FANCY MINIS Miniature Horses

FANCY MINIS Miniature Horses The American Miniature Horse was bred to be the "ideal horse, in miniature". Minis come in all colors, even some not seen in their larger counterparts.

The objective is to have a small, sound horse that is strong, agile and with a good disposition. The miniature horse must not outgrow 34 inches for the A division, and 38 inches for the B division. The American Miniature Horse Association (AMHA) only recognizes miniature horses under 34". Only the American Miniature Horse Registry (AMHR) recognizes horses in the B division. There are many other re

gistries around the world, but the vast majority of minis in the United States are registered under AMHA or AMHR (or both). Unlike larger horse breeds, the American Miniature Horse is NOT measured at the withers (shoulder). Instead, the horse is stood on a level surface with four feet square and perpendicular to the ground, and then the horse is measured at the last hair of the mane. They come in all pinto genetics, all appaloosa genetics, all solid colors, with the dilute genes such as the creme gene, the silver gene, the greying gene, the dun gene, and the champagne gene. They have all eye colors. They come in so many colors that even color specialists aren't sure what they are !




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