Why Dogs Don’t Work for Praise Alone (And Why They Shouldn’t Be Expected To)
Hey there, fellow dog lovers of Edmonton and beyond! 🐾 If you’ve ever found yourself wondering why your furry friend looks at you like you’ve just spoken in tongues when you say, “Good boy!” without offering a treat, you’re not alone. Let’s dive into why our canine companions don’t just work for praise alone—and why expecting them to is a bit, well, misguided.
No One Works for Free
Let’s keep it real: when was the last time you trudged into the office, coffee in hand, simply hoping for a pat on the back? (If your boss is reading this, I’m sure you’re doing a fantastic job to keep the team motivated.) But in all seriousness, just like humans need a little something extra to get the job done—be it a paycheck, a bonus, or the sweet taste of chocolate—our dogs also appreciate a little incentive.
Think about it: Would you go to work for free? Probably not. So why would we expect our dogs, who put in a hefty shift every time they fetch or follow a cue, to do it just for the thrill of, well, us?
It’s presumptuous, and maybe even a little arrogant to Think They’ll Do It “Just Because”
Let’s address the elephant in the room (or the Dory eyed mixed breed at your feet): it’s a tad arrogant to assume that our dogs should respond to our cues purely out of admiration for our awesomeness. Yes, we’re fabulous, but let’s not kid ourselves.
Dogs are not here simply to serve us—at least not without a little extra motivation. Just like humans, they have their own interests and desires. A wagging tail and an eager leap don’t mean they're straining to follow our every cue because they’re in awe of our greatness. It just means they might have an awesome treat waiting for them if they do, ..at least some of the time!
Motivation Isn’t Cheating
Now, let’s clear this up: using treats or toys as motivation isn’t cheating; it’s smart training. Think of it as a little barter system! They demonstrate their skills, and in return, we offer them something valuable (like that squeaky toy they go bananas for, or...are you sitting down?... A TREAT!!!😨) Everybody wins!
Making Every Day Count
Here’s the truth—dogs typically share their lives with us for about 12 to 15 years, and that's if we're extremely fortunate. That’s not just a number; it’s a beautiful journey we have the privilege to share with them. So why not make it as amazing as possible?
Look at your dog. Really look at them. They might seem like an adorable, furry ball of enthusiasm, but they deserve more than just our praise. They depend on us for everything—from food to playtime to love, and every adventure —and as their responsible humans, we have the joy (and responsibility) of enhancing their experience every single day.
They Deserve Their Own Journey, Too
Remember, dogs are not just here to make our lives better, although they certainly do that; they’re here to live their own unique journeys. They feel joy, excitement, and even a bit of "I just don't feel like it right now"..
So, let’s make a pact: let’s cherish the time we have with them, share those precious moments, and remember that motivation—be it praise AND treats, or toys—doesn’t diminish our bond. It enhances it. You’re not just their human; you’re their partner in fun, adventure, and lifelong tail-wagging happiness.
Let’s indulge our dogs a little..and sometimes A LOT❣️
Treat them like the royalty they are, and let’s help them shine in their own right. After all, isn’t that what being a responsible pet guardian is all about?
Happy dog training, dog playing, dog cuddling and dog bonding, Edmonton! 🐶✨