Baby bunnies
Les petits laperaux de Refuge le Terrier 😍
Stray mama give kisses
Mama Louna, c'est une perle 😍
Mama reunited with her last 2 babies
Famille réunit!
Merci aux Bénévoles de Signaler un lapin errant Signalling a stray, rabbit / Sauvetage lapins errants qui se sont déplacées se soir à la dernière minute pour aller à St-Sauveur afin de sauver les deux derniers que nous avions manqué samedi passée.
Baby cottontail
Unfortunately, he was very dehydrated and didn't survive despite our efforts.
Bunny needs your help.
Today, was one hell of a special rescue.
We don't often get cases like this.
This gentle lady was found outside with a piece of the bridge of her nose missing and a very badly damaged ear.
We knew she needed medical attention but we sure didn't expect it to be this bad. Her ears was almost chewed off.
For now we have offered her antibiotics and some anti-inflammatory medicine. We shaved around her wounds, debrieded them, disinfected them and applied some honey. We have an appointment for monday with one of the best exotic vetenarian in Québec and we're trying to stay hopeful and positive.
One part of her ear is dead and has started to detached from the healthy tissue, the dead part needs to be taken off.
We're currently trying to get donations to treat this poor girl, if you could share that would be greatly appreciated.
Email: [email protected]
Motdepasse: Lapin
Sweet stray rabbit
Sweet girl
A journey begin
Bye bye notre beau Émile, il débute maintenant son chemin à la SPCA Roussillon pour trouver sa famille parfaite 🥰
Byebye to our little Émile, he's now starting his road to find his perfect family, at the SPCA Roussillon 🥰
Stray rabbit first interactions with a human pet
Petite vidéo de notre residents temporaire, Émile, un lapin errant de Marieville sauvé par notre merveilleuse équipe du froid (-19c) samedi passé. La capacité des animaux à s'adapter rapidement me surprendra toujours. Ce lapin est né dehors, n'a eu aucune socialisation avec l'humain.
Small video of our temporary resident, Émile, a stray rabbit from Marieville saved from the cold (-19c) by our fantastic team last Saturday. The capacity of adaptation of animals will never stop impressing me. This rabbit was born outside with no contact with humans.
Betta regrew his tail.
Des nouvelles du Betta qur nous avons sauvé d'une mort certaine en début novembre.
Son nom est Gédéon, il arrivait à peine a nager lorsqu'il est arrivé, il se retrouvait à la vertical à cause de son manque de nageoire.
Il se porte très bien aujourd'hui et sa queue a repoussé à 80%. Il nous a même fait un nid de bulle (préparation à la reproduction qui requiert une situation de vie optimale). Bravo Gédéon!
News of the Betta we saved from a certain death in early november.
His name is Gédéon, he could barely swim when we got him, he would end up vertically because of his lack of tail.
Today he's doing great and his tail regrown at 75% of its final lenght. He even made us a bubble nest (preparation required for reproduction, usually requires an optimal life quality). Good job Gédéon!