Rooted In Nature Nursery


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I had myself a little private fire last night๐Ÿ”ฅIt was extremely meaningful to me and not something I think I would have b...

I had myself a little private fire last night๐Ÿ”ฅ

It was extremely meaningful to me and not something I think I would have been able to do in the past. I needed to find some strength to be able to go through with it and move forward in life. I think I have finally found that support.

Someone has come into my life that I am eternity grateful for and can't thank enough for the person they see in me. It makes me want to be this person and everyday I think I am making steps to become this version of myself that is deep down inside.

The September setting sun ๐Ÿ’›I always reflect on the fall setting sun as it is a clear marker of the passage of time. In t...

The September setting sun ๐Ÿ’›

I always reflect on the fall setting sun as it is a clear marker of the passage of time. In the summer, the beautiful Prairie sunsets are further to the north. Lowering it's self over a lush growing field and finally dipping behind a beautiful long-lived tree row. In the winter, the sun sets further to the south. Illuminating the open snow-covered fields, filling them with a warmth of beautiful pinks and oranges.

In the fall, the sun crosses the road, marking the change. It allows for a visual remembrance on how the seasons move along. From one to another, we do different things. Celebrate life and act in different ways. In the summer, we look for freshness, new growth, colour, and an abundance of life. In the winter, we find comfort in warmth, quietness, and a chance to rest and reset.

Both are needed. Both are important parts of the cycle. Both are what we need to make the year go by. The growth and the rest. With chances for renewal in between.

As the sun crosses the line, it reminds me to reflect and enjoy the passage of time. For it is all a part of life and filled with so much beauty!!

๐ŸŒฟ It is not quite the first day of fall yet, but the sun just looked so good last night! ๐ŸŒฟ

The yard is starting to explode with life and colour and growth!!! ๐ŸŒฟI love walking around in the morning in the fresh ai...

The yard is starting to explode with life and colour and growth!!! ๐ŸŒฟ

I love walking around in the morning in the fresh air, listening to the birds, taking in all the different shades and shapes. It gives me some time to feel at peace with myself and appreciate all this wonderful life around me!

I also love hearing the tractors going by, off to the fields, to seed the different crops that will give us the beautiful colourful fields throughout the summer and fall! ๐ŸŒฟ

I love this space around me! It is so full of different sounds, and each one tugs at my heart in different ways.

The sounds of the families working hard in the fields make me reflect on the generations in my own family tree. Like many, I have branches that go far back and helped to shape these prairies by braking the land and turning wild brush into bushels of crops. ๐ŸŒฟ

There are also sounds from the industry in my area. Close-by is a multi-generational family owned manufacturer that makes me reflect on the entrepreneurs, creators, and family members who have worked hard and spent years in the industry's that contributes to and builds our communities.

And my most favourite sounds to listen to are the AMAZING diversity of life that surrounds the acreage!! There are so many different birds (I saw my first hummingbird of the season yesterday ๐Ÿคฉ) singing their songs. Different animal sounds as they make their way through the space, and even the sounds of bugs buzzing and filtering by warm my heart! ๐Ÿž

Hope everyone gets some time to enjoy the sights and sounds around them today! ๐Ÿ’›

Moving day!!! ๐Ÿ It time for the fish to go outside to their BEAUTIFUL summer pond!! They get an opportunity to explore an...

Moving day!!! ๐Ÿ 

It time for the fish to go outside to their BEAUTIFUL summer pond!! They get an opportunity to explore and grow in a new environment, eat bugs, and have fish babies! Lol

Moving them this year was a bit tough. They are getting so much bigger and harder to catch, and it took me a bit of time to get them all wrangeled up. But it gave me some time to think and ponder change.

I was thinking about how we often have to adjust to new environments. We don't always know what we are doing at first or how we will fit in. We don't know how we will like this new space, how it will influence us, and how we will be able to expand and grow into our new surroundings. But the change is good! It gives us new opportunities! New challenges and adventures!

It allows us to grow and expand and fill our new space. To create a new world and life for ourselves. I am starting to move into a new space. To create a new world around myself. It is a little bit scary and nerve-wracking, but also so exciting!! So many opportunities can open up if I am just willing to swim into new waters and accept the new environment that is available to me!

Take sometime this weekend to see what new spaces and environments you can create around yourself and take the chance at all the opportunities that open up to you!! Summer is on the way, and it is going to be filled with sunshine and warmth and so much new growth!!! ๐ŸŒฟ

I had the most meaningful experience last night!! It was awe-inspiring ๐Ÿ’›Yesterday my heart was a bit heavy. A lot of thi...

I had the most meaningful experience last night!! It was awe-inspiring ๐Ÿ’›

Yesterday my heart was a bit heavy. A lot of things had been weighing on my mind. In the past, I would have pushed this weight far down and tried to bury it, cover it up, and pretend it didn't exist. But I didn't. I sat with it.

I absorded this weight. I processed this weight. I let it flow through me. In the past little while, I have finally learned that acknowledging the weight, accepting the weight, and allowing the weight to flow out is the only way to not be crushed by the weight!

I did this and then ended up being rewarded with the most beautiful skies!! The universe opened up to me and washed over me and danced for me โœจ๏ธ

In the middle of the night, I woke up and grabbed a blanket and went out and laid under the stars and watched the amazing solar storm. It was magical!! The Northern Lights rained down on me, and there was so much life around me! The frogs were croaking, there were all sorts of birds singing their songs and the sky was alive above me!! I finally went back inside when the howls of the coyotes started to sound a little too close!

I thought I had been out from maybe 20 mins, and close to 2 hours had passed while I had laid there rooted in nature and being comfortable with myself. It was exactly what I needed and soothed my soul ๐Ÿ’›

Hope everyone has a great weekend and fills their cup with whatever they need today!!

Enjoying my wonderful Tea Cup Candle from MoonRose Holistics and Beauty ๐Ÿ’›This smells heavenly!! I love the cup, and the ...

Enjoying my wonderful Tea Cup Candle from MoonRose Holistics and Beauty ๐Ÿ’›

This smells heavenly!! I love the cup, and the amazing aroma is so relaxing. It is putting a smile on my face after a long day of working in the muddy yard and cleaning up plants! ๐ŸŒฟ

Think I will sit and take it in while I have a cup of tea, a great way to start a relaxing Saturday night! (Man, am I old!! Lol)

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Spent the morning waking up some little buddies!! ๐ŸžTook sometime this morning to enjoy the fresh spring air and warm sun...

Spent the morning waking up some little buddies!! ๐Ÿž

Took sometime this morning to enjoy the fresh spring air and warm sun and did a but of cleaning up of some of my perennial beds. The ladybugs came out on mass to say Good Morning and hang out with me!! Lol

I love cleaning up the beds in the spring and seeing all the plants starting to poke out from the ground. They have taken their time to rest and are ready to start growing again! ๐ŸŒฟ

This spring, I am excited to see how everything fills in, how the beds have changed over time, and how the plants adjust to each other and give their neighbour space to grow and bloom! We can learn a lot from perennial beds. They are always changing over time. As one plant fills in, another may retreat a little, but there is always this give and take and adjusting to the community that is growing together. As their roots intertwine and they use each other for support, the garden grows into this majestic space full of life and colour and spirit!! ๐ŸŒฟ

Happy gardening everyone!!

Spending the morning in the fresh air digging some Daylilies and listening to all the birds!! Spring is the best!!! ๐ŸŒฟWis...

Spending the morning in the fresh air digging some Daylilies and listening to all the birds!! Spring is the best!!! ๐ŸŒฟ

Wishing everyone a wonderful week filled with happy thoughts, fun activities, and connecting to people that you love ๐Ÿ’›

Spending a lazy Sunday in his favourite basket amongst some plants! Pete is in his happy place ๐Ÿ˜ŠLazy days are good for t...

Spending a lazy Sunday in his favourite basket amongst some plants! Pete is in his happy place ๐Ÿ˜Š

Lazy days are good for the soul! They give us a chance to rest and recharge and get ready for the coming week. It is good to give your body some time to relax and release all the tension. To clear your mind and connect with the people and things that make you feel whole and loved.

It is good to spend a day, or even a week, if you can, slowing down and being present in the moment. It makes you see more clearly what priorities you have and what are the things that are most important to you. Slow downs allow you to think, reflect, and reassess. They allow you to refocus your direction, set new goals, and plan out a new path. And, once slow days are done and your energy has been recharged, you can conquer anything!! ๐Ÿ’›

Hope everyone has a good day soaking up the sun and refilling their energy and starts out the week full of life and gratitude ๐ŸŒฟ

Potting up some plants today!! ๐ŸŒฟThese plants got a little bit neglected over the last little while but I thought I would...

Potting up some plants today!! ๐ŸŒฟ

These plants got a little bit neglected over the last little while but I thought I would give them a new opportunity at growing by changing their environment. I gave them some fresh soil and new pots and a refreshing shower to rinse off and wash away all the old dirt! ๐Ÿ’›

I am excited to watch these plants grow. See what they mature into and what directions they go. Will they lean into the light? Will they thrive on a new fertilizer? Will they be fulfilled and grow in their new environment? Only time will tell but I am interested in finding out what happens to them next. Life is an exciting journey and I am so curious about what will happen next!! ๐ŸŒฟ

Ever been interested in living in small town Saskatchewan? It is actually pretty peaceful and calm and has amazing wildl...

Ever been interested in living in small town Saskatchewan? It is actually pretty peaceful and calm and has amazing wildlife moving through!!

Our property is up for sale! Check it out and think of all the opportunities for you here!!

Spent a bit of time this weekend creating myself a new space! Gave my plant room a little update to make a new spot to r...

Spent a bit of time this weekend creating myself a new space! Gave my plant room a little update to make a new spot to relax and stretch out in ๐ŸŒฟ

I am at a point where I am starting to reorganize my life. Figuring out how I want to be and heading down a new path! Part of this reordering is creating the spaces I want to exist in. Spaces that will make me feel whole and comfortable and content.

Our environment can have a great effect on how we feel, and everybody needs different things to bring out different feelings. Right now, I want to be surrounded by all shades of green!! I want to be enveloped by life and growing things. All sorts of different shapes and sizes of gorgeous green leaves ๐ŸŒฟ

I also want to be surrounded by memories and moments of my family. The art around my room comes from and connects me to the people I love. Some of the pieces reach back generations and remind me of all the things that built my family. They contribute to the story that built me!! They make me think of the building blocks that I stand tall upon, and they make me want to reach out for things that I can create and contribute and add to this story and this long line of amazingly strong people ๐Ÿ’›

Hope everyone has a great Sunday reflecting on their story and creating the space that makes you feel whole!! ๐ŸŒฟ

This may be a strange post to share on a page about growing plants but I know I have a lot of followers who are in the C...

This may be a strange post to share on a page about growing plants but I know I have a lot of followers who are in the Calgary area and would like to reach out to anyone who may have attended and had their life effected by their experiences at John Ware Jr. High.

You may have seen in the recent news about Micheal Gregory and the abuse he inflicted on a countless students at John Ware from 1989-2004. He both sexual and physically assulated students and the school was aware from very early on. Another teacher, Fred Archer also abused students and eventually went to jail for sexually assaulting boys at another school.

I was a student that had my life dramatically influenced by attending this school. If you also were affected by Micheal Gregory, Fred Archer, or other teachers and the overall culture of this school please reach out to amazing team at HMC. The lawyers there have been incredibly compassionate and understanding and are in the process of holding the CBE and others accountable for their role in damaging the lives of so many young girls and boys.

This page is also about growth and I can't believe the growth I have gone through being part of this process. It is overwhelming to come forward but it is also liberating to free myself of pain I have holding onto for decades. If you have been effected by similar experiences please know there are resources out there and I am sending you love, compassion, and strength to move forward and grow in your own way! ๐ŸŒฟ

Our firm represents a group of brave survivors who suffered abuse while attending John Ware School in Calgary, Alberta, between 1988-2004. Many of our clients were sexually abused by Michael Gregory. Some of our clients were physically abused by Michael Gregory. In all cases, they were psychological...

One of the things I love about Pothos is the uniqueness of each leaf! There is variation in the patterns and varigation....

One of the things I love about Pothos is the uniqueness of each leaf! There is variation in the patterns and varigation. There is life in the colours and different shades. There is variety in the size and shape of each leaf! ๐ŸŒฟ

Life is full of change, and newness and Spring represents this great time of renewal. It is a great point in which to start over and renew yourself. Life is about to change in dramatic ways. Full of new possibilities, opportunities, and challenges. The grass is about regrow, leaf buds are about to emerge, and new flowers are about to bloom. The environment around us is about to awaken after being in a long slumber, and I am ready to move into this new season of life! ๐ŸŒฟ

I am interested to see what new leaves will emerge. What colour will they be? What patterns will be there? What new directions will the vines grow in? How will this new life flow? These are questions that can't be answered yet, but as time moves forward, I am so interested in finding out how things grow! ๐ŸŒฟ

Hope you have a Spring full of growth and colour and motion ๐Ÿ’›

Last week, I had to leave for a few days, and my Penny is still upset about it! This morning, she is making sure I am no...

Last week, I had to leave for a few days, and my Penny is still upset about it! This morning, she is making sure I am not going anywhere and will not get up from my lap!! Lol

It's funny how we attach to things. There is comfort to be found in the connections that we build with others and items in our environment. Comfort can be found in surrounding ourselves with things that bring us joy and make us feel safe. It might be other people or a caring animal, a favourite item that holds cherished memories, or even some plants that fill the space with life and colour. ๐ŸŒฟ

Surround yourself with the things that fill you up and remove the items that don't. Create the environment that you want to grow in, and you will thrive!! ๐Ÿ’›

Come check out the Humboldt Spring Market at the Legion 10-3! ๐ŸŒฟ

Come check out the Humboldt Spring Market at the Legion 10-3! ๐ŸŒฟ

Come check out the Humboldt Spring Market tomorrow!!

Come check out the Humboldt Spring Market tomorrow!!

Plants always amaze me with their different colours and textures! So much variation and diversity and different ways to ...

Plants always amaze me with their different colours and textures! So much variation and diversity and different ways to grow and thrive ๐ŸŒฟ

Do you ever wake from a dream and realize that some of the big life questions that you have been pondering and strugglin...

Do you ever wake from a dream and realize that some of the big life questions that you have been pondering and struggling with actually really have some straightforward simple answers?

I don't know if it is because it is International Women's Day, but I woke up this morning EMPOWERED!! Full of direction and new ideas!! I am excited about all the new possibilities in life and curious where this new direction will take me!

I am turning 45 this year and feel like I might be going through a slight mid-life crisis (but I am sure I am not alone! LOL) I am looking for what my purpose is and which path do I follow. I have thinking a lot about the women of my family lately. The century plus of history and stories that they hold. I have been thinking about all the things that they would have gone through in life and how they pushed through with strength and stood tall with roots that went deep into the ground.

How I can learn from their successes and defeats? How can I take those lessons and share them with the women coming up after me? What I know I can do is I can continue to grow this incredible tree that is full of different branches that go in all sorts of directions. I can contribute to my community and add nourishment to my environment that allows for all sorts of beautiful shades of green to flourish!! ๐ŸŒฟ

Today, we should celebrate all the AMAZING women around us - past, present, and future!! ๐Ÿ’›

I have this beautiful candle on one of my shelves, and it caught my eye this morning and made me smile! ๐Ÿ˜ŠIt is from a lo...

I have this beautiful candle on one of my shelves, and it caught my eye this morning and made me smile! ๐Ÿ˜Š

It is from a local entrepreneur MoonRose Holistics and Beauty out of the Ora Co-working space in Lake Lenore.

This area really is an AMAZING hub of incredible woman entrepreneurs, and I am so grateful for the relationships I am building with them!! If you are in the greater Humboldt area, be sure to check out some of these valuable businesses!

(I am sure I am missing some, so tag your favourite female lead business in the area and let's help support the community)

Grid + Gertie Design Studio The Grind Coffee Bar & Spin Studio Grey Barn Handwerk Prairie House Yoga Metamorphosis Counselling Holding Space Counselling & Therapies Prairie Flora Designs Prairie Sky Collective Ora Co-Working Reflexology. Natural healing for the body and sole

๐ŸŒฟ my happiness comes from being surrounded by all shades of green!

๐ŸŒฟ my happiness comes from being surrounded by all shades of green!

What a neat space!!

What a neat space!!

We've been keeping a secret! ๐ŸคซWe have been working on a brand new coworking space and it's now complete! It's a quiet, private space perfect for those coworkers who need a little extra focus. Features include a sit up counter, comfy chairs, coffee maker, mini fridge and sink, as well as all the other great features included in a PSC Coworking membership!


105 Doepker Avenue Annaheim
Annaheim, SK



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