Daily walk
Country living is the best. We walk almost everyday, weather permitting lol. Today 3.2 miles
Rabbit feet
Part 2 of Shiloh first time having rabbit feet and needles to say she ate every last inch of it lol. Benefits of rabbit feet with fur on them. Rabbit feet are considered one of the best ways to naturally de worm our fur babies and they say great for cleaning their teeth.
Rabbit feet.
Part 1 of Shiloh first time having rabbit feet with fur on.
Frozen treats
Made some frozen treats yesterday. We have banana with little peanut butter, strawberries and raspberry, blueberries and blackberries all mixed with raw goats milk. Shiloh says let me try one now please 🤣😋😋
Loving this weather!
Happy Family Day to all our fur baby families!
Shiloh says please let me go get them geese! I will come right back lol
Oh the drooling that comes at dinner 😂 Shilohs dinner is kibble with bone broth, red and green peppers,celery, cilantro, steam carrots, Greek yogurt also quail egg and sardines! Think that was everything lol
Took Jax for small walk now that he is free to leave the yard!! I know his mama was happy!! We even seen Shiloh fur friend Hazel and course Jax had to show off his bark while his tail was wagging 🤦🏼♀️
I am 15 weeks today and I am still waiting for my forever family.
My paws don’t like this white stuff. Brrrr
Well no reaction from Jax going through car wash today! Was thinking he might bark at it. Good boy !!
I’m still here tormenting my mama! Still searching for my forever family!
Jax is back no fault of his own. He is extremely happy to be playing with mama. We will be looking for a much more suitable family for baby Jax
Baby Jax is back with us no fault of his own! 😢he will be with us until we find him a much more suitable family. He such a sweet boy! Until such time he will enjoy some more mama and me time ! ❤️
Sadie girl barking at her reflection. 🤣
Learning to wait
These babies are so smart at 9 weeks old! I put a lot of my love, heart and sole into each and every one my babies! I continue to work every day with them.
I feed each pup one by one so I know everyone is getting the same amount. I am also trying to teach them to slow down as many know puppies like to inhale their food.
So here is my dad again teaching this pup to wait till he says okay to eat.
Learning to sit and wait your turn.
I have been lucky to have my dad come at night to help me with the rest of my puppies till I can find their forever homes.
I do everything by myself so to have some help has been amazing even if it is for just one feeding.
My dad here is teaching them to sit while he gives one a little treat while I take one at time outside for some fresh air/potty.
Mama playing with her babies before we all go outside. Such a good mama❤️
Dear Santa Paws. Please help us find our forever loving families. We love our mama and human mama and will miss them dearly but we need our own families to love on us as much as they do. Some of our siblings have found their forever homes and we wish the same for us. Please share share share our families are out there somewhere 💞💙🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾
Koda girl 💞
Koda girl trying keep up with mama! Enjoying this weather!
Fresh air
Every day one by one we all go outside and run around and see what we are not suppose to try and eat! lol. Duke is amazing and listens so well for just being 8 weeks old. Don’t know why these babies haven’t found their forever homes yet. They really are amazing.