Research and findings have comfirmed the spread and health challenges that these pests posed to humanity and the Environment.
The presence of these mites, germs and parasites are not easily identifiable by an ordinary approach but technical approaches and methods have been very successful in identifying them and exposing their hazardous effects.
These Wild Pests and blood sucking Parasites are now of serious Problems and concern causing infectious disease in some Africa states and community Now...; unknown to many people but their operations and disasters are spreading like wide fire in human bodies and public places .
Findings have shown the following signs and symptoms as proves of WPD infections and parasites ...
1. Unceasing Body scratching,
2. Disturbing Body Rashes,
3. Body swells and inflammations
4. Regular headaches,
5. Serious Fever,
6. Eardrum pains,
7. Private Part Scratching and Rashes,
8. Eyes scratching and pains,
9. Coughing and Vomiting,
10. Regular head and hair scratching
11. Sleeplesness in the night and so on ...
12. Regular Allergy and irritation
The cases are now more visible in some communities and places in Africa. It is also said in the News that these signs and symptoms are now visible in some communities in Europe, Canada and North America....
Particularly in communities or places where there are Careless poultry Breeders and animal herders.... Who had neglected their basic responsibilities in take good and hygienic care of their Farms.
Culled from the AFHECO Document: Wild Pest Diseases Cure and Control ( WPDCC) Project Paper #032 / 2020. (c) All Right Reserved