Hi Everbodees!
Is been a Loongish time since my putted stuff onna my page.
My's been Bizzy! Jus Bein a dog stuff, mostly.
Right now, tho, it's onaccounta my beed sickish.
I getted up onna Tuesday, my tummy was feeling bad. I gotsa bomited ( that's wut my Papa called it; I was jus Puked tho), and BAAD runny/smelly poops (YEECH!!!)
My din't eat any brekkast, or supper, and sleeped a whole bunch. I din't feeled better onna next day, so Papa & Beppe talked me to the Doctur office.
Da Doctur (Dr. Dani Duce...init that a CUTE name?) gived me medicines, and bloodtests,and a thermostat inna butt (YEEOW!)
She sayed my hadda upset pancake-itis...I dunno what dat meaned, but my tummy hurted.
Anyways, while she was making my tummy feeled better, she looked inna my mouf, and she finded a tumbler, or a mass, or a grote inna my mouf. She sayed it might be dat bad cancer stuff, like my Pap have. He getted REELY sickish frum it.
Anyways, my gotsa have a operation and getted that cancer stuff outta my mouf. Its gonna hurt and mys gonna be sickish fer a few days.
It's gonna be REELY expensive. Doctur Duce telled my Papa it maybe gonna cost ten more Tousan dollurs!
Dat's a LOTSA monies! Oh my Gosh...my telled my Papa dat's Too much Monies; I would jus keep dat grote/mass/tumbler inna my mouf
My Papa sayed "No Way, Jose!" (My don know who "Jose" is, but he musta dood somthin bad, cause Papa sayed No Way)
He telled me he maked a "GoFundMe" to gets that tumbler outta mine mouf.
Mebbe you kin Hep him??? An me too...My don' likes having that tumbler inna my mouf. It hurted a lil bit.
Hey, what's up! Little Frank, my incredible 8-year-old Pomeranian, urgently needs surgery to remove a tumor, and every donation could truly save his life. If you can spare anything to help or even just share the link, it would mean the world to us. Thanks a million!
Hi everyone, my name is Wayne, and this is my best buddy, Frank. Fra… Wayne Reimer needs your support for Little Frank, the bestest Buddy Dog, needs your help