talented person. Energetic being. Game changer. You moved many stones in the river.We are differe...


Speech waterfall.
Talented person.
Energetic being.
Game changer. You moved many stones in the river.

We are different and that's where we found each other 4 years ago. We can laugh and get excited about training and letting life flow...

I listened to all your stories and you encouraged me to dare to be ME....
Full of plans and fire, jokes and solutions. At the speed of the TGV you talked.

After a bootcamp with Neil, everything you know is completely different.
I love to meet dog trainers who can open your heart all over again...
To dare to be human, to dare to make mistakes in order to learn....
A fair way for dog and his human to take all the pressure off.

This ensures that your dog's trust can grow so that your dog feels "special" with you.

Experience "the" (training) moment with a smile from ear to ear. Even if everything goes wrong. No more fear of always having to do it perfectly. Neil has all the Psychology so you can catch this without blaming your dog.
All frustrations disappear like snow in the sun.

Thank you for your passion, see you next year for
Seminar on 19 October 2025 🎁🥳


Last weekend we had a Dogsports seminar with guest Pekka Korri from Finland 🇫🇮 at the beautiful location of FaRo-shop.

All our training toys can be found in this store. You can also order online:

Have Fun and play with your Dog 🐶🤗


Je pup opvoeden tot een sterke en sociaalvaardige hond is een pittige reis. Je weet nooit wat de nieuwe uitdagingen gaan zijn onderweg. 🫣

Devo was mijn eerste pup die raciste neiging had, naar alle donkere dieren... hij verloor zich helemaal in het blaffen en was niet meer toegankelijk. De "blaf" was altijd dezelfde toon...
Dit maakte mij natuurlijk onzeker!

Dus zocht ik professionele hulp om een veilige omgeving te creëren om deze emotie te begrijpen en weten wat ik wel kan en mag doen wanneer het even moeilijk gaat.
Dit was nog maar de 2de sessie, dankzij Milena en haar hondenneming Hellemeersenhof is Devo zijn ontwikkeling enorm gegroeid.

Omring je met de juiste mensen die geweldloos te werk en gaan, die honden hun persoonlijkheid en karakters echt begrijpen en deze niet willen veranderen...


Raising your puppy to be a strong and socially skilled dog is a tough journey. You never know what the new challenges are going to be along the way. 🫣

Devo was my first puppy who had a racist tendency, towards all dark animals... He lost himself completely in the barking and was no longer accessible. The "bark" was always the same tone...
This, of course, made me so insecure!

So I sought professional help to create a safe environment to understand this emotion and know what I can and may do when things get tough.
This was only the 2nd session, thanks to Milena and her Hellemeersenhof , Devo's development has grown enormously.

Surround yourself with the right people who work non-violently, who really understand dogs' personalities and characters and don't want to change them 🐕


Ons leven ziet er vanaf heden helemaal anders uit! Wanneer er deuren sluiten openen er zich nieuwe mogelijkheden....

Onze Dogz Devotion Mobil brengt ons Dogz Team overal 💪

Wil je ons boeken voor les bij jullie in de buurt, stuur me gerust een mail naar [email protected]

We hebben dit jaar nog ruimte in November en enkele dagen vrij in december 💥


Een levensbedreigende operatie overleven is 1 ding, de revalidatie voor Devo daarna is nog pittiger en daar sta je dan alleen voor in hondenland....
Gelukkig kon ik te rade gaan bij Kelly (woof & Moov)
Een onderbouwde kennis met wat mag en wat absoluut nog niet kan is goud waard...

Ook een dikke MERCI aan mijn vriendin Katinka ( ) voor alle peroonlijke ondersteuning en kennis voor de darmen terug op te bouwen ☺️

Kennis is macht zei mijn trainer vroeger... ik denk dat hij gelijk had...

En een dikke bravo voor mijn ventje Rik Willaert die mij een nieuwe praktijk heeft bezorgd in Gemeente De Panne

The Academy in Aartrijke will close a few weeks earlier than planned. All classes will be cancelled, the classes for the...

The Academy in Aartrijke will close a few weeks earlier than planned.
All classes will be cancelled, the classes for the coming weeks will be refunded or moved to August in consultation.
We need to take a break and recharge batteries ❤️‍🩹

From August, the private lessons and seminars will start again in a new location.
I'll keep you posted.

With love


De Academy te Aartrijke gaat enkele weken vroeger sluiten dan voorzien.

Alle lessen worden geannuleerd, de openstaande lessen voor de komende weken worden terugbetaald of in samenspraak verplaatst naar augustus.
We moet even rust nemen en batterijen opnieuw opladen ❤️‍🩹
Vanaf augustus starten de privé lessen en seminars terug op in een nieuwe locatie.
Ik hou jullie op de hoogte.

Veel liefs,


Many people want a training method to solve their problems, but sometimes their mindset needs to change first; the right method with the wrong mindset won’t do it.

A training ‘system’ works if it helps dogs and others can replicate it.
The mindset that empowers success and fosters partnership with your dog includes:
More patience and less rushing (of the training)
More intuitive communication and less pressure!

Letting go of your expectations of what you want your dog to be and staying in the moment, to help him develop.
It requires honesty, self awareness and viewing challenges as an opportunity to learn.
Many trainers work towards the same outcome using different methods.
There is a big difference though between a dog that has been trained only through drilling or with a pressure/bully mindset, versus a dog that has been partnered with.

👉How you train and your mindset, shows in the quality of your work and the attitude and happiness of your dog. 🙏


Last week we had a visit from Thailand.

Once again, we were able to get to know passionate people and share our D.D.A method. Fascinating conversations and instructive moments.

Thank you Versele-Laga for this opportunity 🙏

10 years of 🥳 Dogz Devotion Academy 🐾Big plans coming up!! 🫣Working with animals, that's what I was going to do! After 1...

10 years of 🥳 Dogz Devotion Academy 🐾
Big plans coming up!! 🫣

Working with animals, that's what I was going to do! After 15 years of horsemaship in youth, the knowledge gained was transformed into the little four-legged friend, our dog.
After 30 years in the animal kingdom, the reality is very different.
We work with the trainer, dog parent but rarely with their pet itself.

For this reason, our research has continued in the direction of Human Psychology and nonviolent communication.
For example, in recent years we have developed our D.D.A method to guide our students even better and to lovingly coach them towards an intense connection with their beloved four-legged friend.

Soon, this knowledge will be 🌐 accessible worldwide
Building an online video platform has been in the works since 2020...
*I didn't know anything about 🤣 computers so that's why I slowed down... Luckily I have super team OptiLife to the rescue. 🙌
Soon more info on these pages 💪

⚠️ This year we absolutely want to launch this important knowledge for you, for this major changes need to happen. 😟
We have finally been able to make the decision and will stop all group lessons at the end of June. We have terminated the lease of our beautiful location in Aartrijke.

There are still a few places available for a private lesson (with Elke or Rik) until the beginning of July.
So be quick 😁

10 jaar 🥳 Dogz Devotion Academy 🐾Grote plannen in de maak!!! Samenwerken met dieren dat ging ik doen! Na 15 jaar horsema...

10 jaar 🥳 Dogz Devotion Academy 🐾
Grote plannen in de maak!!!

Samenwerken met dieren dat ging ik doen! Na 15 jaar horsemaship in de jeugdjaren werd de opgedane kennis getransformeerd naar de kleine viervoeter, onze hond.
Na 30 jaar in het dierenrijk te mogen vertoeven, is de realiteit toch heel anders.
We werken met de trainer, hondenouder maar zelden met het hun huisdier zelf.

Om die reden is ons onderzoek verder gegaan richting Humane Psychologie en geweldloze communicatie.
Zo hebben we de afgelopen jaren onze D.D.A methode ontwikkeld om onze cursisten nog beter te kunnen begeleiden en liefdevol te coachen naar een intense verbinding met hun geliefde viervoeter.

Binnenkort zal deze kennis wereldwijd toegankelijk zijn 🌐
Het bouwen van een online video platform is als sinds 2020 in de maak...
*ik kende niks van computers af 🤣 dus vandaar de vertraging... Gelukkig heb ik super team OptiLife to the rescue. 🙌
Binnenkort meer info op deze pagina's 💪

⚠️ Dit jaar willen we absoluut deze belangrijke kennis lanceren voor jullie, hiervoor moeten er grote veranderingen gebeuren. 😟
We hebben de knoop eindelijk kunnen doorgehakken en stoppen eind juni met alle groeplessen. We hebben het huurcontract stop gezet van onze prachtige locatie te Aartrijke.

Er zijn nog enkele plaatsen vrij voor een privé les (bij Elke of Rik) tot begin juli.
Dus wees snel 😁

English ⬇️

10 years of 🥳 Dogz Devotion Academy 🐾
Big plans in the works!!

Working with animals, that's what I was going to do! After 15 years of horsemaship in youth, the knowledge gained was transformed into the little four-legged friend, our dog.
After 30 years in the animal kingdom, the reality is very different.
We work with the trainer, dog parent but rarely with their pet itself.

For this reason, our research has continued in the direction of Human Psychology and nonviolent communication.
For example, in recent years we have developed our D.D.A method to guide our students even better and to lovingly coach them towards an intense connection with their beloved four-legged friend.

Soon, this knowledge will be 🌐 accessible worldwide
Building an online video platform has been in the works since 2020...
*I didn't know anything about 🤣 computers so that's why I slowed down... Luckily I have super team OptiLife to the rescue. 🙌
Soon more info on these pages 💪

⚠️ This year we absolutely want to launch this important knowledge for you, for this major changes need to happen. 😟
We have finally been able to make the decision and will stop all group lessons at the end of June. We have terminated the lease of our beautiful location in Aartrijke.

There are still a few places available for a private lesson (with Elke or Rik) until the beginning of July.
So be quick 😁


L. Maskenslaan 22
De Panne


Wees de eerste die het weet en laat ons u een e-mail sturen wanneer Dogz Devotion Academy nieuws en promoties plaatst. Uw e-mailadres wordt niet voor andere doeleinden gebruikt en u kunt zich op elk gewenst moment afmelden.


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