Who says dogs can’t join in the Easter 🐣 fun?
#1. While the kids are searching for eggs scatter feed your dog’s breakfast in the backyard.
#2. Hide your dogs favourite toy and send them off to find it.
#3. Work on your dogs stay/boundary work and release them to the fun!
Tell me in the comments how you plan on celebrating Easter with your pooch.
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How to handle ticks on your dog
After walking in wooded areas, tall grasses or through leaf detritus you should check you and your dog for ticks.
You may or may not spot them with your eyes.
The tick on Darby almost looks like a spec of dirt.
Catch them before they attach using a fine-tooth comb.
I found a set of combs on Amazon. Search “tick comb”.
Doing a quick inspection of your dog ensures there are no other issues such as bumps, lumps or injuries.
To dispose of the tick place them in a ziploc bag with rubbing alcohol to kill them.
If the tick was removed when attached this is a great way to transport it to the vet. Safe for everyone.
It’s best to use a “designated tick remover” when there attached. Do not use your fingers to remove ticks.
Using tick medication doesn’t ensure ticks won’t crawl around on your pet. Prevention is always key.
Follow for more doggy tips!
#tickmanagement #removeticks #dogtips #dogtrainerslife #checkyourdog #dogreels #dogsofinstagram
What puppy training should look like..
It should be getting your puppy ready for the real world.
Able to handle what life throws at them.
What good is a sit? If your dog is afraid of loud noises?
What good is a down if your dog is steals things and runs away?
Want to learn how to start your puppy 🐶 off on the right paw 🐾?
DM me to get started.
#puppytraining #puppy #partnerswithpaws #servicedogintraining #puppylove #goldenretrieverpuppy #trainingpuppies
How to teach your dog to back up in heel position.
This is definitely an advanced behaviour.
If you haven’t taught your dog to back up, start there. (See previous reel)
The key is back foot targeting. If your dog values the target they are going to aim to reach it.
Comment if you are ready for the steps!
#dogtrainingtips #dogreels #lovedogs #dogtrainer #dogtrainingexperience
Guide to tension-free leash walks Step 6 of 7
Let’s talk Loud & Quiet.
Do you talk non-stop to your dog?
Do all the work for them in attempt to keep them engaged?
Loud and exciting works for some situations, great to have in your tool kit.
Yet silence can be golden when it comes to dog training.
When you are quiet around your dog it shows where your training is at with your dog.
Do they still want to engage and work with you even though you aren’t pumping them up with praise and commands?
Play with loud & quiet the next time you walk your dog and see how they react when you move about without any cues.
Happy training!
Follow for more leash walking tips.
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Guide to tension-free leash walks Step 4 (b) of 7
How did you make out with Step 4 (a) orientation game? If you haven’t tried it, start there before progressing.
Want your dog to check you out on walks?
Walk a pattern such as a circle.
Create the space your dog must manage.
Small circle = easy
Large circle = harder
Walk with your dog on the inside of the circle. Toss a treat into the centre.
Allow your dog to retrieve the treat and when they get back tucked inside with you repeat.
Walking in a pattern helps your dog to stayed focused on you, vs worrying about the world around. Squirrels, dogs, people, cars, etc.
They only need to think about the circle - easy peasy.
Walk it in different places at different times to employ your dog and get them walking with you.
Follow for more tension-free leash walk tips!
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Guide to tension-free leash walks
✅STEP 1 of 7
Always make time to compose yourself.
New situations and environments can be stressful for both you and your dog. Start how you want to proceed.
Take a few deep breaths to calm both you and your dog. 🐶
You’ll be better prepared to help your dog navigate the walk.
Follow to get Step 2!
Happy walking!
#dogtraining #dogtrainer #dogwalking #zenwalks #dogreels #lovedogs #sevicedog
Put your focus on what behaviour you want more of from your dog and surprise surprise.. you’ll get more!
Your dog like you responds to positive feedback.
I started rewarding my boys on our hikes for giving me 2 paws 🐾 on an object.
They now run ahead to find a log 🪵.
This is the power of rewarding the good stuff. You get more!
Follow for more dog training tips!
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Do it yourself canine enrichment.
Prevent boredom.
Boost learning.
Engage the senses.
Build confidence.
Combat boredom and anxiety by stretching your dog’s brain with fun games.
Great for young and old.
This game was inspired by @toosmartdogs she’s the queen of all things related to dog enrichment.
With Christmas around the corner this is a great opportunity to stimulate your dog while company is over or if you’ve been super busy.
What you need:
Paper bag - note, make sure there are no sharp objects or adornments that could harm your dogs.
Tissue paper
Some of your dog’s daily food allowance.
Loosely wrap food in tissue paper and toss in bag.
Unleash the hounds!
Stay with your dog for the duration to monitor.
I have labs and they quickly figured out there was food and ignored the paper.
Have fun! Follow @toosmartdogs for enrichment ideas
And @unleashclevercanines for more training tips and ideas.
#dogenrichment #dogtrainer #labradorretriever #dogreels #k9enrichment #enrichmentfordogs #enrichment #playwithyourdog
Teach your puppy a send out cue.
Great to teach your dog how to move away from you…
Example: you are eating at the table, send them to a bed.
Promotes independence for dogs who struggle being alone or needing lots of feedback.
Prepares them for many dog sports, such as agility
Builds on a great retrieve to send them to something
Safety, send them away from something dangerous.
The sky is the limit on why you want a send cue..
Want to learn how? DM me the word ready to get a detailed list.
#puppytraining #puppyreels #doglover #lovedogs #dogtrainer #puppy #positivereinforcement #trainyourpuppy
Want less barking? Do this with your puppy.
Your puppy will go through a teenage stage.
Things that were once cute aren’t always acceptable as they grow. Jumping, biting, playing with other dogs. Getting food for everything they do etc.
If your pup is acting out when reward doesn’t happen when they do a behaviour this is the game for you!
Grow your pup’s: Confidence, focus, grit and tolerance of frustration.
What you need:
First a pup who has a level confidence. Have you played cardboard chaos? Start there first.
1. Grab a box or two to start
2. Smelly food is a great motivator
3. Safe area to move about
4. Place food in the box, and let your dog have an easy win to start by getting the food in the box. (This is a great starting point to ensure your dog is up for the challenge.
5. Put the lid on upside down or sideways to start to keep it simple
6. Turn the box upside down. Place food under it.
7. se another box to keep the playing area smaller and for an extra challenge of a box in a box (think Russian Doll)
I gave Finn a super hard challenge of a lid that opened on 1 side only, he worked for a solid 60 seconds before I intervened. I propped the lid slightly to help him out. At 18 weeks that was some true Grit! I didn’t want to push him into frustration.
Keep the game fun!
Work with the dog you have in front of you.
Find ways to make it easier if your dog is struggling.
Or more challenging if your dog is a whiz -create a Russian doll effect of boxes, see how many they can work through.
Follow for more puppy training tips!
#puppyreels #puppytraining #puppytrainingtips #dogtrainer #forcefreetraining #puppy #russiandoll #playwithboxes #dogtrainingexperience #grit
How to teach your puppy to bow
Disclaimer: This is an advanced puppy behaviour. If you haven't already taught your pup "paws up" on an object, you will need to start there first.
When training puppies its always best to do in bite size segments.
What you need:
Small platform - think book, square yoga block, piece of wood. Safety first - ensure its the right height and not slippery.
Yummy rewards - when I train a new behaviour I start with a higher reward
You are looking for your pup to interact with the platform.
How you feed will assist in getting the slight bend in the elbows.
By putting the food between the paws, you force their nose backwards and get a wee bend.
Don't force it. Start small. Finn at 16 weeks, nailed it. So I don't have video to show smaller movements. Yet they are good too!
You mark or click when the bend happens, feed and toss a low value treat away to reset.
Keep this training short and sweet.
The end goal is to have the elbows find the platform. Take your time.
Once your pup is reliable you can remove the platform and play on the ground.
Naming this behaviour. I use "curtsy". You may find "bow" sounds like "down" to your dog. Hence I recommend using another word other then "bow".
Tell me in the comments how your first session went with your puppy!