ROSIE having some quality playtime with her best friend, Julie. Takes the boredom out of day that meant staying in.
WHY the horses are staying in today. The storm is intensifying by the hour. I made it in but will need my driveway blown out before I travel back for evening feed. I barely got back in on my way home.
There is a strong wind with major drifts forming everywhere. All the horses were fed in their stalls and happily munching away on their cereal and toast when I left. Marilyn did finally make it to the barn, although I had about 80% of the feed done. I really didn't expect her out in this storm. She will stay put tonight.
Depending on how this storm progresses, I may not do the late night barn check or evening mashes. I might be lucky just to make it for evening feed later today if Bob can clear my drive and the roads are passable. Here is a video from 11 a.m. I took. Gates were starting to pack in with snow and it is the very heavy wet type of snow. (sound on)
IT'S been a very wintry winter this season. As another snowstorm crawls along licking its way eastward, the tractor sits in the ready to blow snow from the laneways and gates. We are currently in a Winter Storm Warning Alert. It will be an early evening barn check tonight.
THE old Quarter Horse gelding, Star, gets down for a nice roll in the snow yesterday.
HAPPY FLAG DAY 'from sea to sea to blessed sea'.
STEPPED on the gas a bit tonight as Brendan got a good working trot on Traveler. He remarked that it was probably the best ride he's had. My senior riders rock!
FINISHED up chores around 12:30 today before fading away to grab some lunch. The snow wasn't as heavy as predicted overnight. That being said, it has started to snow again. Took this video under a snow sky today as the boys settled into the round bales after having their breakfast indoors before turnout.
ANOTHER chilly day and night at the farm. Got through all the chores this morning with a little help from my seniors. Special thanks to Debbie, Marilyn and Dev for getting her done! I spent the afternoon finishing all of the bookkeeping at the farm, getting all the paperwork up-to-date and filed.
Tonight Donna had her lesson on Cameo. Granny was bundled up to the hilt, so much so I thought she might not be able to climb aboard. She did. Donna had a great ride; a credit to herself. Afterwards we all stood under the heater to warm up. Donna will be back in the morning to help me with chores in Julie's absence.
ZAYDA and Rosie had their turn tonight after Brendan's lesson. It was a good workout for these two.
ON the runway.. The girl in the tight pencil skirt. Thirty-one year old Precious is hard to fit, blanket wise. She does require protection from the freezing temperatures as she has some bald areas. She pays no mind to the leg hold straps that help keep everything in place.
DARLENE is still a newbie at this "taking care of her horse" thing. We spent a good hour just removing ice from water buckets this morning when the WC dipped to -25 last night. Darlene's retired mare, Legend's Morning Glory" has been getting a lot of attention since she came back to Trillium. Kudos to Darlene for taking an active role in the care of her beloved Glory.
THE full sisters, Cameo and Rosie, take their time coming for dinner.