Hodoba "dog & human in balance"

Hodoba "dog & human in balance" ….. The horse & Dog are highly sophisticated living organism made up of atoms , molecules , cells, tissues, organs, systems & a soul .

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To enable him to reach his full athletic potential and healthy, happy quality of life , it is up to us humans , breeders , owners and therapists to handle him sensitively , manage him effectively , predict his emotions and behaviour , ensure that all his needs are met and give him the best possible chance to succed! My Mission & Vision is to help horses , dogs and owners to live in harmony & balance .

Me & my pack are back 😃 enjoying balance and harmonie in everyday walks 🐾🌳🍁

Me & my pack are back 😃 enjoying balance and harmonie in everyday walks 🐾🌳🍁

Herrador is taking a backsunhealingbath 😃

Herrador is taking a backsunhealingbath 😃


My pack having fun 😍


Joy ❤️ water everywhere @ anytime 😂


Look Galguero : we are free & love our amazing 2 legs mom 😃


Inséparable 😂

Mijn roedel en hun vrienden 😊

Mijn roedel en hun vrienden 😊


Sitting in a wheelchair is a challenge each day again for daily business , but I succeed to stay leader of my pack no discussion at the diner table


Discipline & structure & affection = and your dog will follow you as his packleader and always stay calm , don't matter what happens

Having a good walk with your pack in the morning , will give you peace for the rest of the day 😃

Having a good walk with your pack in the morning , will give you peace for the rest of the day 😃


Take care of your dog


Do you think that our dogs had fun ?

ADOPT , don't shop !4 of my 6 dogs are adopted . All my dogs follow me as a pack-leader , they trust me , they feel secu...

ADOPT , don't shop !

4 of my 6 dogs are adopted . All my dogs follow me as a pack-leader , they trust me , they feel secure around me , they get the right energy ,a lot of walks , they feel loved and they get a lot of attention & hugs , together our Body , Mind & Soul are in Balance !
BUT : there is a difference !
2 of my dogs I got as a puppy , Hermes the Great Dane and Zazou the little terrier-mix , both of them are very independent , selfish , thinking that life is always nice and sunny , they never experienced negative situations and they never crossed the way of danger or bad people . I can see it the way Zazou and Hermes are walking , running and playing around = they are afraid of nothing and nobody , as I said Life is purple rose with a big smile
4 of my dogs are adopted and rescued from the streets and from killing stations , adopted through organizations like Scooby Medina www.scoobymedina.com or Rescani . These dogs have seen the devil in person by way of speaking , they have gone through situations that nobody will ever understand : for a long time living on the streets in the rain and cold , no food and dirty water , people chasing them , beating them , they are abused , hanged on the tree , burned with gasoline and ci******es , towed behind the car … and even when they have a home , it looks like a dark and wet barn or in the summer overheated with some dirty water. Living in big packs of over 50 dogs , food means : first come first serve ! You can imagine the battle about food if they get some food . Food is not on a regular bases and even don’t try to think about the quality of food .

I will start with my soulmate :

@ Lanos , my Mini-Schnauzer, I’m quite sure he lived for a certain time in a family with a warm blanket , good food and clean water and nobody will ever know his whole story , but after now almost 3 years with me I know he was living with kids , who thought that he was a toy and they have hurt him so much that today he hates children and when he only see them from distance , he shoots in panic , same when you take a squeaky toy he shoots in panic and he crawls into the last corner of the house , trembling, his eyes wide open ! After all these years living without small kids( educated the wrong way of living with a dog ) , he’s getting more and more self-confidence and the strength of the pack , being surrounded by people who care about his past , he enjoys life as it should be . Lanos is absolutely my soulmate and I love him from the bottom of my heart .

If you have a dog with a past please post and share it with us . Tomorrow I will open the story of my first Galgo Mango and if you have any questions please feel free and send me a message or email to [email protected]

THE POWER OF THE PACK WALKWhen you move a dog’s body forward, their mind’s goes along for the ride - and that means the ...


When you move a dog’s body forward, their mind’s goes along for the ride - and that means the same for all living being including us , the human being.

The walk unifies the dogs and us into one pack and begins their/our relationship on the right foot. I often use pack walks on my behavior sessions as a way to help treat a variety of problems between dog and human or between dogs . Walking dogs and humans in a pack can only be a good thing for both body and mind.

The mental & emotional power of a walking pack has no limits . Dogs are 100% honest , tell no lies , don't judge on a look or fashion , they only judge you on your energy & emotions ! If you don't have the right energy and if you don't believe in yourself of in what you do = they DON'T follow you , because you are weak ! In the nature the weak is eliminated or rejected from the pack . If you want to survive in a pack and if you even want to be the packleader , you have to prove it with : STRONG ENERGY & STRONG EMOTIONS!

You can learn so much in a very short time , as you receive an instant reaction or action from the pack.

For example : when you lead the pack and you start to think about how silly your live is ...self-pity...= instantly the dog with the strongest and secured emotions and energy will take the leading over and that will happen in less than 1 second !

For example : You stay in the middle of a forest and you have doubts about what is the right and most secured way to take ( you only doubt for a few seconds ) you get into a weak emotion and even before you realize what's going on , one of the dogs is taking over the leading and will move forward . that could also be used as the strength of a pack in difficult or dangerous situations .Always trust your dog ;-)

For example : you say to your dog sit or down = no reaction at all and even if your dog could he would show you a special finger by way of speaking :-) . Could it be that the moment you said SIT , inside yourself you hoped that he will do sit ? Try again : stay strong with both feet on the ground , legs slightly apart , chest out , shoulders relaxed and back, head proudly up and say it again , but this time you MEAN it from the bottom of your stomach !

If you have some issues between you and your dog , please send me a pm and it will be a pleasure for me to support your pack ! ( you could write in English , German , French , Dutch or Luxemburg ;-) )

Some funny pictures 😜 of my pack . Select and like your favorite one

Some funny pictures 😜 of my pack . Select and like your favorite one


my dogs did a great job :-) at the end Mrs H. was walking with my pack + her own dog , makes a total of 7 dogs and 204kg :-). Personal insecurity worked out in strongness , feeling calm and staying 100% in her 'Hara' = result : all dogs followed her as packleader :-) What a great experience she said with an oversize smile :-) If you wish to experience the same feeling and emotion please contact me on 0032.496263093 or send pm to Hodoba " horse & dog & human in balance"

What is SHIATSU ? Shiatsu literally means "finger pressure" and is based on the concepts of traditional oriental medicin...

What is SHIATSU ?

Shiatsu literally means "finger pressure" and is based on the concepts of traditional oriental medicine. The basic techniques involve pressure with palms, fingers and thumbs, along with rotations and stretches of legs, neck and tail.

Feeling well is about the body working the best it can be - and that includes muscles, joints, digestion, breathing, nervous system, immune system and hormone systems.
It is also just as much about mental state too - most horses and people find Shiatsu a deeply relaxing, calming and de-stressing experience.
A pre or post performance work – book a Shiatsu session to feel the difference it can make to your horse’s warm up routine! Horses particularly enjoy shiatsu as "touch" is a natural language for them.

Call 0032.496.263093 and make your appoitement now , YOUR HORSE WILL LOVE IT !

(Please note that Shiatsu is a complement to and not a replacement for Veterinary care.)


Sosososoooo proud of Curio , my black Galgo this morning during our walk he gave me this secured feeling that I can trust him 100% and let him run free and look isn't he a beauty ? Trust your dog and he will trust you as his pack-leader . If you have ant issues in your relation with your dog = it will be my pleasure to support you both pls contact me on 0032.496263093

ADOPTE , DON't SHOP If you adopt, you won't be supporting puppy mills and pet stores.Puppy mills are "factory style" bre...


If you adopt, you won't be supporting puppy mills and pet stores.

Puppy mills are "factory style" breeding facilities that put profit above the welfare of dogs. Most animals raised in puppy mills are housed in shockingly poor conditions with improper medical care, and the parents of the puppies are kept in cages to be bred over and over for years, without human companionship and with little hope of ever joining a family. And after they're no longer profitable, breeding dogs are simply discarded—either killed, abandoned or sold at auction.

Puppy-mill puppies are sold to unsuspecting consumers in pet stores, over the Internet, and through newspaper classified advertisements to whoever is willing to pay for them.

Marketed as coming from great breeders, well-rehearsed sales tactics keep money flowing to the puppy mill by ensuring that buyers never get to see where the pups actually come from (a vital step in puppy-buying). Many of the puppies have serious behavioral and health problems that might not be apparent for months, including medical problems that can cost thousands of dollars to treat, if they are treatable at all. Unfortunately, a lot of people are not even aware that puppy mills exist, so when they buy a pet from a pet store, online or other retail outlet, they are unwittingly supporting this cruel industry.

By adopting instead of buying a pet, you can be certain you aren't supporting cruel puppy mills with your money. Puppy mills will continue to operate until people stop purchasing from them. Instead of buying a pet, visit your local shelter or contact a local rescue group, where you will likely to find dozens of healthy, well-socialized puppies, kittens, and adult pets—including purebreds—just waiting for that special home—yours.

Don't hesitate to contact me on 0032.496.263093 and I will help you to find your perfect friend in a shelter or have a look at www.scoobymedina.org/nl/adoption

thanks for sharing this with your friends

Beste vrienden : Voor mijn eindwerk paardenshiatsu ben ik op zoek naar oude paarden vanaf en leeftijd van 20 jaar !Waaro...

Beste vrienden : Voor mijn eindwerk paardenshiatsu ben ik op zoek naar oude paarden vanaf en leeftijd van 20 jaar !

Waarom oude paardjes :

Oudere paarden hebben een aangepast behandeling en voeding nodig om in conditie te blijven en de laatste jaren van hun leven zo fit en gezond mogelijk door te brengen.

Het lichaam van een oud paard verandert langzaam, waardoor extra aandacht voor de lichaam, emoties & voeding steeds belangrijker wordt.
Vanaf ongeveer 20 jaar verandert het lichaam van een paard. De bespiering wordt minder, de stofwisseling wordt minder efficiënt en de functie van lever en nieren vermindert. Hierdoor wordt de opname van eiwit, fosfor en vezel uit de voeding minder. Om oude paarden nog zo lang mogelijk gezond te houden moet er rekening gehouden worden met vele aspecten.

Wat mag je verwachten?

Ik kom een aantal behandelingen geven aan je paard. Voor en na geef ik je mijn visie over de behandeling en samen werken we eraan dat je paard zich terug als tiener zal voelen :-)
Heb je interesse?
Stuur me een pb met foto van uw paard aub


Breakfast @ Hodoba " horse & dog & human in balance" 😍

Breakfast @ Hodoba " horse & dog & human in balance" 😍







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