I am completely in my element when I train with my dogs or teach other teams. For this reason, I have also started working as a dog trainer alongside my primary job. I offer agility training for both young dogs and experienced teams. The lessons are fully tailored to the mental and physical abilities of the dog, as well as the level of you as a team. It is important that each dog has the space to
grow at its own pace in the sport. Confidence, motivation, and fun are key factors in this process. To continually expand my knowledge, I regularly attend classes and seminars. The diversity and nuances that characterize agility captivate me greatly. Over the past few years, I have achieved many milestones in the agility sport, where the focus has not only been on results but also on personal development and enhancing the bond with my dogs. I have participated in the Junior European Open (-18 years) and earned multiple podium places there. Additionally, I have been a member of the national team at the European Open since 2017, proudly representing our country in various finals. I was also part of the national team for the Agility World Championships in 2022, 2023, and 2024. These experiences have enriched me and deepened my passion for the sport. The following results are the most significant from the past three years:
• Winner individual small agility (international sheltie agility competition)
• Winner Belgian WAO (World Agility Open) try-outs in small
• Silver medalist in medium Winner
• Silver medalist individual small jumping
• Team medium finals (European Open)
• Selected for individual small finals
• Vice World champion team medium
• Vice World champion team small
• Vice Belgian Champion in medium
• Winner Belgian EO try-outs in small
• Winner pentathlon agility 2 in small
• Winner team agility 2, team relay and team competition
• Winner team competition in small Agility Party
• Winner Belgian WAO try-outs in small
• Selected for individual small finals
• Bronze medalist in medium Winner
• 4th place biathlon overall and biathlon agility in small
• Selected for individual small finals
• Bronze medalist team small Championships
• Winner Winterfools cup
• Winner Belgian EO try-outs in small
• Winner Belgian WAO try-outs in small
• Winner team relay
• Bronze medalist biathlon agility
• Bronze medalist biathlon overall
• Bronze medalist in small Winner
• Selected for team small finals (fifth place in finals)
• Selected for individual and team finals Agility Masters (fifth place in individual final of all small & medium dogs combined)
• Fourth place pentathlon overall
Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions! Best regards,
Ik ben Andrea Prezzi, en al 15 jaar een agility enthousiasteling. Mijn honden, en de sport die we samen beoefenen, zijn mijn grootste passie. Ik ben helemaal in mijn element als ik met mijn honden train of andere teams lesgeef. Om die reden ben ik naast mijn hoofdwerkzaamheden ook begonnen als hondentrainer. Ik bied agilitytrainingen aan voor zowel jonge honden als ervaren teams. De lessen worden volledig afgestemd op het mentale en fysieke vermogen van de hond, en op het niveau van jullie als team. Het is belangrijk dat elke hond de ruimte krijgt om in zijn eigen tempo te groeien in de sport. Zelfvertrouwen, motivatie en plezier staan hierbij centraal. Om mijn kennis voortdurend te verbreden, volg ik regelmatig lessen en seminars. De veelzijdigheid en verfijning die agility kenmerken, boeien me enorm. De afgelopen jaren heb ik veel mijlpalen bereikt in de agilitysport, waarbij het niet alleen ging om resultaten, maar ook om persoonlijke ontwikkeling en het verbeteren van de samenwerking met mijn honden. Zo heb ik deelgenomen aan het Junior European Open (-18 jaar) en behaalde daar meerdere podiumplaatsen. Daarnaast ben ik al vanaf 2017 lid geweest van het nationale team op de European Open en heb ik met trots ons land vertegenwoordigd in verschillende finales. Ook maakte ik in 2022, 2023 en 2024 deel uit van het nationale team voor de Agility World Championships. Deze ervaringen hebben me verrijkt en mijn passie voor de sport verder verdiept. De afgelopen drie jaar waren dit de meest significante resultaten:
• Winner individual small agility (international sheltie agility competition)
• Winner Belgian WAO (World Agility Open) try-outs in small
• Silver medalist in medium Winner
• Silver medalist individual small jumping
• Team medium finals (European Open)
• Selected for individual small finals
• Vice World champion team medium
• Vice World champion team small
• Vice Belgian Champion in medium
• Winner Belgian EO try-outs in small
• Winner pentathlon agility 2 in small
• Winner team agility 2, team relay and team competition
• Winner team competition in small Agility Party
• Winner Belgian WAO try-outs in small
• Selected for individual small finals
• Bronze medalist in medium Winner
• 4th place biathlon overall and biathlon agility in small
• Selected for individual small finals
• Bronze medalist team small Championships
• Winner Winterfools cup
• Winner Belgian EO try-outs in small
• Winner Belgian WAO try-outs in small
• Winner team relay
• Bronze medalist biathlon agility
• Bronze medalist biathlon overall
• Bronze medalist in small Winner
• Selected for team small finals (fifth place in finals)
• Selected for individual and team finals Agility Masters (fifth place in individual final of all small&medium dogs combined)
• Fourth place pentathlon overall
Aarzel niet om contact op te nemen bij verdere vragen! Groetjes,
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