Good morning!
Zoey here with a pupdate!
It’s insane we are already halfway through January!!
We are trying our hardest to get everyone’s schedule booked in it’s hard to do while keeping a full grooming day flowing! If you haven’t heard from us regarding 2023 booking please send us a text or fb message to book! Once you’ve sent your message and didn’t hear back from us right away…please don’t panic and send a second..third..5th message Jocelyn honestly tries to get through as many as she can each day/night but when there are usually 30-160msgs in line you messaging a second time just resets your spot in line as it puts you as a fresh message. If you have a emergency please put HELP or SOS at the beginning so if we give the phone a quick scan we will see that stand out!
We run a busy shop, please arrive on time!! We allow a certain time block for each pet, a lot of the cats/not dog friendly dogs arrive end of day to keep your pet and theirs safe.. appointments need to run on time! If you happen to miss your appointment we likely won’t msg you as there are not usually empty spots to fit you in your pet then unfortunately has to wait until their next scheduled appointment. We understand life happens if you need to cancel or reschedule we can ask to swap days with a different client please give us as much notice as possible!
There also was a price increase! For ALL SERVICES and for EVERYONE! Some of you are seeing a drastic increase, we have been undercharging for many years, grooming is a art, it takes immense patience, skill, passion, animal behaviour and anatomy knowledge and time. If it was easy all of your pets wouldn’t need to come see us! We encourage everyone to call around and check prices we are still on the low end for grooming!
If you happen to come for a scheduled grooming appointment and there are no vehicles here don’t panic just short on vehicles this winter!! Text as usual when you arrive! We are still here working!! We use that arrival text to message you when your pet is almost ready for pick up! Please expect longer stays with us until Jocelyn is feeling better!!
Thank you 🐶🐾💖