The doggos and I are coping with these -23 temps by going to an agility trial this weekend. Kevyn got two qualifying scores today in Points and Distance and Steeplechase. This video is her Standard run. She missed the Q by a hair - she entered the weave poles wrong and had to fix it!
I’m teaching the dogs to get their own leash. Kevyn is definitely the better student 😂
Really pleased as punch with Howard and Kevyn today. It was Kevyn’s first agility trial since the August long weekend and Howard’s first ever agility trial.
Howard had two runs today and got a qualifying score in one. Kevyn had three runs and got two qualifying scores!
Below is Howard’s Points and Distance run. They have 35 seconds to collect as many points as they can (each obstacle is assigned a point value, and they can only get points for each obstacle once). Within that 35 seconds they also have to do a distance challenge - you can see where I send Howard out and over a jump and thru the tunnel. Howard needed 47 points to qualify and he got a whopping 72!!
Howard has his first agility trial in a couple weeks. In Novice they have to be able to do six weave poles. He had never seen a weave pole until a couple weeks ago and he’s already doing 12!
Kevyn at barn hunt the other night. She’s super speedy.
I told Howard he has to carry his own trachea 😂
Whipped cream
Whipped cream for everyone!
Kev agility
Kevyn and I spent the last four days at an agility trial. She had some fantastic runs and some that definitely need some work! This was her Excellent Standard yesterday which would have been clean except she had a refusal at the table. The courses were beautiful but my girl just needs a bit more confidence. She moved from Novice to Intermediate to Excellent VERY fast - in about four weekends which is insanely fast, so now we know what we need to work on.
Kevyn loves slides!
Barn hunt
Howard had his last intro to barn hunt class last night. He’ll do well with a better handler 😂.