My house is a dang petting zoo! 😂 one of my doelings was found down and unable to stand and seemed to be having spasms this morning and after some rest time and a shot of antibiotics she’s up and at em!
I just can’t with this guy lol
His run looks so forced 😂
Oscar trying to be one of the big boys
When your pigs think you make a good scratching post lol
Pigs I tell ya.. never a dull moment! 😂
Just cheep cheeping always while they peck at my snow suit 😂
The “purring” sound is the sound of one of my hens snoring away 😂 isn’t it the cutest sound you’ve ever heard?
At least the trough has more than one use 😂
That’s until one pig throws a fit because the others keep moving 😂 leave it to Porky. He’s the frumpiest bugger to have woken up.