Kestrel Ridge Farm

Kestrel Ridge Farm Kestrel Ridge Farm,
Our goal is to provide an elite facility that can host equine shows, events, clinics and schooling shows.

In doing so we have created a facility open to all levels and breeds of horses and riders.


🎉 Exciting Announcement: Alberta Dressage Performance Symposium! 🐴

We are thrilled to announce the 2024 Alberta Dressage Performance Symposium with the esteemed Isobel Wessels, International Grand Prix trainer and FEI 5* dressage judge, fresh from the judges' panel at the 2024 Paris Olympics!

🗓 Dates: Oct. 4-6, 2024
📍 Location: Kestrel Ridge Farm, just west of Calgary, Alta.

Learn more here:

We are very excited to host this event!!

We are very excited to host this event!!

🎉 Exciting Announcement: Alberta Dressage Performance Symposium! 🐴

We are thrilled to announce the 2024 Alberta Dressage Performance Symposium with the esteemed Isobel Wessels, International Grand Prix trainer and FEI 5* dressage judge, fresh from the judges' panel at the 2024 Paris Olympics!

🗓 Dates: Oct. 4-6, 2024
📍 Location: Kestrel Ridge Farm, just west of Calgary, Alta.

Learn more here:


The ADA would like to Congratulate Julija Ona Vysniauskas (Jewels) for receiving the ADA Lifetime Achievement Award.

This award exists to honour and recognize those individuals who have supported, promoted, and participated in the sport of dressage in Alberta. Nominees must have participated a minimum of 25 years in the Alberta Dressage Community and competed at the FEI test levels at sanctioned events.

Some of Jewels' achievements include but are not limited to:

Two-time Canadian National Young Rider Champion
Competing at WEG in Aachen, Germany in 2006
Multiple Successful showings in CDI events in Canada and the USA

To review Julija's full profile, please visit:

Congratulations Jewels and thank you for continuing to be such a strong advocate for Dressage in our community!

Kestrel Ridge has a couple spots opening up in pasture as well as indoor boarding/training. Please inquire within for mo...

Kestrel Ridge has a couple spots opening up in pasture as well as indoor boarding/training. Please inquire within for more information.

Hey All, Kestrel Ridge Farm is looking to hire a stable hand(s). We are a training facility located in Springbank just w...

Hey All, Kestrel Ridge Farm is looking to hire a stable hand(s). We are a training facility located in Springbank just west of Calgary. Looking for a motivated person to join our team. Must have a reliable vehicle and available to work 2-4 days/wk including wknds. Position involves but not limited to daily barn chores, turn in and out of horses and general maintenance of facility. For more information please message me directly. Position available immediately 🐴


A bit is only as harsh as the hands that hold it - true.

If the rider is good enough, it doesn’t matter what bit the horse has in - false.

Usain Bolt could not have broken those world records if his running shoes were too tight. Cristiano Ronaldo would not have won champion league titles if his boots were too large. Lewis Hamilton would not be a 7 time world champion if he didn’t fit perfectly in his car.

Horses are not one size fits all. They might have large tongues, low palates, fleshy lips or knife edge bars. They might have a dry mouth or produce excessive saliva. They may freeze with the bit or they might fidget constantly. Some have a very small interdental space leaving almost no room for a bit, and some have their first cheek teeth ahead of their lip corners. I generally tell clients that they can choose the cheek pieces but the horse gets to choose the mouthpiece of their bit.

But that choice goes deeper than their individual anatomy. Horses are living, breathing, feeling animals that have preferences. Some horses prefer tongue pressure, a lot of horses hate palate pressure and open their mouths to escape it, some will put their tongue over the bit if there is any tongue pressure, where others will throw their head if the bars are pressured. The horse gets to have an opinion on where their bit acts too. A happy horse will be an easy horse.

Anyone can make these assessments. You don’t need any specialist equipment. Just experience, and an understanding of what is normal, to know how your horse varies from the “normal”. If in doubt, ask your EDT, vet or a bit specialist.

A little about the bit mouthpieces, there are 4 main types, straight bars, single jointed, double jointed and multi jointed.

Straight bars - a mullen mouth will act mostly on the tongue with a little lip corner pressure. Often straight bars will have a port for tongue relief. The bigger the port, the more tongue relief so the more pressure is placed on the bars and lip corners whilst less is applied on the tongue. Straight bars do not have palate pressure when fitted correctly but if the port is too large, it will hit the palate. Straight bars are very still by their nature. They are good for horses that mess with the bit a lot, crunch the bit, put their tongue over (with an appropriate port for tongue relief), or sit behind the bit, over bent. They are not good for horses that are strong or lean.

Single jointed - these act mostly on the bars and corners of the mouth and less so on the tongue surface. But they squeeze the tongue from the sides in a nutcracker action, and the joint can hit the horses palate. This will cause the horse to open its mouth to escape that palate pressure. There are some anatomical single jointed bits which curve with the horses mouth and reduce these side effects. Being more mobile than a straight bar, the horse is less likely to lean. Better suited for those that dislike tongue pressure but are too strong for a straight bar.

Double jointed - there are 4 types, peanut, french link, Dr Bristol and barrel. All double jointed bits share pressure equally across the tongue, bars and lip corners.
A peanut is smooth and rounded so very gentle. This is generally the ideal starting place when starting along the journey to find your horses ideal bit, or as the first “grown up” bit for a youngster.
The french link has a plate which sits flat on the tongue, the edges and joints can cause more uneven tongue pressure than the peanut. This bit takes very little space between tongue and palate, suited for those with large tongues and low palates.
A Dr Bristol plate lies opposite to the tongue, meaning the plate edge digs in the tongue making it quite a harsh bit, even in gentle hands. A horse can not move into the riders hands for a true outline with this bit.
Barrel bits act as a straight bar when in action but each side moves independently. Barrel bits can come with ports to offer more tongue relief. These are ideal for horses that like a straight bar but become confused and require the reins to work independently to understand the rider clearly, or perhaps lean on one rein in a straight bar.

Multi jointed - apart from the chain bits which I won’t mention, these are mostly Waterfords with many joints across the mouthpiece. These act equally on the tongue, lip corners and bars. Be careful when choosing these bits as the cheaper versions have joints on the lip corners which nip and bruise. Better quality Waterfords have short straight sections for the lips. Lots of joints prevent the horse from taking hold of the bit. Good for those that lean or are strong. Keep in mind they can prevent the horse from moving into the hand for a true outline due to the mobility of the bit. Similar to the French link, the joints can cause uneven pressure across the tongue and those joints tend to make these bits chunky so not ideal for those with big tongues or small mouths.

Other considerations -

Bit material - horses with dry mouths find stainless steel very uncomfortable. A horse needs a moist mouth to be comfortable with a bit in their mouth. Warmer metals like sweet iron encourage the horse to salivate and makes them more comfortable. Copper rollers or other mobile parts can encourage a horse to mouth the bit and produce saliva, but may also encourage the horse to mess and fidget with their mouths and heads. Some horses hate all types of metal and prefer the softer feel of nathe or plastic. These need to be inspected very regularly as they are easy to damage and can have sharp points. The plastic/nathe bits are very good for those that over bend or sit behind the bit.

Over salivating - some horses produce large amounts of saliva. This is uncomfortable and distracting for the horse. Consider sitting in the dentists chair desperate to swallow, it’s not a pleasant feeling. These horses need a bit that remains as still as possible and does not encourage salivation to be comfortable.

Bit positioning- the old advice use to be you should see 2 wrinkles in the corner of the mouth when the bit is in the correct place but this varies between bits. For example, a straight bar needs to be a little lower than a jointed as a jointed bit lays lower on the tongue so needs to be a little higher at the cheek. Some ponies, in particular shetlands and welsh ponies, have shortened noses with normal sized teeth which brings the first cheek tooth forward of the lip corners. These need the bit to be lower than normal. Those with very fleshy lips will also need the bit a little lower to allow space for them. Be sure to part the horses lips with the bit in place and check the position in relation to the lips, teeth and tongue.

Bit thickness - the fleshier the horses mouth and larger the tongue, the finer the bit needs to be to fit between the tongue and palate, too thick a bit and the horse wont be able to close its mouth. Thicker bits tend to be gentler as the pressure is spread further, where the horses mouth has space to accommodate.

Bit width - if a bit is too narrow, it will pull the lips into the teeth and cause internal bruising (even when the teeth are perfectly smooth and rounded) or cheek and lip ulcers (if the teeth are sharp). It can also cause external nipping if a loose ring. If the bit is too wide, it will not act on the intended areas of the mouth and the bit can slide across the mouth. Generally speaking, with the bit pulled tight across the mouth, a little finger sideways on should be visible each side, no more, no less.

Bitless/hackamore bridles - some horses have no/almost no space for a bit. With big tongues, low palates, short interdental spaces and fleshy lips, some horses just can’t comfortably take a bit and may prefer an alternative.

Bit rings - eggbutts are better for horses that sit behind the bit and over bend, loose rings are better for horses that lean or take hold of the bit.

Cheek pieces - there are many many options for cheek pieces, gags, drop cheeks, full cheeks, D rings, Pelhams etc etc. Once you have found the mouthpiece your horse likes, you can find a cheek piece that suits you and the horse for the discipline you are in and your capabilities. But the horse chooses the mouthpiece.

Please remember to make sure your horse’s teeth are perfect before messing around with their bit. Get a BAEDT qualified EDT or a dental trained vet to check out your horse. Do not assume you would know if your horse is in pain. They are very good at hiding pain and humans are very poor at picking up on their subtle signs.

EDIT - it has been brought to my attention that the Dr Bristol has been used incorrectly for the last century. Apparently according to the patent, the inventer intended the bit to be used the other way up which makes the bit a more ‘anatomical’ French link and would be a gentler bit.


Since 2.2.22 we have been evolving at a rapid rate, and on 22.2.22 this supercharged energy portal closes, signifying the ending of an old chapter and marking a magnificent new beginning in our lives.
During this gateway we have been reviewing and reassessing whatever has been limiting us and holding us back, and we are now ready to release old structures and programmes, press the reset button and enter a new timeline and reality.

Today is the last time we will experience the numerological vibration of the 2 sequence in our lifetime as there will not be another date with only 2’s in it for another 178 years. (0 does not carry a vibration in numerology).

This is an extremely rare day, as it is also the last time in our lifetime the same number will repeat 6 times on a date.
We are also in the midst of a series of palindrome dates, where the date is mirrored (reads the same forward and backward), and this occurs until 2-28-22. On 22:2:22 the date not only reads the same forward and backward but also when it is turned upside down.

Due to the dates being mirrored we can expect to receive instant manifestation of our intentions, thoughts, feelings and emotions, as the vibrations we are sending out will be mirrored back to us.
This means we may experience numerous synchronicities and serendipities, with many deja vu and magical moments, as whatever resonates with our vibration is finding its way to us.
We might also be having unusually vivid dreams that are so realistic we wake up feeling highly emotional and remembering every detail. This is the dreamworld sending subtle divine messages, so pay close attention to anything that particularly stands out.

Over the next few days we will be receiving continuous signs that show us how we are either consciously or subconsciously communicating and co-creating with the Universe at all times, and how the vibrations we send out are returned in the most mystical ways.

The number 2 relates to balance, harmony, friendship and relationships, and it brings positivity, so expect genuine connections to be renewed or strengthened during this time.
2 is a karmic number, so throughout this day it is possible to go experience many energy shifts as the old and stagnant energies clear away and our vibration elevates.

This number sequence is a reminder to have faith and trust that we are powerful energetic beings with the ability to magnetically attract our desires and manifest our dreams and intentions with ease. We can do this by visualising how life will be when we reach our goals, and speaking our intentions clearly and having faith that they are manifesting, while fully trusting the entire process (however long it takes).

To create a new existence that feels authentic and nourishing, we may have to walk away from people or situations that are destabilising or cause harm in some way. This can be a difficult part of manifesting as it may feel comfortable to hold on to whoever or whatever feels familiar. However, the more we believe in ourselves and accept that we deserve to be living with inner and outer peace, immense love, and total fulfilment, anything or anyone that causes chaos or lowers our vibration will naturally drop out of our timeline.
Energy shifts can feel volatile, and during this period, our minds and bodies can feel like they have temporarily “shut down.” This is for our own good as when we slow down we are in a far better position to receive energetic downloads that help with our transition.

We have also been experiencing solar storms recently which can magnify the current energy. Solar storms are also known to bring a shift in energy, and during these shifts we may experience any of the following:
Pressure headaches and general aches and pains, mainly in the stomach (solar plexus) area.
Feeling flushed, dizzy or nauseous. Intense hunger or thirst.
Difficulty focusing, confusion, temporary loss of memories, forgetting things, misplacing items, or a “foggy mind.”
Extreme fatigue, exhaustion, lack of energy, insomnia, disturbed sleep patterns, and intense dreams or nightmares.
Seemingly out-the-blue bouts of irritability, frustration, panic, sadness, nervousness, anger, worry, fear, grief, anxiety, stress, and overwhelm.
Heightened awareness, enhanced intuition, premonitions, insights that seem to appear out of nowhere.
Physiological symptoms may manifest, such as flu-like symptoms, ear ringing, or aches and pains.
Noticing synchronicities, i.e. certain number patterns reappearing.
More consciously aware of other people’s energy fields and highly sensitive to negativity, walking away from drama and conflict.
No longer needing to force anything, allowing what flows to flow freely, and letting what doesn’t flow fall away.
Wanting to spend time alone; introspection.
To ensure we resonate with this higher energy and that our vibration is raised, we can rest, take time from our busy schedules and do the following:
Drink plenty of filtered water (not tap water).
Take saltwater baths.
Meditate and remain aware of reoccurring thoughts and feelings.
Avoid caffeine and alcohol.
Spend time in nature.
Consume high-vibrational foods, such as fruits and vegetables.
Breathe deeply, forgive, release, and surrender.
Remain aware of reoccurring thoughts and feelings.
When possible, temporarily disconnect from technology, and anything that feels energetically toxic or draining.~

~Alex Myles


Due to unforeseen circumstances Kestrel Ridge Farm is looking for full or part time staff, position available immediately. We are located in between Calgary and Cochrane. We are looking for reliable fun motivated staff that enjoys this lifestyle. Duties include but not limited to general stable chor...


🐴We are looking to hire more fun motivated workers. We are located in the heart of Springbank,AB and we have a fantastic team and amazing horses and clientele.
🐴Must have reliable transportation!! 🐴Individual must have some Horse knowledge and understand the lifestyle.
🐴Position is for Full Time work. Duties include but not limited to general stable chores and horse management.
🐴Please drop me a message if this could be something for you 🐴 💜

⭐️Position is available immediately.⭐️


Kestrel Ridge Farm,
Our goal is to provide an elite facility that can host equine shows, events, cli

It’s all in the smiles!! Champions all the way around !! Well done 💕Thanks for the photoPC Debora Dever

It’s all in the smiles!! Champions all the way around !! Well done 💕
Thanks for the photo
PC Debora Dever


Hey, dressage riders! We're taking a poll: Hit Like on this post if you're planning on attending our gold-rated Summer Dressage Show on July 10th and 11th. 👍🏻

Most of the Battles of Life are won by looking beyond the clouds and to the sun. And having patience to wait for the day...

Most of the Battles of Life are won by looking beyond the clouds and to the sun. And having patience to wait for the day when the sun comes out and the clouds move away 🌸☀️💙


Kestrel Ridge is looking for a part and or full time stable hand. A fantastic a safe environment. Duties require full horse care but not limited to: feeding, handling horses, cleaning stables, helping with farrier or vets if need be and occasional equestrian maintenance. We have a fun fantastic team...


242004 Range Road 32
Calgary, AB


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