I once had my dog taken from me at an international airport, this is how pet travel can go wrong 😭 and how you can do something about it.
I’m Lauren the founder of PadsPass. Along with my co-founder PadsPass, we took 75 flights together. We were traveling pros. But all it takes is one time to get it wrong, before you realise how easy it is to get it wrong.
It was 2022 and it was a regular flight path we’d taken many times before. Her UK pet passport was still valid, and we used the same vets and the same pre-approval processes as we always had. But hoomans make errors, and in this instance there were 3 sets of errors that resulted in Pads being taken from me.
1. In my busy scheduling of travel, I booked her vet appointment too close to our arrival time in the UK. She needed at least 24 hours from the time of her deworming at the vet to her arrival. My tired travel brain didn’t account for time zone changes.
2. Our usual vet unusually gave the wrong deworming medication. The UK only accepts specific medication with an active ingredient. I also didn’t check at the appointment it was the correct medication.
3. The airport received all of the documentation above (wrong time, wrong medication) and pre-approved and processed payment anyway after reviewing.
Pads was taken from me without clear instructions for release, timeline, or contact details. I had to call to request information from a general phone number as I received no updates, which was clear when she had been ready for release for over an hour by the time I found out.
These are the photos from that day, from her vet appointment to my shock upon separation and our reunification. I’m sharing these hoping pet parents understand travel is filled with human error and these errors are costly.
I’m building PadsPass to reduce human errors like these from happening, by using a technology based approach to make travel easier and safer for both the pet parents and agencies like governments, transportation providers, and veterinarians.
It’s the last day for our donation based crowdfunding initiative, the Furst 50. Could you please consider giving to help us build PadsPass? Donate using the link in bio